英语人>词典>汉英 : 眼睛疲劳 的英文翻译,例句
眼睛疲劳 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与眼睛疲劳相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the use of optical water level, due to eye fatigue, on-site allowable error index calculation and other reasons, accuracy and speed is difficult to meet our requirements, but generally require 6 people / groups: one person observation, 1 record, 2 Fu-foot, 2 lamps.


Ask him to do eye-exercises after studying, and it is good for his eyes.


A long period of study will lead to eyestrain.


So it can reduce eyestrain and ensure traffic safety.


It is especially designed for the people who have dark circle around eyes, wrinkles surrounding eyes, eyestrain and other problems.


This reduced rate of blinking makes your eyes dry, which may lead to the feeling of eyestrain or fatigue.


When the human body lacks this kind of material, eyes can become pain, dry, astringent, unglazed desiccating little and supernatural eyeball. Eating more bananas not only can lighten these symptoms, but also can alleviate eyes to a certain extent, prevent it from being too early old and feeble.


Have according to considering to show close most probably computer a group of things with common features can arise Eye Fatigue, Eye Dry, have a headache, joint of gape, artifice, cervical the symptom that reachs shoulder ache, both hands grip appears to be worth the phenomenon of decrescent after the person that at the same time 7 is become is working, beat clavier in addition for a long time to be able to make nearly 4 become computer a group of things with common features occurrence finger ache accompanies the generation with phlogistic tendon, these are computer terminal disease group.


Micro-computer cool head adopts the world's most advanced quantum theory of light emanating from the development, the micro-spectroscopy, to the center cone retinal cells function, like eyes continued to add energy the direct effect of the mobilization of visual function, raise anti-fatigue, in the course of a computer eyestrain slowed moment, improve learning efficiency.


Function: It can improve eye swelling, under-eye and pouch, relieve eye fatigue caused by insomnia and long-time eye application, leave eyes comfortable and energetic.


更多网络解释与眼睛疲劳相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accommodative asthenopia:调节性视疲劳

眼结膜充血或流泪. 症状轻者在眼睛稍作休息时可缓解,严重者可出现头痛,甚至恶心呕吐等. 少数可出现严重的全身症状,如神经衰弱或植物神经功能紊乱. 远视眼引起的视疲劳主要与调节有关,故也称之为调节性视疲劳(accommodative asthenopia).


视疲劳(asthenopia)是一组表现为用眼后出现视觉障碍、眼部不适及全身症状,以至不能正常进行视作业的症候群并非独立的疾病. 造成视疲劳的原因比较复杂,不仅包括眼睛局部的器质性或功能性病变,也可由全身疾病、不良视觉环境、视觉习惯及心理异常等诸多因素单一或相互作用所致,

electronic ballast:电子式安定器

电子式安定器(Electronic Ballast)为高效率省电日光灯用安定器,省电效果达40%,同时可增加亮度20-30%,可减少灯具安装数量. 灯管不闪烁,可减少眼睛疲劳,保护视力. 亮度保持一定,不受电压不稳的影响. 并有输入过电压/低电压保护灯管、输出短路保护和输出开路保护等.

scotoma ; blind spot:盲点

夜盲 night-blindness ; nyctalopia | 盲点 scotoma ; blind spot | 眼睛疲劳 eyestrain


(名词) 3D 疲劳症:使用特殊眼镜观看 3D 影片所造成的眼睛疲劳 (eyestrain)、头痛和恶心 (nausea) 等症状. 亦写成 3-D fatigue.

Eczema, Epilepsy, Gastric Ulcers, Headache/Eyestrain, Heart Attack:湿疹,癫痫,胃溃疡,头痛/眼睛疲劳,心脏病发作

Depression, Diabetes, Diarrhea, Duodenal ... | Eczema, Epilepsy, Gastric Ulcers, Headache/Eyestrain, Heart Attack,湿疹,癫痫,胃溃疡,头痛/眼睛疲劳,心脏病发作, | High Blood Pressure, Immune System Help, I...

eye irritation:眼睛发炎

excessive intake 过量摄入 | eye irritation 眼睛发炎 | fatigue n .疲乏,疲劳

motion sickness:晕动

三星指出,3D电视可能导致的较轻症状,主要是晕动(motion sickness)以及一些感知上的后遗症、眼睛疲劳等,另外还有平衡不稳、头痛与疲倦等等. 如果有出现这些症状,人们最好藉由休息来缓和;该文章并警告,如果观众身体状况不佳、身体疲劳或者喝酒时看3D电视,


抗辐射的(radiation resistant)食物:常用电脑的人会感到眼睛不适,视力下降(impair vision),易有疲劳的(tired)感觉. 常用电脑的人在饮食上应注意以下几方面:吃一些对眼睛有益的食品,

Alleviates eye fatigue:减缓眼睛疲劳

Provides physical energy提供体能 | Alleviates eye fatigue减缓眼睛疲劳 | Enhances "mind-brain" function增强脑智力功能