英语人>词典>汉英 : 知识体系的 的英文翻译,例句
知识体系的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与知识体系的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The thesis beholds that the establishment of the basic norm is indispensable in building up, confirming Kelson s theoretical system as well as defending the knowledge system of jurisprudence and it is also absolutely necessary either to ensure the effectiveness of the practical legal system or to guarantee its reasonableness and acceptableness of the practical legal systems.


It puts forward the research aspect of KM and KM problems that need to resolve, includes basic research of KM, subject research of KM, KM standardization, KM measure, combination of KM and artificial intelligence, KM network and country architectonic research, etc.


In this article,author discussed the infection of modern scientific technology on the innovation and modernization of vocational education from the characteristic of the 21st human new architectonic system,and then analaysized the effection of the education technology development on the vocational education courses system,in the end,he also proposed some new suggestions on the innovation of vocational education in the conditon of the modern education technology.


First of all, the paper gives a research framework of the proposed method, which describes the transformation process from natural language texts to object-oriented knowledge architecture.


The present study, based on collocational knowledge framework put forward by Nation, investigates the possible developmental patterns in the acquisition of English verb-noun collocational knowledge both receptively and productively by Chinese EFL learners at three different proficiency levels.


Based on the existing knowledge system basis and classified, according to various forms of several main methods limit summarized, and the method of representative examples to explain the applicability and typicality, strive to achieve the original knowledge to stabilize and improve the purpose of mathematical analysis, this course and the subsequent courses more experience and understanding.


The whole paper introduces traditional Chinese medical system, the foundation and development of national medical system and local medical system in AnBa, I try to formulate the medical pluralism in AnBa from micro cultural and macro political and economical perspective. The theoretical method I choose in my paper is the political and economical view of critical medical anthropology.


We believe that the nature of instructional process is to construction an environment to conduct the internal information process machinism and information processing capability, the inborn character of learning is to compose the information processing competence which include construction of machinism for information processing and the principles, rule and materials involved with in the process. We also think that there are some difference and relation existed between knowledge construction and forming of mental information processing capability.


People who has vast breast and the entire knowledge hierarchy only when the building betokens such, ability is this truth foreword only person.


Environmental education is the core in the geographical knowledge system and also the important direction and object in geographical teaching in high school.


更多网络解释与知识体系的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A body of knowledge:知识体系

A body of knowledge 知识体系 | 1. Penetrate看穿,看透透过...看见: | - keen eyes that penetrate the darkness 能看透黑暗的锐利眼睛

abstract system:抽象系统

人们不得不借助于专家知识和抽象系统(abstract system)15 . 在这种情况下,因为法律已经成为一种职业,大势所趋,它就必须要建构一套知识体系为自己存在的合法性辩护,法官的知识也因此发生了相应的变化,摇身一变,成了专业知识.




3.结合(Combination):结合新创造的以及组织其它部门已有的知识,将观念以系统化方式结合为知识体系的过程. 也就是将组织各部门之知识,透过分类、增加与结合来重新组合既有的知识,而透过将既有的知识加以分类,可以激发新知识的产生.


而且在于将地方性知识"合法化"的企图:使之进入主流的知识认可体制,成为世界知识的一部分. 它试图以挑战的面貌,在地方知识与世界知识体系之间建立"延续"(continuation)或"承接"〖5〗的关系. 地方知识进入世界知识体系的活动,代表着


不过波斯纳在"简化"前面又加了"优美的"(elegant)这一修饰词. 康德区别真知识(wahres Wissen)和假知识(Scheinwissen). 认为现实世界中既有的知识体系既包括真知识又包括假知识. 如果用A、B两圆来分别代表真知识和现实世界的知识,

intellectual property right:智慧財產權

中国大陆将智慧财产权(intellectual property right) 译为知识产权,并在近年迅速发展知识产权的法学体系,相关着作甚多. 在台湾则主要发展放在着作权法,近年研究者众,成书也不少. 本文讨论智慧财产权的三大主要部门:着作权、专利权及商标权. 两岸接触以来,

network structure:网状结构

以及黑暗的世界三个要素的三项对立结构. 而知识类的书籍,透过结构化,会更加容易了解. 教材图书的知识体系粗略分为网状结构(Network Structure)连续结构(Chain Structure)和等级结构(Hierarchical Structure)三种体系.




本体知识(Ontology)或分类体系(Taxonomy)计算词语语义距离的方法通常是利用一部同义词词典(Thesaurus). 一般而言,同义词词典是将所有的词组织在树状结构的组织层次中. 而在一棵树状图中,任何两个结点之间有且只有一条路径;