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稍 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
poco  ·  piu

a bit
更多网络例句与稍相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Andantino: In a tempo variously construed as slightly faster or slower than andante. used chiefly as a direction.


Central awn slightly shorter to slightly longer than its lemma; lateral awns 0–1 mm

中心芒短在长于它的外稃;侧的芒0-1毫米 10

Cauline leaves often denticulate, sparsely ciliate; mature fruit terete or slightly 4-angled, abruptly constricted to beaklike apex 0.5-1.5 mm; fruiting pedicels (4-)6-10(-12) mm, slightly shorter or slightly longer than fruit

经常的茎生叶具小齿,疏生缘毛;圆柱状的成熟果或四棱形,对喙状先端突然缢缩毫米;果梗(4-)6-10(-12)毫米,短或长于果 2 G。 pendula 垂果四棱荠

For example, H, atomic weight of 100,794 hydrogen, carbon FC atomic weight of 1201, the atomic weight of oxygen O for 1594, Copper Cu for F63546 and so on. F history, had also used the other two kinds of "benchmarks", and there have been two kinds of scales used in parallel .1803 years, J Dalton published the first atomic table, the hydrogen-quality of the original F son as a "benchmark "requiring H, atomic weight is 1. In 1826, JJ Berzelius Tony F are presented to the quality of 116 oxygen atoms O as a" baseline "(scheduled for O, E atomic weight 16), which is has been in use to 1961 "Oxygen unit." 1929, found that the oxygen in nature, in addition to the greatest abundance of 16O, there are a small amount of slightly heavier 17O and 18O two kinds of isotopes, and the different sources of oxygen, its composition is slightly different.


If as a result of body shell keycap stuck with the key causes of the "key card" failure, may be key in the cap and put a gasket between the pads can be used稍硬some plastic (such as floppy disk jacket abandoned) made, its size is equal to or slightly larger than the key body size, and location by the rod through the ammonium can open a free passage under the square hole, in accordance with its set of poles, the plug cap; use this pad chip cap with the key body to prevent stuck, you can repair button; If as a result of spring fatigue, shrapnel resistance causes large card key failure, then the Special button to open the body, a little stretching to restore flexibility to reset the spring; Remove the key precursor to the resumption of shrapnel.


Stream fast three-year-old baby, and can be height稍矮children the same age, not very good temper, gastrointestinal not very good (often said stomach pain, saw a doctor only said to be a bad digestion and absorption, it opened the "bite you Morpholine" I dared to take him).


In particular, built on lots large chamber稍偏house, it is obviously very difficult it was prohibitively expensive.


CT assumes the soft tissue density,MRT1WI assumes the equisignal either the slightly low signal,T2WI assumes is slightly high,the slightly low signal or the equisignal;The enhanced-scanning CT,MRI both show the pathological change obvious strengthening,simultaneously showing the hard membrane strengthening in close.


In the paper,the fresh,withered,rocked and fermented leaf fixed by microwave and steam were studied.The results showed that the content of pol yphenols of microwave samples was higher than those of steam samples;and the con tent of amino acids in steam samples was higher than those of microwave samples .There was a slight higher content of soluble sugars in microwave samples compa red with steam samples. The content of chlorophyll of microwave samples was hig her than steaming samples,and there was a small difference of caffeine content b etween microwave and steam samples.There was a little higher content of theafla vins in microwave samples than steam samples.The content of thearubigins in steam samples was higher than microwave samples,and there was no differe nt theabrown between microwave and steam samples.

摘 要:对鲜叶、萎凋叶、做青叶和发酵叶进行了微波和蒸青固样研究,结果表明:微波样的多酚类化合物保留量均高于蒸青样,氨基酸保留量则相反,可溶性糖的保留量微波样高于蒸青样,叶绿素的保留量微波样亦高于蒸青样,咖啡碱的保留量微波样与蒸青样间差异较小,发酵叶茶黄素的保留量微波样高于蒸青样,发酵叶茶红素的保留量微波样高于蒸青样,发酵叶茶褐的保留量二者间无差异。

If as a result of body shell keycap stuck with the key causes of the "key card" failure, may be key in the cap and put a gasket between the pads can be used稍硬some plastic (such as floppy disk jacket abandoned) made, its size is equal to or slightly larger than the key body size, and location by the rod through the ammonium can open a free passage under the square hole, in accordance with its set of poles, the plug cap; use this pad chip cap with the key body to prevent stuck, you can repair button; If as a result of spring fatigue, shrapnel resistance causes large card key failure, then the Special button to open the body, a little stretching to restore flexibility to reset the spring; Remove the key precursor to the resumption of shrapnel.


更多网络解释与稍相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Allegretto grazioso:優美的稍快板

59 Allegretto expressivo alla romanza感情豐富,有如浪慢的快板 | 60 Allegretto grazioso優美的快板 | 61 Allegretto grazioso, quasi andantino優美的快板,頗似小行板

font-weight: bolder:正常稍粗

font-weight: bold;/*字體加粗*/ | font-weight: bolder;/*正常粗*/ | font-weight: lighter;/*字體細*/

flattish:略平的; 稍浅薄的; 稍单调的 (形)

flattery 谄媚; 巴结; 阿谀 (名) | flattish 略平的; 浅薄的; 单调的 (形) | flattop 航空母舰; 平顶的屋子 (名)

oldish:稍老的 稍舊的

oldie 老笑話 老電影 老歌曲 老人 | oldish 老的 舊的 | old fashioned 老式的 守舊的

One moment, please:请稍等

等,我看他在不在. Hang on a moment, please. I'll see if he's in. | ○ One moment, please. 请等. | ○ Just a second, please. 请等.

Allegretto scherzando:小步舞曲風格的稍快板

66 Allegretto quasi menuetto近似小行板的快板 | 67 Allegretto scherzando小步舞曲風格的快板 | 68 Allegretton non troppo諧謔的快板;愉快的快板


subacetabular /髋臼下的/ | subacid /带酸味的/带尖刻的/颇有讽刺意味的/ | subacute /尖的/亚急性的/


coldish 略寒的,冷的 | warmish 暖的 | oldish 略老的,旧的


longish 略长的,长的 | fattish 胖的 | slowish 慢的

Allegretto con spirito:精神抖擻的稍快板

55 Allegretto ben moderato中庸的快板 | 56 Allegretto con spirito精神抖擻的快板 | 57 Allegretto elegante優雅的快板