英语人>词典>汉英 : 真实意义 的英文翻译,例句
真实意义 的英文翻译、例句


true meaning
更多网络例句与真实意义相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There is some ambiguity as to it's exact meaning.


With the mention of the ghosts occurring in the traditional Chinese culture, it goes on to analyze the ghost images appearing in Amy Tan's novels in two categories, i.e., those on literal level, such as the ghosts stories told by Kwan in The Hundred Secret Senses, and the ghost lore in the family scenarios of Luth Luyi in The Bonesetter's Daughter, as well as those on figurative level, including the mention of ghosts by An-mei Hsu in The Joy Luck Club and the two spirit examples and Gan in The Kitchen God's Wife.


In the following centuries Magna Charta was solemnly reaffirmed by every king from Henry II to Henry VI.


A problem of representation. In the 19th century, Courbet led fine arts to leap beyond representation of the visual forms into representation of social realities. Shortly after, in the field of literature, Lukacs posed a higher requirement for Realism: the duty of art is to give a truthful representation of the real world.


If a product is labeled a polish, but in fact is used to protect the paint, then you know it's a wax or a paint protectant and not an actual polish in the true sense of the definition of the word.


Thus put forward the self-understanding of the true meaning of aesthetics.


It's necessary for the DISCERNMENT OF THE SPIRIT to shed some light upon Man's understanding in order to enlighten his Thoughts, his Words and his Deeds so that these, his three manifestations, are placed in the service of the True Meaning of Existence, which is, EVOLUTION.


Taking Christianity as a key in this thesis, by describing the change and improvement of works by Lu Xun and Cao Yu to be more valuable, this thesis discloses "the historicity of texts " and "the textuality of histories ", questions the "truth" in history, inquires about the significance authenticity and value of historical literature, because the real significance of historical literature is shown only in the process of questioning already known spirit.


He preached about his discovery – the truth of the universe and the meaning of human life.


The cross-level effect for "Routes of infection for Sexually Transmitted Diseases" is confirmed between "class sex composition" and "individual's school achievement" in this research.


更多网络解释与真实意义相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


从这个角度,我们就可以解释为什么祭祀的对象 "必须"是"死人",即"缺席"(absent),而不可能是"活人",即"在场"(present)的基本理由. 在这里,即使被祭祀者是以"人"的形式出现,但其真实的意义则也是持守和纪念特定共同体之内在精神,



house of lords:上议院

英国的国会起源于公元9世纪的盎格鲁撒克逊时期,后来衍生出御前会议,首届真实意义上的国会"模范议会"(于1295年举行),包含大主教、主教、修道院院长、伯爵、男爵、以及各郡与各自治镇代表. 后在十四世纪,爱德华三世时期,国会分成了上议院和下议院,1544年始用"上议院"(House of Lords)之名.


25 利德(Lied)字面意义为"歌曲". 此词现已专用于舒伯特、舒曼、布拉姆斯、沃尔夫、施特劳斯等人的德国浪漫歌曲,不过自中世纪以来也用于比较广泛的意义. 26 真实主义(Verismo)起源于19世纪晚期的一种艺术潮流,旨在生动而逼真地表现生活.


那么,在这种新语境下,与"有意义的"(meaningful)相对的"真实的"(real)是什么意思呢? 当然,我所说的"没有真实的差别"并非指两个事件在其自然过程中没有差别. 很显然,我在每一个例子中都隐含了对已发生的事与另外一个可能发生的事的对照.

virtual reality:虚拟真实

在这个"虚拟真实"(virtual reality)当道的时代,真真假假的分界越来越混淆不清. 同样的,激进与保守反动的区隔也变得越来越没有意义. 激进的作品其内容与形式很快地被资本主义体系所吸纳,再生产为可在市场销售的商品了.


詹尼已从电视中学到了"愚蠢"(stupid)这个词,他开始模仿应用. 刚开始詹尼还只是胡乱应用. 渐渐地,他了解了这一词汇的真实意义,毫不客气地使用起来. 一天,母亲要带詹尼去看医生,詹尼不愿意去,她费了一番功夫,才将詹尼抱进了车中.



cinema verite:真实电影

赫尔佐格也对"真实电影"(Cinema Verite)的纪录片手法大加批判. 他认为"安排"是纪录片不可或缺的,所谓"真实电影",如果有意义,也是六零年代的方式. 今天谈"真实",要面对很大的考验与挑战,他认为只是记录并呈现真实,并不是拍片的真义.

Orthodox Church:(正教会)

来表达基督教信仰的真实意义,在十、十一世纪间,创造了沿用至今的「订婚仪式」与「加冕仪式」. 这堂课的宗旨,是要指出新教(Protestantism)和正教(Orthodoxy)之间的某些差异,目的是要激起那些不太熟悉正教会(Orthodox Church)的新教徒的兴趣.