英语人>词典>汉英 : 知道的 的英文翻译,例句
知道的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
aware  ·  ware  ·  wared  ·  waring

更多网络例句与知道的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you know that all is well, you know all you need to know.


Apparently you don't know anything you ought to know .


There is no room for being cocksure and complacent in God.


But you know, we have a lot in common, you know?


Coz I know you know what I don't know.


In Holland nobody knows about that yet, but now you are the first to know.


If anyone imagines that he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know.


Wind up (i是发字母i本身的音,不是wind风那个音) If you wind up in a particular place, situation, or state, you are in it at the end of a series of actions, events, or experiences, even thought you did not originally intend to be.比如If he continues to spend money this way, he's going to wind up in bankruptcy. How did you ever wind up in this little town in the middle of nowhere?9. Someone is playing a shell game , Bruce. I'm just trying to find out who.

shell game原指一种大家都知道的游戏——藏豆赌博游戏:一种通常涉及赌博的游戏,一个人将一个小物体藏在三个坚果壳、杯子或茶杯中的一个里,然后当旁观者试图猜测物体的最终位置时,这个人在平坦表面上移动果壳、杯子或茶杯以变戏法也作thimblerig,后来可以泛指类似的骗局,不一定是藏豆子,本句里就在说Bruce搞的藏史高飞等人的游戏

CNN本期封面故事Baseball's Cheating Champs Playing Fast and Loose with the Rules Started Long before the Steroid Scandal 你所不知道的美国职棒作弊手法CNN ANCHOR Well, there's no doubt that the steroid scandal has stained the sport's reputation, but when you look at the big picture, maybe people shouldn't be so surprised.

CNN 主播类固醇丑闻毫无疑问地已经玷污了棒球运动的名声,但是当你从整体来看,或许大家就不应该觉得惊讶了。

We also know there are known unknowns.


更多网络解释与知道的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Richard Braxton:理查德.布拉克斯顿 你知道的|- 帕特里克.苏利文 你知道的

Let's drop the bullshit, shall we?|It... | - Richard Braxton, as you well know.|- Patrick Sullivan, as you well know.|- 理查德.布拉克斯顿 你知道的|- 帕特里克.苏利文 你知道的 | Hell, we're practically f...

Red date:红枣(这个我以前不知道哎,不过不知道的太多了)

Tiger lily buds 金针 | Red date 红枣(这个我以前不知道哎,不过不知道的太多了) | Water chestnuts 荸荠罐头

You did, didn't you? you did:你知道 对吗? 你知道的

Did you know about that? Did you know that really?|你知道那个? 你真的知道? | You did, didn't you? you did.|你知道 对吗? 你知道的 | Let's somewhere down now.|现在来找个地方躺下吧

MF MEDINA:以前博卡的中场,现在不知道还在不在,知道的阿迷说一下

4 DF CETTO 此人一直在南特效力,不是很熟,希望阿迷介绍一下 | 5 MF MEDINA 以前博卡的中场,现在不知道还在不在,知道的阿迷说一下 | 6 DF COLOCCINI小狮王一直在拉科,大家很熟,也不说了

Money is not everything. There's Mastercard & Visa:学的越多知道的越多 知道的越多;忘记的越多 忘记的越多;知道的越少 为什么学来着

学的越多知道的越多 知道的越多;忘记的越多 忘记的越多;知道的越少 为什么学来着?!Money is not everything. There's Mastercard &Visa. | 钞票不是万能的有时还需要信用卡.On... | 每个人都应该热爱动物因为它们很好...

Shem God:虚幻上帝----人人都知道的啦

Hypernotizer--迷惑者---球从背后抛出的那个 | Shem God-----虚幻上帝----人人都知道的啦 | Slow Motion---慢镜头---人人都知道的

have the advantage of sb:知道某人所不知道的事

have the advantage of 由于......处于有利条件 | have the advantage of sb. 知道某人所不知道的事 | 33.take advantage of 利用

(scoffs) yeah:是啊 我知道 等下 你怎么知道的

what? you guys broke up.|什么 你们不是分手了嘛 | (scoffs) yeah,i know. i mean, uh,wait. how do you know?|是啊 我知道 等下 你怎么知道的 | predictably,your ex|猜的 你的前女友

You know, just the way she waltzed in here all smart:你知道的,只是她的一举一动 聪明的要命

- Why? - I don't know.|-为什么? -我不知道 | You know, just the way she waltzed in here all smart..|你知道的,只是她的一举一动 聪明的要命... | and tall, you know..|而且又高挑,你知道的...

The zoan. You know curbs are the enemy:你知道的,锅里盘里的都是敌人

You know, that hurts my feelings. I'm trying to go on a diet, you know.|你知道吗,你这样会... | The zoan. You know curbs are the enemy.|你知道的,锅里盘里的都是敌人.. | Oh...who's your friend?|欧!...介绍...