英语人>词典>汉英 : 稳固的 的英文翻译,例句
稳固的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
steady  ·  steadying  ·  steadied  ·  steadies

更多网络例句与稳固的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And maybe you need a solid collection of blue-chip stocks as well.


Closely and firmly united or packed together.


He says: We had finished invite applications for a job of a few heavyweight, own firm business.


Cosco, UASC, Horizon Lines and Evergreen are least reliant on the charter market and should, therefore, have a reasonably stable cost base at present.

中远、阿拉伯联合航运公司、 Horizon 航运公司以及长荣集团等最少依赖租赁市场,所以在现阶段其成本基础应该是比较稳固的

To ensure the use of Kill Shot when available, you can just macro it to your


The misleader let me use the lead instead of the unsteady metal.


Nadir Patel先生:Canada has one of the most stable financial systems in the world.


This is a time where relation with a spouse or business partner is on solid ground.


However, this requires a sophisticated computerised control system, or "fly-by-wire", to provide artificial stabilisation and gust elevation to give good control characteristics throughout the flight envelope. The J-10 uses a digital quadruplex four-channel FBW system developed by the 611 Institute.


Securely fixed in place:稳固的: Despite being hit by the car, the post was still firm.


更多网络解释与稳固的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a stable marriage:一个稳固的婚姻

23.stable adj. 稳固的/稳定的 | 一个稳固的婚姻 a stable marriage | 这梯子不太稳固. The ladder is not very stable.

a firm foothold:稳固的立足点

*firm foundations 坚固的基础 | * a firm foothold 稳固的立足点 | * firm concrete fencing 坚固的混凝土围墙材料.

on solid ground:在稳固的基础上

on sale%[]%上市,出售;减价;贱卖% | on solid ground%[]%在稳固的基础上% | on the air%[]%广播%

precarious a.1:不安全的,充满危险的 2.不牢靠的,不稳固的

preach vt.1.宣讲(教义),布(道) 2.竭力鼓吹,宣传 vi.布道,说教 | precarious a.1.不安全的,充满危险的 2.不牢靠的,不稳固的 | precede vt.在......之前,先于


steady adj.稳固的, 稳定的, 坚定的, 扎实的, 坚定不移的v.(使)稳定, (使)稳固 | sapiens [拉](类似)现代人的 | enema n.[医]灌肠剂


stable稳定的,稳固的 | startlingly另人吃惊的 | stationary固定的,不可移动的,停滞不动的

steep steeply:急剧(升降)的

锐利的 明显的 急剧的 sharp sharply | 急剧(升降)的 steep steeply | 稳固的 坚定不移的 steady steadily

strenuous adjective:精力充沛的,干劲十足的,必须努力的

steady adjective 稳固的,稳定的 | strenuous adjective 精力充沛的,干劲十足的,必须努力的 | corridor noun 走廊

strenuous adjective:精力充沛的,干劲十足的,必须ssbbww. c om努力的

steady adjective 稳固的,稳定的 | strenuous adjective 精力充沛的,干劲十足的,必须ssbbww. c om努力的 | corridor noun 走廊

a firm cushion, mattress, sofa, etc:结实的坐垫、床垫、沙发等

* firm soil 坚硬的土壤 | * a firm cushion, mattress, sofa, etc 结实的坐垫、床垫、沙发等 | (b) strongly fixed in place; secure or solid 牢固的; 稳固的; 坚固的