英语人>词典>汉英 : 空气 的英文翻译,例句
空气 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
air  ·  airspace  ·  atmosphere  ·  aired  ·  atm.  ·  atmospheres

pneum- · pneumo- · physo-
更多网络例句与空气相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Acid rain the ozone layer 空气污染 acidic pollution ozone air pollution causes of acid rain chemical products trees SO2 O2 HCl condition of the ozone layer effects of acid rain acidic rain àHow measure acids atmosphere

空气污染(学科:化学年级:高中三年级)执教者:市北中学徐云蕾 1、空气污染已经成为人们关注的话题,本节课主要讨论空气污染的两个方面:酸雨和臭氧层空洞。

The excessive use of paper and Board have quantitative and qualitative filter paper filter paper, filter paper, non-concenrated heatsealing-tea, chromatography concenrated, concenrated, industrial oil filter paper velcanized, J-140 oil filter paper, WJ-140 oil filter paper, J-85 oil filter paper, concenrated, diesel 5um fine C-170 diesel concenrated, diesel, filter-concenrated velcanized WC-150-paper, HM-180 aviation fuel filter paper, concenrated, concenrated, J-180 cotton gum gum concenrated M-150 cotton, non-leaching 530 concenrated, heatsealing concenrated, tea-K-120 air concenrated, concenrated, K-280 air K-80 air concenrated, 1# concenrated, concenrated, no. 2, no. 1, no. 2, micro-micro-concenrated, concenrated, 3# concenrated, 01Service, micro-luftfilter paper, 02 luftfilter paper, no. 03 luftfilter paper, 04, 05 luftfilter paper, luftfilter paper, S-06, luftfilter paper, desert air concenrated concenrated, MH-530, concenrated, C-180 1.5th-reliable gold cotton concenrated diesel concenrated, NC-220, concenrated, beer wrinkles 220 filter paper, in addition to the gingivalis concenrated, glass fiber filter paper, milk filter paper, jungsoo paper, mtastasis filter paper, precision grinder concenrated concenrated, hydraulic oil, activated carbon filter paper, activated carbon for radioactive gas concenrated CA、doped etrieve concenrated WG-59, corrugated paper, oil and gas separation and filtration of filter paper, slot filter paper, smoke meters with a filter paper, lead filter paper, high-temperature air filter paper, ion-exchange resin concenrated, concenrated, cationresin fiber is not removing bacteria-pingment shimian filter plate, pingment removing bacteria-net filter plate, pingment removing bacteria-net filter plate, concenrated SI wrinkles, high efficiency filter Corrugating medium, 69-gas mask filter paper, 69-clean air concenrated, 49-clean air concenrated, 0.1um concenrated, the rituals associated with high efficiency air wrapping paper, three concenrated.

过虑用纸和纸板有定量滤纸、定性滤纸、滤芯纸板、非热封型茶叶滤纸、色层分析滤纸、工业滤纸、机油滤纸原纸、J-140机油滤纸、WJ-140机油滤纸、J-85机油滤纸、5um细柴油滤纸、C-170柴油滤纸、柴油滤纸原纸、滤油纸、WC-150燃油滤纸、HM-180航空滤纸、J-180棉胶滤纸、M-150棉胶滤纸、未浸530滤纸、热封型茶叶滤纸、K-120空气滤纸、K-280空气滤纸、K-80空气滤纸、1号滤纸、 2号滤纸、1号微滤纸、2号微滤纸、3号微滤纸、01号空气过滤纸、02号空气过滤纸、03号空气过滤纸、04号空气过滤纸、05号空气过滤纸、S-06 号空气过滤纸、沙漠空气滤纸、MH-530滤纸、1.5棉机滤纸、C-180金子棉柴油滤纸、NC-220滤纸、皱纹220滤纸、啤酒过滤纸、除菌滤纸、玻璃纤维过滤纸、牛奶过滤纸、净水纸、癌细胞过滤纸、精密磨床用滤纸、液压油滤纸、活性炭滤纸、放射性气体测定专用活性炭滤纸、含合成纤维滤纸、无波纹板 WG-59过滤纸、油气分离过滤纸、缝隙过滤纸、烟度计用滤纸、铅烟过滤纸、耐高温空气过滤纸、离子交换树脂填充滤纸、阳离子交换纤维滤纸、未涂膜除菌型石棉滤板、涂膜除菌型液净滤板、未涂膜除菌型液净滤板、SI皱纹滤纸、高效滤清器瓦楞原纸、69型防毒面具过滤纸、69型净化空气滤纸、49型净化空气滤纸、0.1um高效空气滤纸、泡茶包装纸、三滤纸。

The invention relates to an air ion static determination and an air ion static determinator, comprising air ionization collector, electric charge weigh, control circuit, computer and software system supporting measurement and data recording processing, wherein the electric charge weigh is used to isolate the air ionization collector and the computer acquisition circuit, the computer can monitor the electric quantity on the collector plate electrode.


Shenling has drafted the following national standards independently: air handling units for operation room, entire fresh air type dehumidifier units and low temperature packaged air conditioners.shenling has taken part in drafting the national standards: dehumidifiers, energy efficiency limit value of the chillers and its energy efficiency ratio grade, energy efficiency limit value of the packaged air conditioner and its energy efficiency ratio grade, rooftop air-conditioners, vapor compression cycle chillers, for industry and commerce use and similar purpose chillers, packaged air conditioners, changeable air amount terminal units, aeration equipment for air energy reclaiming, core documents of quality standards for constructing project products, positive displacement compressing condensers, heat pump chillers,modular air handling units,screw type refrigerant compressors, purchase specification on heating ventilating and air conditioning equipment for chemical plant.

