英语人>词典>汉英 : 穿孔于 的英文翻译,例句
穿孔于 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
perforate  ·  perforates

更多网络例句与穿孔于相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Use in: concrete, stone, perforated wall decoration of the role.


Results 28 of 30 cases got good healing, 2 caces occurred ulceration in the area between hard and soft palate but no perforation.

结果 30例腭裂术后28例伤口愈合良好,无出现糜烂,2例于软硬腭交界处口腔粘膜侧有糜烂,但肌层及鼻腔侧粘膜层无裂开,未出现穿孔。

Results 28 of 30 cases got good healing, 2 caces occured ulceration in the area between hard and soft palate but no perforation.

结果 30例腭裂术后28例伤口愈合良好,无出现糜烂,2例于软硬腭交界处口腔粘膜侧有糜烂,但肌层及鼻腔侧粘膜层无裂开,未出现穿孔。

It is discussed each hydronium effect to corrosion action of extraction liquid under wells and the results show that the shape and its structure of surface corrosion produced films of N80 steel to metal has serious effect of further corrosion.

美国的Mississipi和Uttle Greek油田在进行COZ 驱油试验时发现,在未采取CO:腐蚀防护措施时,生产井的管壁不到五个月便腐蚀穿孔,相当于腐蚀速率为12.sm而a。

The wood structures of Lauraceae were characterized by most diffuse porous; most pores solitary, less multiple and cluster pores; simple and scalariform perforation with few bars; most solitary pore; alternate intervessel pitting; most of rays multiseriate, less uniseriate; all of rays heterogeneous, mostly heterogeneous Ⅲ and Ⅱ type rays; most of axial parenchyma paratracheal type, less banded or marginal type; oil cell and mucilage cell in axial parenchyma cell or ray cell; mostly fiber tracheid and libriform fiber, less septate fiber.


To make a hole or opening in; perforate .


The unoperated sides of the treated animals also served as controls. Six normal rats were treated as normal control group. Three different siRNA plasmid solution containing RC2-Ⅰ, MAFbx-Ⅱ, CON (50μl , 0.8μg/μl)was injected and transfected by electroporation as methods mentioned above, respectively. The changes of RC2 and MAFbx mRNA levels and RC2 protein levels after 3 days were determined by real-time quantitative PCR and Western blot, respectively. On postoperative 2, 3 and 4 weeks, the rate of wet muscle weight preservation, mean diameter of muscle fiber and mean cross-section area of muscle fiber and muscle protein content were checked and then compared between group CON and group RC2 or group MAFbx, respectively. The differences between groups were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. Ultrastructural changes of muscle fiber were observed at 2, 3, 4 weeks postoperation.Results GFP plasmid was efficiently deliverd into muscle by electroporation and robust GFP expression in muscle could be observed more than three weeks. Histology shows that injected plasmid DNA diffuses extensively in muscle tissue.


Abstract] objective to explore the accuracy and safety of safety drillprepared for cervical pedicle screw trajectory.methods fourteen adult cadaver specimens of cervical spine(c3~c7)with intact structures including ligaments and perivertebral muscles were reserved and used.according to the radiographic measurements,safety drill was inserted into cervical pedicle individually.the evaluation of the drill's trajectory was carried out by ct scan and three-dimension reconstruction and autopsy.results one hundred and forty drill's trajectories were made.9 holes failed with a perforation rate of 6.4%.conclusion the safety drill prepared for cervical pedicle screw hole is safe and effective and can be applied and popularized clinically.

