英语人>词典>汉英 : 税务局 的英文翻译,例句
税务局 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

tax bureau
更多网络例句与税务局相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The IRS revenue ruling system illustrates some of the dilemmas an agency faces in trying to develop a sound advisory opinion practice.


Mr Vos said that in doing so, the ATO had made significant improvements to tax administration.

Vos 先生说,澳大利亚税务局为此对税务管理做了很重要的改进。

I in the case of China, the State Tax Bureau or its authorised representative.


I have good relation with tax bureau.


Otherwise, Mr.chichi said the rent's caution money also need invoice for two month.


CIR is the type you find in remote controls with a wide and long range.


An IRS examination of an individual or corporation's tax return, to verify its accuracy.


Supervision over and inspection of the disposal of garbage, waste water, human deject and ballast water.


You can apply for an entire holdover, or a reduction of, the provisional tax under several circumstances, one of which is when the assessable profits for the year of assessment concerned are, or are likely to be, less than 90% of that of the preceding year of assessment.


Article 20 The competent tax authorities may implement special inspection of withholding and collecting enterprise income tax when necessary and shall report the inspection results to state tax bureau or local tax bureau at the same level.


更多网络解释与税务局相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tax Bureau:税务局

财政局 Finance Bureau | 税务局 Tax Bureau | 劳动局 Labor Bureau

Finance Bureau:财政局

审计局 Auditing Bureau | 财政局 Finance Bureau | 税务局 Tax Bureau

Estate Duty Office:遗产税署(税务局)

estate duty account 遗产呈报表 | Estate Duty Office 遗产税署(税务局) | estimated additional assessable income 估计的补加应评税入息

inland revenue:[税务局]

在英国,税务局(Inland Revenue)将避税与酒后驾车相提并论. 据总部位于巴黎的经济合作与发展组织(OECD)称,讨论避税问题现已成为"企业社会责任"运动中的固定议程. 不愿纳税者长期以来一直面临道德压力. 但随着世界各地的税务机关试

Inland Revenue Department:税务局

综合外电3月18日报道,新西兰财长库伦(Michael Cullen)18日表示,由于税务局(Inland Revenue Department)的一个失误,新西兰政府1月帐目中漏报了6亿纽元税收收入.

Income Tax Certificate:没用,我还跑去税务局开呢

13 Education Degree Certificate:没用 | 14 Income Tax Certificate:没用,我还跑去税务局开呢 | 15 Income Certificate :没用,我打印了工资卡对帐单,半年的,开了收入证明,半年的

Board of Customs and Excise (BOCE):关税及国内货物税税务局[英国]

关税豁免|exemption from customs duty | 关税及国内货物税税务局[英国]|Board of Customs and Excise (BOCE) | 关税减让,关税让步|tariff concession; tariff diminution; concession of Tariff

Conversant with local statures, regulation, bank & tax authority requirement:熟悉本地情况,相关法规,银行以及税务局的要求

4. AR/AP and invoice management / 应收应付... | 5. Conversant with local statures, regulation, bank & tax authority requirement / 熟悉本地情况,相关法规,银行以及税务局的要求 | 6. Other assigned job / 其...


税收政策管理岗将开具好的<<(xxx)税务局税收证明>>在3日内报主管局领导审批完毕,并加盖县(区)局公章后传递办税服务厅综合服务岗. 四、纳税人领取. 纳税人按照国税机关承诺时间到办税服务厅综合服务岗领取<<(xxx)税务局税收证明>>.

US Internal Revenue Service code:美国国家税务局法规

US federal income taxes美国联邦所得税 | US Internal Revenue Service code美国国家税务局法规 | usage leases使用权租赁(对经营租赁的形容)