英语人>词典>汉英 : 窗侧 的英文翻译,例句
窗侧 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
reveal  ·  reveals

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The proximal and distal nerve stumps were sutured l cm apart, in an end-to-side fashion like "π", to the epneurium windows, opened by removing the epineural sheath on the intact tibial nerve trunk with 1 mm long.


When the time came to the side of the Chamber should first turn to the right, that is to the left of the Office should look to the right of the Office of the rose window to the right side of the Chamber should look at the left side of the Office of the rose window.


Airflow from the transom window takes a big share in overall greenhouse ventilation, and it extends to most area, especially the upper part and most of the down part of the greenhouse. More airflow concentrates around lean-to transom window areas, while the overall airflow is comparatively even.


The differences between the edge of canopy gap and interior of forest and the differences between trunk surface temperature at the edge and surface temperature in the center of gap were also analyzed. The findings showed that there were high temperature regions on the east and north of middle vertical active surface of edge. So that the vertical active surface of edge is a new thermal active surface on the vicinage of canopy gap beyond soil surface on the interior of forest, soil surface on the gap, and forest canopy surface.


At the BCL of 500ms, 1000ms and 2000ms,the VWtimes increased markedly with the BCL prolonging, and the degree of increasing was even obviously when heart rate was slow (BCL=2000ms or 1000ms). The enlargement of VWs was a most important reason to increase the incidence of ventricular arrhythmias; 2)At the BCL of 500ms, 1000ms or 2000ms,the VWtimes of the premature stimulates S2 was at endomembrane were wider than at the outermembrane. We supposed that premature stimulates come from endomembrane was easier inducing VF compared with outermembrane;3The VWtime of unidirectional block was wider than reentry's, we can see that reporlarization dispersion changed dynamicly. 4The QRS polar of the premature stimulates was opposite the primary beats ,which suggesting that excitation of inducing premature beats was coming from epicardial. That is to say electrotonic potential take part in the creation of reentry;5With the ratio of the Tp-e/QT increasing the occurrence of VF was upgrading. So the ratio was an effective method to estimate the event of SCD.6 The VWtimes of S3 were broaden than S2's. But we can not study penetratingly, which is the contents of our future studies.

在BCL为500ms、 1000ms和2000ms刺激条件下,随着刺激周长的增加单向传导阻滞时间易损窗呈增大趋势;并且在心率较慢时(BCL为2000ms和1000ms)增大最明显,是LQTS患者室性心律失常发生率增加的原因之一;2)在BCL为500ms、 1000ms和2000ms刺激条件下,S2位于内膜侧时时间易损窗大于在外膜侧时的,推测来自于内膜侧的期前刺激易于诱发室性心律失常;3)折返激动时间易损窗小于在单向传导阻滞时间易损窗,折返易发生于S2刚进入单向传导阻滞区间时,这说明复极梯度的不均一是动态变化的;4心电图上倒置QRS波与正常S1刺激所引起QRS波极性相反,提示不同位置S2刺激引发的室性早搏的兴奋均来自于外膜侧,说明了电紧张电位扩布参与了折返的产生;5)Tp-e/QT可以反应跨膜复极离散度,随着Tp-e/QT比值的增加PVT的发生增多,其可以用来预测室性心律失常的发生。6)随着期前刺激数目的增加时间易损窗增大。

A craniotomy with the size of 4 cm × 5 cm was placed at the site which corresponds to the sylvian fissure, the circular sulcus was exposed allowing transcortial exposure of the entire ventricular system, thus achieving the functional hemispherectomy.

手术均采用侧裂表面4 cm × 5 cm骨窗开颅,分开侧裂后经皮质进入侧脑室,完成功能性大脑半球切除手术。

Methods: 60 patients with good temporal window and 25 patients with poor temporal window (bilateral: 8 cases, unilateral: 17 cases) were examined by TCD. Systolic velocity, mean velocity, diastolic velocity, and pulsatility index in MCA were evaluated. 6 cases out of 60 patients with good temporal window were measured in transoptical and transtemporal detecting angle by MRI.


So the ventilation effect is not good and the heat congregates at housetop in the greenhouse.


Results 56cases had subarachnoid space hemorrhages.On CT scan,the lesions presented as band-shaped high density shadow that inside margin shows brush or combsat subtentorium except overtentorium.6cases had subdural hematomas.On CT scan,the lesions displayed as strip,long triangle or cresent high density shadowwith sharp margin.The other two cases had compound both lesion,and the high density shadowwas wider than simple.

结果 本组63例中,蛛网膜下腔出血55例,其特征性CT表现为小脑幕下的带状高密度内缘呈毛刷状或梳齿状;硬膜下血肿6例,可见沿幕缘单侧分布的边界清楚的直线形、长三角形或半月形带状高密度影;复合积血2例,其积血的区域高密度带多较单纯者为宽,适当降低窗宽和提高窗位隐约可见其密度差,呈分层现象。

Workshop's natural lighting based on side windows, when side window lighting is not enough, can use top lighting strip.


更多网络解释与窗侧相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Drop side window:下落式侧窗

Drop side truck 侧卸卡车 | Drop side window 下落式侧窗 | Dry battery 干电池

Drop side window:着落式侧窗

Drop side truck 侧卸卡车 | Drop side window 着落式侧窗 | Dry battery 电池

quarter light:后侧角窗

后部/rear end | 后侧角窗/quarter light | 后蜂/queen bee

cant bay window:多边形凸窗

cant bay ==> 多边形凸窗,三边形突肚窗 | cant bay window ==> 多边形凸窗 | cant board ==> 带棱板,天沟侧板

Side Protection Mouldings:侧保护(是侧防撞梁吧)

Body Coloured Bumpers 彩色(大概是跟车身同色)防擦条 | Side Protection Mouldings 侧保护(是侧防撞梁吧) | Electric Windows - Front 前电动窗

side wall frame:侧围立柱

power-assisted brace gas spring 侧围 %2:[GaH7 | side wall frame 侧围立柱 2kH"_}|}"~ | side wall pillar 侧窗立柱 #IB[H^jXb

Sun curtain, side window:侧窗遮阳帘

Sun curtain, rear window, electrical operated 后窗电动遮阳帘 S S S S S | Sun curtain, side window 侧窗遮阳帘 S S S S S | Interior 内饰

side-wheel press:侧轮压力机

side-way ==> 支路 | side-wheel press ==> 侧轮压力机 | side-window ==> 侧窗

Roll-up sun screen for rear and side windows:后窗和侧窗带遮阳帘

Radio remote controlled central locking operated from inside and safe securing 无线电子中控锁和安全系统... | Roll-up sun screen for rear and side windows 后窗和侧窗带遮阳帘 S | Smoking package 吸烟配套 ...