英语人>词典>汉英 : 确确实实 的英文翻译,例句
确确实实 的英文翻译、例句


for a certainty
更多网络例句与确确实实相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My dear sir, I wish I had this is not an alarmist, but it is now occurring in China.


They have come to grief and no mistake.


In this in the world, it is as if to there is love, having the sympathy, having honest, Santa Claus too 确 assuredness are solid certain.


For the biblical God is one who does address us authoritatively. That is the only way in which the Lord can address his servants.


In this way my life is changing, i can tell that this is true feeling .


You may well find that once this period of cogitation is over, you decide that you will indeed proceed ahead as you had originally planned, however, if you do some thinking about it all now, then when it comes to making your final, definitive decision, you'll feel all the more convinces that it's a good move.


You may well find that once this period of cogitation isover, you decide that you will indeed proceed ahead as you hadoriginally planned, however, if you do some thinking about it allnow, then when it comes to making your final, definitive decision,you'll feel all the more convinces that it's a goodmove.


Without science fiction to dissatisfy me with the world in which I lived, to make me long for something different and better, and to make me believe that it was possible to reach a different kind of life, that a different kind of life even existed, the chances are very good that I would have spent the rest of my life in that small New England town, as almost everyone else I grew up with did, working in the factory or in some other blue collar job.


I don't know what it was that do the trick, but I am definitely feeling much better.


This is a dolorous story: the life of girl is slowly but assuredly destroyed -- not by her enemies, but the people who says love her.


更多网络解释与确确实实相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


[41]②"偏见"(bias)一词原指草地滚木球曲线滚动的偏斜路线. --译注讨论其他预先编制的情节是自用的. 譬如战争,无论是确确实实的(literal)战争还是引申意义(allegorical)的战争.

Huckleberry Finn:哈克贝利.费恩

他也为使用私人飞机(是明显的企业财富过剩的标志)进行了辩护,理由是飞机使得其生活更便捷--即使它确确实实损害了其哈克贝利.费恩(Huckleberry Finn)的形象.

The Outlaw:歹徒

在拜伦式的浪漫主义者看来,"我"确确实实是个个人,是局外人(outsider),是探险者,是歹徒(the outlaw),他公然挑战社会及其公认的价值而只随己心之所欲. 这也许是他的宿命,但这也比千篇一律、比受制于庸才要好. 不过,在另一些思想家眼里,

undoubtedly true:无可置疑的; 千真万确的

* You're sure to fail if you do it that way. 你那样做一定失败. | 4 undoubtedly true 无可置疑的; 千真万确的 | *in the sure and certain knowledge of her guilt 在确确实实知道她有罪的情况下