英语人>词典>汉英 : 真男人 的英文翻译,例句
真男人 的英文翻译、例句


A Real Man
更多网络例句与真男人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And, for the first time, people are starting to talk about sex addiction.


In the Information Age, Sheldon, you and I are the alpha males.


I'd like to believe we have evolved as human beings over the centuries, but honestly, it all still looks like cave-man tactics to me...the females looking for the males with the biggest caves, and the males clunking the females on the head and dragging them back to their lairs by the hair.


Hiya, i am just normal guy looking for love, real true love, i am easy going, warm hearted and carin...


In the Inion Age, Sheldon, you and I are the alpha males.

在信息时代, Sheldon,你和我就是真男人

I have not scolded make noise, because I always did not say the bad language in front of my mother, therefore only can scold in the heart is venting spleen, shit, I cannot stir up you, I cannot hide your distant point, but I am pulling the time which the arm rest stands up, this grandson unexpectedly also takes advantage of opportunity traces my hand, me disgusting, I no matter, maliciously have also chopped a his foot, at that time but I might really regret, because I put on was the pair canvas shoe, didn't I how have pair of high-heeled shoes, or I chopped die that turtle son, then I walked front, Stands nearby my mother, my mother has felt strange, but also has not arrived the station, how do I on give the seat a man, then I on passed through the matter with her said, the result I the mother scolded me, said I too harebrained, if really bumped into an unprincipled person you to be possible to be miserable, later again will experience this kind of matter, to the distant point, did not have the conflict with others, a your girl, suffered a loss or you.


Lets name him "Ballsy McNice."

这里我们称为&Ballsy McNice&(我觉的翻译成风流真男人)。

Sometimes men love women, sometimes men love men, and then there are bisexuals, though some just say they're kidding themselves.


His father was severe, drunk and a womaniser (the thrice-married Mr Turner says he has finally managed to let go of his father's teaching that "real men run around").


It does twist the knife a bit to realize we could have been that close to an emotional Garnett comeback, but in the end, the Celtics got throttled in Game 7 and the Magic moved on.


更多网络解释与真男人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Can't come between a man and his beer money:想让男人把酒钱掏出来谈何容易

I can't believe you just said that.|真不敢相信你会这么说 | Can't come between a man and his beer money.|想让男人把酒钱掏出来谈何容易 | See the big,heavy machinery?|看到那架巨大的重型机械吗?


而该剧的另一大看点,还在于由真男人扮演的"假女人"角色--翠茜母亲埃德娜(Edna). 托尼奖获得者、作家、男演员哈维-菲里斯坦(HarveyFierstein)出演这个角色,在>一剧中,他每天要背着重达25磅的假身躯,花4个多小时化妆,

is very sexy to a man:那可真会让男人倒胃口

that awareness on the part of a woman that time is ticking...|你是要我告诉他女人青春有限 我快没... | is very sexy to a man.|那可真会让男人倒胃口 | You can't be scared to have those talks.|-但你不能避谈这...

I don't know how you guys make it through the day with them:真不知道你们是怎麽活下来的

Man, male egos.|男人的自尊 | I don't know how you guys make it through the day with them.|真不知道你们是怎麽活下来的 | What? It is not my ego.|干嘛?我才没有自尊问题

Defying Gravity:难以抗拒的真爱

比如"我爱的男人"(the man i love),"情非寻常"(an unusual affair),"难以抗拒的真爱"(defying gravity)等. 你会发现其实那种感情和我们异性之间的爱是一样的,而且来得更纯粹美好些,没有参杂那些物质权利的欲望,往往只是因为爱而爱.

Man, male egos:男人的自尊

Why don't you tell me? Then we'll both know.|告诉我不就成了 | Man, male egos.|男人的自尊 | I don't know how you guys make it through the day with them.|真不知道你们是怎麽活下来的

His cheating on the final queered his chances of graduation:他在大考中作弊影响了他的毕业. (搞同性恋爱的男人)

That's queer indeed!真奇怪! | His cheating on the final queered his chances of graduation.他在大考中作弊影响了他的毕业. (搞同性恋爱的男人) | Mineral water quenched 使缓和;满足our thirst.矿泉水使我们...

That horrible man. playing those coloreds:那个让很多黑人打球的男人真逊

And you can quote me. I don't think that's going to change.|我可以负责任的说... | That horrible man. playing those coloreds.|那个让很多黑人打球的男人真逊 | And where are you from, sweetheart?|你从哪来的...

That is a toughie:真难决定啊

...so you can go to a club and flirt with some guy?|好让你去夜总会跟某个男人打情骂俏 | That is a toughie.|真难决定啊 | She's looking down the hall.|她在看走廊

IWC SCHAFFHAUSEN:万国----男人时间的标记

ZENITH 真利时----精确的代名词 | IWC SCHAFFHAUSEN 万国----男人时间的标记 | PIAGET 伯爵----与星际争辉,追寻永恒时间之梦