英语人>词典>汉英 : 离拍 的英文翻译,例句
离拍 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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It is not only Boulter this spirited name, bolt also has "the arrow and the lightning "in English the meaning, perhaps is precisely so, in the athletic field we saw such one was not the coincidence: Before the competition starts, when introduces Boulter, he has made the archery movement; After the gunshot, he just likes arrow to the string, the diving posture, the lightning pushes to the front; In the final ten meters place, he decelerates unexpectedly, and turns head the full moon posture, pats own chest to celebrate the victory ahead of time.


I don't think I can get out cleanly every time when I finish a movie.


Suppose this is the flight path of the ball.


Men shall clap their hands at him, and shall hiss him out of his place.

27:23 人要向他拍掌,并要发叱声,使他离开本处。

Men will clap their hands at him And will hiss him from his place.

伯27:23 人要向他拍掌、并要发叱声、使他离开本处。

Men clap their hands at him And hiss him out of his place.

27:23 人要向他拍掌,并发叱声,赶他离开本处。

Last week, I regain the joyful of macrophotography. This week, I play again with remote flash.


This place is closest to Matterhorn, so obviously we took some pictures there.


If you can't shoot him as he rides away, hop on one of the scotters and chase him.


He's not really annoying until he gets close to you, then you have to swat him.


更多网络解释与离拍相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Off Beat:离拍,弱拍,非强拍

Moldy Fig:一句摩登的术语,形容早期对爵士乐狂热的歌颂者. | Off Beat:离拍,弱拍,非强拍. | Out Of This World:不合时宜的夸张.

Being There:在那边

1980年他主演的>(Being There)让他获得了金球奖最佳男主角称号,当年7月他离世而去. 这样的一生足够拍出一部好的传记电影

Lara Croft:古墓丽影

而华纳兄弟正在筹备>(Lara Croft)的翻拍版,尽管这离安吉丽娜-茱莉(Angelina Jolie)担任主演的原版才8年时间. 福克斯公司也在着眼于新版>(Fantastic Four)的拍摄计划,而两部原版的上映也就在几年前.

Moldy Fig:一句摩登的术语,形容早期对爵士乐狂热的歌颂者

Mickey Mouse:指管弦乐演奏一种伤感的音乐,或描写其他各型奇腔怪调的音乐. | Moldy Fig:一句摩登的术语,形容早期对爵士乐狂热的歌颂者. | Off Beat:离拍,弱拍,非强拍.

wide ball:离身球

wide 打出边线的球 | wide ball 离身球 | wind up 收拍

wind up:收拍

wide ball 离身球 | wind up 收拍 | winner 胜利者/致胜球

porous inactive xenogenic bone flap:异体多孔骨瓣

离体多孔骨瓣:porous inactive autologous bone flap | 异体多孔骨瓣:porous inactive xenogenic bone flap | 充气浮箱式拍门:air-filled floating flap valve

Les Quatre Cents Coups:四百下

Truffaut)的<<四百下>>(Les Quatre Cents Coups),好像只是用铅笔在纸上擦来擦去,一个电影就拍完了. 当时也是打听这特吕佛何许人,说是法国人,于是铭记在心. 后来在香港得陆离送的一薄本楚浮专集,才知道楚浮即是大陆译成特吕佛的,<<四百击>>译为<<四百下>>,