英语人>词典>汉英 : 眉间 的英文翻译,例句
眉间 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
glabella  ·  glabellum  ·  intercilium  ·  mesophryon

更多网络例句与眉间相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Autotransplant of particulate fat with small needle knife is easy to perform, cheap and safe without rejection and scar formation.


Urna, the mark in the centre of the forehead, called the Eye of Wisdom, also depicted as a Bundle of Rays or fine hairs between the eyebrows.


Clairvoyant interference: Your Brow chakra has become clairvoyantly active and has tuned into a future setting.


Like the colour of collyrium is His deep blue hair; Like a polished golden plate is His forehead; As white as the morning star is His beautiful tuft of hair.


The worries hidden between the eyebrows, a twisted complex, chiming in with the plaintive twiddles and the dancing water sleeves under the moon, are telling a sad story dolefully.


Amethyst corresponds to the frequency of top round, the two can develop glabella third eye, soothe the nerves of the effectiveness of calm will be able to stimulate the brain, stimulates creativity, pure, detailed, the advantage of its energy be refreshing, while the feelings between men and women Enhance relationships and a great role.


Sedation score used Ramsay Scale (Ramsay Scale: 1-sober, anxious orrestless or both; 2-sober, cooperative, orientated and tranquil; 3-sober, responding tocommands; 4-sleep, brisk response to stimutus such as percus on glabellum or loudauditory stimulus; 5-sleep, sluggish response to stimulus; 6-sleep, no response tostimulus).

镇静评分采用Ramsay评分(Ramsay Scale:1,清醒,焦虑和易激惹,或不安,或两者都有;2,清醒,能合作,定位感好,平静;3,清醒,只对指令应;4,睡眠对眉间轻叩或大的听觉刺激反应轻快;5,睡眠,对眉间轻叩或大的听觉刺激反应迟缓;6,睡眠,对眉间轻叩或大的听觉刺激无反应。)。

She's all ready to wait for the one who knows why this while she is sheding soft smell of jasmine this time to ignore those irrelative things to greet her emotional feelings on her infatuating lips


Brow chakra: Draw energy up from the feet, through the Base, Spleen, Solar Plexus, Heart and Throat chakras to the Brow chakra.


Brow chakra: Draw energy up from the feet, through the Base, Spleen, Solar Plexus , Heart and Throat chakras to the Brow chakra.


更多网络解释与眉间相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


眩晕, 及面神经麻痹颞骨纵向(longitudinal)和横向(transverse)骨折的比较纵向 (longitudinal) 骨折横向 (transverse) 骨折由两侧嘴角往上到眉间(glabella)之间连线所构成的三角称之此区域与上唇部位都有直接的静脉引流,


gizzard /砂囊/胃/肫/胗/ | glabella /阙中/眉间/ | glabellar /眉间的/


glabella /阙中/眉间/ | glabellar /眉间的/ | glabellum /眉间/

glabellar reflex:眉间反射

gilles de la tourette syndrome 多发性抽动-秽语综合征 | glabellar reflex 眉间反射 | Glasgow coma scale 格拉斯哥昏迷计分

Treating Glabellar Lines:袪眉间纹

祛前额纹 Treating Forehead Wrinkles | 袪眉间纹 Treating Glabellar Lines | 祛眼角纹 Treating Periorbital Lines

Treating Glabellar Lines:祛眉间纹

祛前额纹 Treating Forehead Wrinkles | 祛眉间纹 Treating Glabellar Lines | 祛眼角纹 Treating Periorbital Lines


glabella 眉间 | glabellum 眉间 | glabrate 平滑的

intersuperciliary width:眉间宽

intersuperciliary 眉弓间的 | intersuperciliary width 眉间宽 | intersymbol interference 符号间干扰=>符号間干渉


ophryitis 眉部皮炎 | ophryon 眉间上点 | ophthalmagra 眼剧痛

Top stitch:眉间线

下眉 under visor | 眉间线 top stitch | 灵活尺寸 flex fit