英语人>词典>汉英 : 碑铭 的英文翻译,例句
碑铭 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
inscription  ·  inscript

更多网络例句与碑铭相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There is a noteworthy passage in one of King Asoka's inscriptions,"One thinks well of one's work. One never thinks ill of one's work."


Although there is no doubt that Asoka's patronage of Buddhism did much to spread that religion, his inscriptions recognize the Brahmans as worthy of respect.


It is plausible that inscriptions in the Canaanite language incorporated some geographic and religious phrases that originated in Arabic.


In Cappadocian Zircirli inscriptions he is called I-li a-bi-a,'the god of my father'.

在卡帕多西亚扎西里的碑铭上,他被称为 I-li a-bi-a,"我父亲的神"。

An inscription of a black basalt stone; gave first clue to decipherment of ''.


An inscription of a black basalt stone; gave first clue to decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphics.


Somewhere in the mausoleum, an inscription says that he died at the age of four.


Some depictions show Mithras carrying a rock on his back, much as Atlas did, and/or wearing a cape that had the starry sky as its inside lining. A bronze image of Mithras, emerging from an egg-shaped zodiac ring, found associated with a mithraeum along Hadrian's Wall (now at the University of Newcastle), and an inscription from the city of Rome suggest that Mithras may have been seen as the Orphic creator-god Phanes who emerged from the cosmic egg at the beginning of time, bringing the universe into existence.


Rationalism, Novecento, neo-Classicism, neo-Baroque and monumentalism are among the varied avant-garde styles played with here.


The increasing simplification traceable from the Egyptian epigraphic hieroglyphs to the Greek and Roman alphabets and the anticipation of modern stenography and telegraphic code in the cuneiform inscriptions and the virgular quinquecostate ogham writing.


更多网络解释与碑铭相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

un cartouche:(碑铭、匾额、徽章等的)边饰,涡形装饰)

- une cartouche (子弹,枪弹;香烟的条包), | un cartouche ((碑铭、匾额、徽章等的)边饰,涡形装饰); | - une couple ([方]两个;绳索,链条),

une cartouche:(子弹,枪弹;香烟的条包)

- le carpe (腕), la carpe (鲤鱼); | - une cartouche (子弹,枪弹;香烟的条包), | un cartouche ((碑铭、匾额、徽章等的)边饰,涡形装饰);

cartouche m:子弹,药筒,火药包,碑铭等之边饰

1238 cartonnier,ie're n.;m. 纸板制造者,纸板商;文件架 NULL NULL | 1239 cartouche m. 子弹,药筒,火药包,碑铭等之边饰 cartouche NULL | 1363 chandail m. 粗毛线衫 chandail NULL


碑由大理石制成,高4.6米,基部四面分别刻有"献身"(Devotion)、"人性"(Humanity)、"坚毅"(Fortitude)和"牺牲"(Sacrifice)字样的碑铭. 圭亚那国家博物馆(Guyana National Museum)位于乔治敦市商业中心,建于1951年,两层建筑,


碑由大理石制成,高4.6米,基部四面分别刻有"献身"(Devotion)、"人性"(Humanity)、"坚毅"(Fortitude)和"牺牲"(Sacrifice)字样的碑铭. 圭亚那国家博物馆(Guyana National Museum)位于乔治敦市商业中心,建于1951年,两层建筑,


碑由大理石制成,高4.6米,基部四面分别刻有"献身"(Devotion)、"人性"(Humanity)、"坚毅"(Fortitude)和"牺牲"(Sacrifice)字样的碑铭. 圭亚那国家博物馆(Guyana National Museum)位于乔治敦市商业中心,建于1951年,两层建筑,

Nor you, ye Proud, impute to these the fault:假如其陵前未竖起碑铭

The paths of glory lead but to the grave. 待时辰一到,皆通往坟墓... | Nor you, ye Proud, impute to these the fault 假如其陵前未竖起碑铭, | If Memory o'er their tomb no trophies raise, 假如长廊上回纹的拱...


碑由大理石制成,高4.6米,基部四面分别刻有"献身"(Devotion)、"人性"(Humanity)、"坚毅"(Fortitude)和"牺牲"(Sacrifice)字样的碑铭. 圭亚那国家博物馆(Guyana National Museum)位于乔治敦市商业中心,建于1951年,两层建筑,


inscription 题字 | inscriptionless 无碑铭的 | inscriptive 铭文的


archaeological 考古 | inscriptions 题字,碑铭 | cave dwellings 洞穴住所