目的 探索安全钻头应用于颈椎弓根螺钉孔道钻探的安全性与准确性。方法随机取14具福尔马林浸泡的成人颈椎标本(c3~c7),保留完整的脊柱三柱结构及相关的韧带和椎旁肌,根据影像学测量的进钉点和进钉方向,模拟颈椎后路手术过程。选用安全钻头,进行实际的颈椎弓根螺钉孔道的钻探,将孔道行ct扫描,并斜位三维重建孔道形态,并以肉眼直视观察结果为金标准,评价孔道钻探的成败。结果钻探孔道准确率89.3%(125/140),穿孔率6.4%(9/140)。结论安全钻头应用于颈椎弓根螺钉孔道钻探的安全性与准确性均较高,可以在临床上推广使用。

The Lithostegia Ching was considered as a member of Peranemaceae for a long time, according to the research,we found that it has the typical scalariform perforation plates,no associated or crossed phenomena,and some region have intact plate,no dimorphic phenomena,no weblike or threadlike remnants,these suggest that The Lithostegia Ching is in a primal evolutional position.


No US-pin plastic treatment therapy, a comprehensive alternative to traditional plastic injection of the United States (with the needle and micro-needle) is efficient, non-invasive and safe,"mesoderm into beauty therapy" is the latest technology of water use and water channel protein electrophoresis principle of development Note the infiltration hole electric technology to non-needle injection principle, the use of "point to a plane," AMD permeation technology in skin electroporation Act under the influence of pulsed current stimulation, so that pores have a physical reaction to the rapid spread in two seconds 650-800 of fine pores, forming an instant electronic delivery channels of nutrition, nutrition Note dialysis therapy immediately with electrophoresis, soft laser stimulation and ice, etc., in the most secure and fast, the skin will be required for nutritional products , 99% transmitted to the basal cells, and can be stored as long as 72 hours, the skin smooth and more compact, creating a perfect Beautiful Skin.


更多网络解释与穿孔于相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


穿孔素(perforin,又称成孔蛋白pore-forming protein, PFP)是一种分子量为67kD,存在于细胞毒性T淋巴细胞(CTL)和NK细胞胞质的细胞毒颗粒中的糖蛋白,又称C9相关蛋白或溶细胞素(cytolysin),成熟的穿孔素分子由534个氨基酸残基组成,


ostracize排斥;把...排除团体之外 | outlive死时尚未死;比...经久 | perforate穿孔于,打眼于




3,穿孔(perforation) :约见于 5%的患者,最易发生于十二指肠溃疡. 4,出血(hemorrhage) :主要合并症,表现为潜血阳性或黑便,呕血等. 5,癌变(malignant transformation) :十二指肠溃疡一般不恶变,胃溃疡患者中发生癌变者 ≤1%. 四,

acute peritonitis:急性腹膜炎

急性腹膜炎(acute peritonitis)分为原发性和继发性两种,前者主要致病菌为溶血性链球菌与肺炎双球菌,由腹膜腔以外的病灶经血液或淋巴转移而来,临床上比较少见;而后者继发于腹腔内脏器的穿孔、损伤破裂、炎症和手术污染等,


对治疗食管静脉曲张出血的疗效意见尚有争议. 激光治疗出血的合并症不多,有报道个别发生穿孔、气腹以及照射后形成溃疡,导致迟发性大出血等. 关键词: 紫金牛科(Myrsinaceae)紫金牛属(Ardisia)植物全世界约300种,分布于热带...


perfoliate 贯穿性的 | perfoliate 茎贯穿叶而生长的 | perforate 穿孔于


perfluorocarbon /全氟化碳/ | perfoliate /茎贯穿叶而生长的/贯穿性的/ | perforate /穿/穿孔于/刺穿/穿孔/穿过/有孔的/穿孔的/


木质部的输导分子有导管(vessels)和管胞(tracheids),成熟的导管和管胞是死的细胞,细胞壁充满木质素. 导管形式是更为进化的,互相之间的连接是单穿孔或为梯状穿孔板,相邻导管侧壁之间有单纹孔联系;而管胞形式存在于裸子植物及蕨类植物,

Other retinal vascular occlusions:慢性消化性溃疡,部位未特指,不伴出血和穿孔

酒精性胃炎[门内特里尔氏综合征] Other retinal disorders in diseas... | 慢性消化性溃疡,部位未特指,不伴出血和穿孔 Other retinal vascular occlusions | 分类于他处的疾病引起的胆囊和胆道疾患 Other rheumatic a...