英语人>词典>汉英 : 神们 的英文翻译,例句
神们 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
thearchy  ·  thearchies

更多网络例句与神们相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We are not his afterthought, but the afterthought of all others who came before.


Seething with rage from the heavens, she abhors Hercules as damnable evidence of her husband's infidelities - yet the demigod has his allies: his foster-father Amphitryon, who exalts in the boy's potential; his faithful companion Linus, who promises to sing of his deeds far and wide; the blind oracle Tiresias, who foresees an extraordinary future; the beautiful nymph Deianeira, who secretly loves him...


It was you, goddess, who delivered him by calling to Olympus the hundred-handed monster whom gods call Briareus, but men Aegaeon, for he is stronger even than his father; when therefore he took his seat all-glorious beside the son of Saturn, the other gods were afraid, and did not bind him.


Only Cassiopeia suffered an indignity – her vanity caused her to be bound to a chair and placed in the heavens so that, as she revolves around the north celestial pole, she is sometimes in an upside-down position.


But most of all, Gothar is the father of gods, and because of their unceasing quarrels, which caused entire races to disappear, he forced the nine gods to sign the divine concordat with their own blood, and to stop interfering with Ganareth history.


Hera abhors Hercules as damnable evidence of her husband's infidelities, yet the demigod has his allies.


His mother, grieving for the death of her brother, prayed the gods, and beat the earth with her hands, calling upon Hades and on awful Proserpine; she went down upon her knees and her bosom was wet with tears as she prayed that they would kill her son- and Erinys that walks in darkness and knows no ruth heard her from Erebus.


Then there are the revenges often happening between the new gods who venge many of impious humankind meanwhile.


Now so long as the day waxed and it was still morning, their darts rained thick on one another and the people perished, but as the hour drew nigh when a woodman working in some mountain forest will get his midday meal- for he has felled till his hands are weary; he is tired out, and must now have food- then the Danaans with a cry that rang through all their ranks, broke the battalions of the enemy.


When gods do not enjoy the smile on your lips , you will not need the lips-and the gods will be the sorrier , and you will be the sorrier !


更多网络解释与神们相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


或以"神性"(Godhead)为例:台上人问神怎么会有三位?三位如何成为一体?成为一体的三位又如何有位格?旅客们却想知道:如何好好地尊崇、敬爱以及信靠那位已合力把他们从罪恶带进荣耀的三一神. 例子不胜枚举. 本书是为旅客们而写的,

The Mummy:神鬼传奇

简介:继1999年的电影"神鬼传奇\"(The Mummy)一鸣惊人轰动全球后,影迷们一直热望其续集的上映. "神鬼传奇续集\"高成本、大投入,套用最受观众欢迎的冒险电影"印地安那琼斯\"的风格,配以让人瞠目...

Hey there Mr. Shintoist, Merry Fuckin' Christmas:嘿这里的神道教先生们,他妈的圣诞节快乐

and walk around and say.. 走个遍... | Hey there Mr. Shintoist, Merry Fuckin' Christmas 嘿这里的神道教先生们,他妈的圣诞节快乐 | God is gonna kick your ass You infidelic pagan scum. 上帝溜达着去踢你们这些...

E rapu tatou, e kimi i o tatou ara, a ka tahuri ano ki a Ihowa:我 们 当 深 深 考 察 自 己 的 行 为 , 再 归 向 耶 和 华

39 活 人 因 自 己 的 罪 受 罚 , 为 ... | 40 我 们 当 深 深 考 察 自 己 的 行 为 , 再 归 向 耶 和 华 . E rapu tatou, e kimi i o tatou ara, a ka tahuri ano ki a Ihowa. | 41 我 们 当 诚 心 向 天 上 的 神...

Kia ara atu o tatou ngakau me o tatou ringa ki te Atua i te rangi:我 们 当 诚 心 向 天 上 的 神 举 手 祷 告

39 活 人 因 自 己 的 罪 受 罚 , 为 何 发... | 40 我 们 当 深 深 考 察 自 己 的 行 为 ... | 41 我 们 当 诚 心 向 天 上 的 神 举 手 祷 告 . Kia ara atu o tatou ngakau me o tatou ringa ki te Atua i te rangi.

Fake star strike back:第三十二集:道化师们的夸耀

第三十一集:神们的骄傲 Amlition | 第三十二集:道化师们的夸耀 Fake star strike back | 第三十三集:干枯的眼泪 Faraway dream

Fake star strike back:第三十二集:道化师们的卖弄

第三十一集:神们的傲岸 Amlition | 第三十二集:道化师们的卖弄 Fake star strike back | 第三十三集:枯窘的眼泪 Faraway dream

Fake star strike back:第三十二集:道化师们的炫耀

第三十一集:神们的骄傲 Amlition | 第三十二集:道化师们的炫耀 Fake star strike back | 第三十三集:干枯的眼泪 Faraway dream

Fake star strike back:道化师们的夸耀

31 神们的骄傲 Amlition | 32 道化师们的夸耀 Fake star strike back | 33 干枯的眼泪 Faraway dream


A comical sight no doubt.|毫无疑问一个滑稽的场面 | Gods.|神们啊 | We are in a damned awkward position.|我们处于一个该死的尴尬局面