英语人>词典>汉英 : 矗立 的英文翻译,例句
矗立 的英文翻译、例句


stand tall and upright · stand erect · tower over sth.
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The great Christmas tree has already been standing in front of the Rathaus in Vienna for quite a while. In many places, the Christmas lights were hung out weeks ago. The refreshment stands did not wait for the First Sunday in Advent, either.


It stands in front of the church of Sant' Agnese in Agone (begun in 1652), which was designed by Italian baroque architect Francesco Borromini.

矗立在圣Agone的教堂之前(从 1652 年开始)的 Agnese,被义大利巴洛克风格的建筑师Francesco Borromini设计。

He is motionless, just like the door that stood ajar a moment ago.


Now there is a certain town, Thryoessa, perched upon a rock on the river Alpheus, the border city Pylus; this they would destroy, and pitched their camp about it, but when they had crossed their whole plain, Minerva darted down by night from Olympus and bade us set ourselves in array; and she found willing soldiers in Pylos, for the men meant fighting.

多沙的 普洛斯境内有一座城堡,斯罗厄萨,矗立在陡峭的山岩,远离阿菲俄斯河,地处边睡。他们包围了这座石城,急不可待地试图攻破。然而,当他们扫过整个平原,雅典娜冲破夜色,向我们跑来,来自俄林波斯的使者,召呼我们武装备战。在普洛斯,他所招聚的不是一支行动迟滞缓慢的军队,而是一帮求战心切的兵勇。

More than 200 national and other pavilions will straddle the city's Huangpu River, turning a two-square-mile site into an architectural playground: Switzerland will be represented by a building shaped like a map of that country, complete with a rooftop chairlift, while England is in the celebrated hands of the designer Thomas Heatherwick, who is fashioning what looks like a big, hairy marshmallow. Other attention grabbers include Macao, taking the form of a walk-through bunny, and the United Arab Emirates, which hired Foster + Partners to build a "sand dune."

从5月1日至10月31日期间,上海黄浦江两岸将矗立起200多个国家和地区的展馆,届时游客将可在2平方英里的展区内欣赏各式建筑:瑞士馆的外观似其国家地图,馆内设有屋顶观光缆车;英国馆的设计出自著名设计师托马斯,外观时尚,貌似一株巨型、粗壮的蘑菇;同样吸引眼球的还有澳门馆"玉兔宫灯"外形、由世界闻名的建筑公司福斯特伙伴公司(Foster + Partners)设计的阿联酋馆"天然沙丘"造型。

Hence we might speak, among men, of a true Bible complex: Babel was supposed to serve to communicate with God, and yet Bible is a dream which touches much greater depths than that of the theological project; and just as this great ascensional dream, released from its utilitarian prop, is finally what remains in the countless Bibles represented by the painters, as if the function of art were to reveal the profound uselessness of objects, just so the Tower, almost immediately disengaged from the scientific considerations which had authorized its birth (it matters very little here that the Tower should be in fact useful), has arisen from a great human dream in which movable and infinite meanings are mingled: it has reconquered the basic uselessness which makes it live in men's imagination.


A glimpse at the vice-regal residence reveals a certain Byronic romanticism. It is battlemented, with sham turrets, massive chimney-stacks, and a good deal of carved stone.


One of the tallest sand dunes in the world, Cerro Blanco rises from the desert to more than 6,800 feet above sea level.


On the opposite side of the lake stood a splendid , brightly-lit castle, from whence resounded the joyous music of trumpets and kettle-drums.


The casements are still there today—they will be there for decades if not centuries, so well built were they—and they bear mute testimony to the steadfastness of the Germans.


更多网络解释与矗立相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




而庭院(Courtyard)里有售卖各种餐饮的小店. 这同时还有一个正式的展示画廊"窗户"(Jendela),可陈列大量视觉艺术的作品. 矗立在最高法院旁的正是建于1929年的政府大厦. 这座饱经沧桑的建筑,见证了新加坡众多历史性的重要时刻,


说到杜拜市,这个发展了短短五十年的城市范围还不算大,城镇主要围绕在大河湾(Creek)出口附近. 我坐著车子往西跑啊跑,只不过是一个小时,举目四望,景物已由城市转变为荒郊,继而是一台台矗立著的钻油台及炼油厂. 选择向南面进发的话,


纳梵堡(Navan)矗立在山顶上,是一座的大型土木工程,传记古奇连(Cuchulainn)的传说中,称其为伊曼马查(Emain Macha),是古阿尔斯特王国(Ulster)仪式和教之都.

So don't forget as you ease on down my road:所以当你漫步在路上请别将它忽略

He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh 它看到了我所... | So don't forget as you ease on down my road 所以当你漫步在路上请别将它忽略 | He's there in the dark, he's there in my heart 他矗立在黑...


黑沙漠其实是一片黄沙上散布著大大小小的黑色玄武岩,是远古时候火山爆发(eruption)留下的遗迹,远看彷佛黄色大地覆盖著一层黑色薄纱. 而白沙漠中矗立著大大小小因长年风蚀而呈香菇状的奇岩,灰白的岩石及遍地的白色细沙随著夕阳光线变化,


广场上的永恒之火(Eternal Flame)则是悼念为国捐躯而客死异乡的亡魂. 先锋女性的铜像纪念女性当年所受的苦难,并且获得投票权. 矗立于公园一隅的西澳州立战争纪念碑的后方,就是远眺柏斯市区的最佳角度,在此可以望见柏斯清楚的天际线,

Evacuation route:疏散路线

他说,该局已在全市各区设立65个疏散中心(Evacuation Centers)及511个收容所,疏散中心大多设立在公校或教堂内,而各区主要公路也矗立了疏散路线(Evacuation Route),根据飓风强度,市府将作出不同程度的警报,并将出动警员和消防队指挥,

Holles Street:霍尔斯街

比如作者介绍到,1864年英国曾给一些名人故居颁挂蓝色纪念牌匾,拜伦在伦敦霍尔斯街(Holles Street)的故居当时也享受到此荣誉,但事易时移,如今不仅牌匾不见了,就是拜伦故居也被拆除,除拜伦铜像至今犹存外,原地矗立起来的是一家壮观的百货公司.

These outcrops are standing in Egypt's White Desert:这些石头如今矗立在埃及的白色沙漠中

Few rocks can resist the continuous blast of the sand-carrying wi... | These outcrops are standing in Egypt's White Desert.|这些石头如今矗立在埃及的白色沙漠中 | But they will not do so for much longer....