英语人>词典>汉英 : 相加 的英文翻译,例句
相加 的英文翻译、例句


add together
更多网络例句与相加相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And at 20% or more per year, that can add up.


In the addition of two multibit numbers, the carry of each single bit addition is added to the next-insignificance bit.


The binary + operator performs string concatenation when one or both operands are of type string. If an operand of string concatenation is null, an empty string is substituted. Otherwise, any non-string argument is converted to its string representation by invoking the virtual ToString method inherited from type object.

由此可知 C#的加号运算子预设就支援字串串加的功能,只要一群字串串接的物件中只要有一个以上的物件型别是「字串」的话,就会全部变成「字串相加」,只要遇到「非字串」的物件,预设会使用继承至 object 物件的 ToString 方法进行转型,让所有物件都变成「字串」后进行相加动作。

According to the LC-P line of each of insecticide in the mixture and the formula of co-toxicity factor, several expected mortality and the region of additive action (expected mortality±20% expected mortality) were calculated, and according to observed mortality of mixture, the 95% confidence interval was calculated, LC-P line of expected mortality with the region of additive action and LC-P line of observed mortality with the 95% confidence interval were drawn, it was found that there was overlap between the region of additive action and 95% confidence interval and two lines crossed each other when co-toxicity coefficient was more than 100 and the co-toxicity factor was less than 20, which meant there was no significant differences between expected mortality and observed mortality, and that there was on or a few overlap between the region of additive action and 95% confidence interval when co-toxicity coefficient was more than 100 and the co-toxicity factor was more than 20 or co-toxicity coefficient was less than 100 and the co-toxicity factor was less than 20, which meant there was significant differences between expected mortality and observed mortality.


There were significant multipliable interaction among genotype A/A and Psychoticism, Introverts, low- Positive coping style, the γ value were respectively 2.528,1.878,1.935; There were positive additive interaction between genotype A/A and Neuroticism, the γ value was 1.032; There were negative additive interaction between genotype A/A and LES, the γ value was 0.791; There were no significant interaction among genotype A/A and Negative coping style, low-social support.

NET基因多态性G1287A与社会心理学因素交互作用与MD的关联研究:G1287A AA基因型与精神质人格、内向型人格及较少采取积极应对方式可能存在超相乘模型交互作用,γ分别为2.528,1.878,1.935;与神经质人格可能存在正相加模型交互作用,γ为1.032;与生活事件可能存在夫相加模型交互作用,γ为0.791;与消极应对方式、社会支持可能不存在交互作用。

We investigate phenomenologically effects of the flavor-dependent quarkonia annihilation on the meson-meson mixing, and find that corrections due to the flavor-dependent quarknoia annihilation can be described by the constituent quark masses in the mixing model which holds for all the meson nonet. We also study the relation between Regge trajectory and meson spectrum, and therefore concluded that the quasi-linear Regge trajectory with the requirements of additivity of intercepts and inverse slopes can describe the meson spectroscopy with good accuracy, and it also holds for the radial excited mesons except for the bbbar mesons.


Choose any two digit number , add together both digits and then subtract the total from your original number .


If physical quantity is vector quantity it must obey the addition rule of vector quantity, that is to say, when two vector quantities is added, its result is not influenced by adding order.


In the end, a core idea of Web 2.0 is the idea that more people are smarterthan few. In his book, James Surowiecki, a columnist at the New Yorker,explores a deceptively simple idea: large groups of people are smarter thanan elite few, no matter how brilliant they are.

This is what he calls &the wisdomof the crowds&最后,Web 2.0的一个核心理念是多数人的智慧相加一定会超过少数人。,《纽约客》杂志的专栏作家詹姆斯索罗维基在他的书中,对这一容易使人产生迷惑的简单概念进行了探索:一大群人相加会比少数精英更加聪明,无论这些精英们是如何有才气。

At last, in the absence of molecular oxygen, dehydrogenation of FMMH〓 in Photobacterium phosphoreum might be interrupted by the reaction between the Cyanide Alcohol Carbanion and Flavin monoclevtide .


更多网络解释与相加相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

added circuit:相加电路

addaverter 加法转换器 | added circuit相加电路 | addendum补遗,附录

added circuit:加法电路, 相加电路 附加电路

added buoyant layer | 增加浮力层 | added circuit | 加法电路, 相加电路 附加电路 | added copy | 增添复本

added circuit:加法电路/相加电路

加法表 addition table | 加法电路/相加电路 added circuit | 加法定理 addition theorem


协同作用中又分为相加(addition)和增强(potentiation),前者指合用的总效应等于单用效应相加之和,后者指合用效应大于单用效应之和. 拮抗作用中又分相减(subtraction)和抵消(counteraction),前者指合用时的效应小于单用时的效应,

Additive mixture:相加混色

additive factors 附加因素 | additive mixture 相加混色 | additive model 相加模型

additive effect:相加作用

相加作用:相加作用(additive effect)指多种化学物的联合作用等于每一种化学物单独作用的总和. 化学结构比较接近、或同系物、或毒作用靶器官相同、作用机理类似的化学物同时存在时,易发生相加作用. 大部分刺激性气体的刺激作用多为相加作用;

additivity rule:相加法则

"additivity principle","相加性原理" | "additivity rule","相加法则" | "adduct","加成物"

additivity law:相加定律

additives 添加剂 | additivity law 相加定律 | additivity 相加

additive bilingual education:相加雙語教育

reciprocal metathesis 相互換位 | additive bilingual education 相加雙語教育 | additive bilingualism 相加雙語教育

additive bilingualism:相加雙語教育

additive bilingual education 相加雙語教育 | additive bilingualism 相加雙語教育 | identical element 相同成分;同一性成分