英语人>词典>汉英 : 空气引擎 的英文翻译,例句
空气引擎 的英文翻译、例句


air engine
更多网络例句与空气引擎相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Diesel engines have the advantages of high thermal efficiency, maximum torque output, better fuel economic, and stability. In addition the diesel engine has an important contribution in dynamic machine, such as big truck, bus, trailer, attachment car, train, ship, agrimotor etc. It is excellent contributions to develop world economy, and then emissive smoke and NOx will produce air pollution to damage human health.


For shipboard engines FOD screens, wire mesh moisture separators, and if operating in a high air particulate environment "Scott" foam pads are used to filter incoming air and keep the engine operating.

为舰上引擎FOD 屏幕,铁丝网湿气分离器,和如果经营在一个高空气属于颗粒环境" Scott "泡沫垫里被使用过滤接踵而来的空气和保留引擎经营。

No matter if it is about big displacement normal aspirating engines or highly efficient supercharging systems, or using the potentials of aerodynamics and thermodynamics, or optimising the electronic management of engine and gearbox with MKB you are on the right track.


The design can also be used as an air motor, steam engine, gas compressor, hot air engine, or pump.


The displacer cylinder is made of glass test tube and the glass syringe are made as the power piston .The students can observe what happening inside the engine what the engine is operating . In this research we try to investigate the relations between the hot air engine characteristics and the design parameters , and base on the results .We designed and made a hot air engine car with a good performance .


In this experiment we used active secondary air and the test engine is G5 Fi engine of KYMCO company. The secondary air flow was controlled electronically. The high-pressure secondary air into exhaust manifold near the cylinder head was controlled with the amount of 10、20、30、40、50 L/min respectively.

本实验使用主动式二次空气,以光阳KYMCO奔腾G5 Fi 喷射引擎为测试车体,以电子方式来控制二次空气流量,分别以10、20、30、40、50 L/min,导入汽缸头旁的排气歧管,藉此让燃烧不完全的废气再继续燃烧。

For shipboard engines FOD screens, wire mesh moisture separators, and if operating in a high air particulate environment "Scott" foam pads are used to filter incoming air and keep the engine operating.

为舰上引擎FOD 屏幕,铁丝网湿气分离器,和如果经营在一个高空气属于颗粒环境& Scott &泡沫垫里被使用过滤接踵而来的空气和保留引擎经营。

So ,the temperature is quite essential for an engine to produce power .No engines can work well without suitable operating temperatures .If the engine runs too hot ,it may suffer form pre-ignition,while the air-fuel change is ignited prematurely from excessive combustion chamber temperature.Viscosity of the oil circulating in an over heating engine is reduced.Hot oil also forms varnish and carbon deposits may be drawn into the combustion chamber where it increases HC emission.This also causes poor performance and premature wear ,and may even result in engine damage.What is more,the behavior of the metals at excessively high temperature also differs from that at normal temperatures and can produce a condition in which the metal deforms slowly and continuously at a constant stress,If the engine runs too cold, the fuel will not vaporize properly.If liquid fuel reachees the cylinders,it will reduce lubrication by washing the oil from the cylinder walls and diluting the engin oil.This causes a loss ofperformance, an inrease in HC emissions, and premature engine wear.

所以,温度是很有必要的引擎来产生电力,没有引擎,可以工作,如果没有合适的操作温度,如果发动机运行太热,它可能遭受的形式预点火,而空气燃料的改变是点火过早过量燃烧室temperature.viscosity的石油流通的过度加热发动机是reduced.hot油价也构成了清漆和碳存款可能会被拖入燃烧室而增加hc的emission.this也造成业绩不佳和过早磨损,甚至可能导致发动机damage.what更重要的是,行为的研究金属在过高的温度也有不同,在正常温度下,可以达到的一个条件,其中金属变形速度缓慢,不断在恒应力,如果发动机运行太冷了,燃料价格将不会汽化properly.if液体燃料reachees气瓶,将减少润滑洗油从气缸壁和稀释器oil.this造成损失ofperformance , inrease在hc排放,发动机过早磨损。

All are based on so-called scramjets, which mix fuel with air and ignite the mixture as it flows through the engine at supersonic speeds.


ENGINES Mono Energy Engines Ambient air is compressed in the vehicle's tank.

引擎 单能源引擎空气压缩的汽车油箱。

更多网络解释与空气引擎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

air-cooled engine:气冷引擎

气冷[式]缸 air cooled cylinder | 气冷引擎 air cooled engine | 空气冷却器 air cooler

cylinder head:汽缸盖

汽缸盖(Cylinder Head)引擎的盖子及封闭汽缺的机件,包括水套和汽门及冷却片. 爆震(Detonation)为火焰的撞击或爆声,在火花点火引擎的燃烧室内,因为压过的空气燃料混合气会自燃,于是使部份未燃的混合气产生二次点火(在火星塞点火之后),

fan belt:风扇皮带

能将全部空气及混合气送入所有汽缸的能力,也是指一个活塞从一个行程运作至另一行程所能排的体积. 引擎(Engine) 一种能将热能转变为机械能的机械:一种可将燃料燃烧产生机械动力的装置;有时可视为一种发动机. 风扇皮带(Fan Belt) 一种由曲轴带动的皮带,其主要目的是带动引擎风.


汽车的电池就接通了Starter马达, Starter马达就开始转动引擎. 引擎的气缸运动时要靠火花塞来点燃空气和燃料的混合气体. 所以我们知道了,和汽车点火有关的元素有:电池,Starter,汽油和火花塞. 点火开关(Ignition)有问题


4.中冷器(Intercooler)有什么作用?由于废气的高温和Turbo的高转影响,经Turbo压缩的空气温度一定较高,这样一来进入引擎的空气会因为温度高而密度低同时填充率、氧浓度和燃烧率也低,使得引擎内部产生爆震. 既影响动力输出又对引擎是种极大的损害.


输送比曲线(delivery ratio curve)可以代表空气在引擎中 动的情形. 当节汽门种进气方法在帮助减少驱气(scavenging)时燃之 失. 试验用之引擎为400之空气. 所需要之空气系由节 阀(throttle valve)及簧式阀(reed valve)直接

air injection engine:空气喷油引擎

空气喷油柴油机 air injection diesel engine | 空气喷油引擎 air injection engine | 空气喷油压力 air injection pressure

air injection pressure:空气喷油压力

空气喷油引擎 air injection engine | 空气喷油压力 air injection pressure | 空气喷油式 air injection type

air injector:空气注射器

"air injection engine","空气喷油发动机;空气喷油引擎" | "air injector","空气注射器" | "air inlet valve","进气阀"

Carnot engine:卡诺引擎

理论上,理想史特灵引擎的热效率(Thermal efficiency)与卡诺引擎(Carnot engine)相当,二者皆属可逆热机(Reversible cycle),具最高热力循环转换效率. 史特灵引擎的使用的工作气体可为高压之空气、氮气、氦气、或氢气. 一般而言,