参与起草的16项国家或行业标准是:gb/t 19411-2003《除湿机》、gb 19577-2004《冷水机组能效限定值及能源效率等级》、gb 19576-2004《单元式空气调节机能效限定值及能源效率等级》、jb/t 10538-2005《防爆除湿机及空调机》、gb/t 20738-2006《屋顶式空气调节机组》、gb/t 18430.1-2007《蒸气压缩循环冷水机组第1部分:工业或商业用及类似用途的冷水机组》、gb/t 17758《单元式空气调节机》、jb/t《空调变风量末端装置》、gb/t 21087-2007《空气-空气能量回收通风装置》、《建设工程产品质量标准核心条文》、gb/t 21363-2008《容积式制冷压缩冷凝机组》、gb/t 21362-2008《商用或工业用及类似用途的热泵热水机》、gb/t 14294《组合式空调机组》、gb/t 14296 《空气冷却器与空气加热器》、gb/t 19410《螺杆式制冷剂压缩机》、hg/t 20697-2007《化工暖通空调设备采购规定》。

Atomising Air 雾化空气 Air injected into the powder path to atomise it into a pattern.


This article advanced that applying harmonious degree of ambient air quality of large or medium city based on ambient air quality assessment using air pollution index at present. This article expounded its definition, evaluation basis, compartmentalizing level, evaluation method and qualitative description. Harmony degree has been carried out application on the evaluation of ambient air quality.


Based on the 1T15M-2 reversible sleeve air spring made by Firestone Corp., an air spring with auxiliary chamber was built. The character of the air spring in vertical direction was described as a linear spring damper element. Using the method of free vibration with damping, the changing rules of the stiffness and damping under different pressure in the air spring with the change of throttle orifice diameter have been studied experimentally.


Air pollution :空气污染 Air that has become saturated with harmful chemicals, carbon monoxides, dust, and other contaminants.


Air pollution :空气污染Air that has become saturated with harmful chemic als, carbon monoxides, dust, and other contaminants.


Large air separation plant 40000m3/h, This plant adopts molecular sieve system to adsorb CO2, C2H2, moisture and CnHm in air to pre-purify air, by use of air booster compressor, to pressurize some of purified feed air by two sections, pressurized air to warm up high pressure liquid oxygen in high pressure coil heat exchanger to ambient temperature and delivere out off cold box to coal gasification, some pressurizrd air by first section is drawn from middle part of coil heat exchanger and expanded in medium pressure expander then led into lower column, other part of pressurized air by second section is drawn from cold end of coil heat exchanger and led into lower column after throttling, un-pressurized feed air is cooled by return gas in plate fin heat exchanger and led into lower column.


更多网络解释与空气相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

air damping for moving parts of air damping:空气减震装置活动部分的空气减震

air compression 空气压缩 | air damping for moving parts of air damping 空气减震装置活动部分的空气减震 | air damping for moving parts of measuring apparatus 计量设备转动装置的空气减震

air jet:空气射流

air jet 空气喷口空气射流喷气器 | air jet 空气射流 | air jet 空气射流空气喷口

air conditioning plant:空气调节机房,空调设备[处理或输送空气以满足被调空间要求的组装设备]

air-conditioning planning 空气调节设计 | air-conditioning plant 空气调节机房,空调设备[处理或输送空气以满足被调空间要求的组装设备] | air-conditioning process 空气调节过程[用于处理和输送调节空气的技术方...


air induction 空气诱导 | airiness 通风,空气流通 | air infiltration 冷风渗透,空气渗入作用,空气渗入[空气向室内渗透]

Air circulation:空气环流;空气循环

A-horizon A层;淋溶层 | air circulation空气环流;空气循环 | air composition空气成分;空气组成

hot air heating:热空气取暖;热空气加热

hot air heating 热空气取暖 | hot air heating 热空气取暖;热空气加热 | hot air heating 热空气取暖热空气加热


英文航空一词来源于拉丁文"鸟"(avia)或"空气"(aero). 航空器都要克服自身的重力,才能达到升空的目的. 轻于空气的航空器如气球、飞艇利用空气静力升空;重于空气的航空器如飞机、直升机则利用空气动力升空. 航空按用途分为军用航空和民用航空.

Carburetted air:汽化空气,增碳空气,渗汽空气

carburetor tickler ==> 汽化器打油泵 | carburetted air ==> 汽化空气,增碳空气,渗汽空气 | carburetted water gas ==> 增碳的水煤气

air propeller:飞机螺旋桨空气螺旋桨空气扇空气推进器

114. air proof ==> 密封的 | 115. air propeller ==> 飞机螺旋桨,空气螺旋桨,空气扇,空气推进器 | 116. air pulse gauge ==> 脉冲式气动量仪

dry air:干空气

自然状况下所有空气皆含有一定量之水蒸汽故实际上并无所谓的干空气(Dry Air)存在.然而干空气之概念在简化湿度计算上是非常有用的.就HVAC 工程设计而言空气仅被视为由干空气和水蒸汽两成份所组成.干空气(Dry Air)主要由氮(约78%