英语人>词典>汉英 : 目瞪口呆地 的英文翻译,例句
目瞪口呆地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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I watched, my mouth agape, captivated by a radiance in my parents I had never noticed before.


He looked at the conjurer in silent wonder .


1259From the top of a tower Buck Mulligan, in particoloured jester's dress of puce and yellow and clown's cap with curling bell, stands gaping at her, a smoking buttered split scone in his hand.


Wang Ping: At that time, Chilavert's shot made the Argentinean fans, who usually made the Riverbed Stadium noisy suddenly quiet down. They watched the wonderful performance of the Sarsfield's goalkeeper agape.


Then Huckleberry and Tom stood dumb and staring, and heard the stony-hearted liar reel off his serene statement, they expecting every moment that the clear sky would deliver God's lightnings upon his head, and wondering to see how long the stroke was delayed.


As the show's head costume designer Eric Daman showed us racks labeled " Serena ,""Blair", and " Jenny ," we were jealous—and gawked at Chuck's expansive tie collection.


"Ar!" Ping Ping suddenly sees me to sound out and pauses and is dumfounded to look me.


But, as we often see, against some strom, a silence in the heavens, the rack stand still, the bold winds speechless and the orb below as hush as death, anon the dreadful thunder doth rend the region, so, after Pyrrhus' pause, aroused vengeance sets him new a-work; And never did the Cyclops' hammers fall on Mars's armour forged for proof eterne with less remorse than Ryrrhus' bleeding sword now falls on Priam.


Miraculously , as the sun rose on Sunday morning, the third tree gazed from atop the hill to the place where the Man's body had been taken. She saw an empty tomb and women standing there amazed !


Miraculously, as the sun rose on Sunday morning, the third tree gazed from atop the hill to the place where the Man's body had been taken. She saw an empty tomb and women standing there amazd!


更多网络解释与目瞪口呆地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


此举让他的儿子阿尔蒂尔(Arthur)目瞪口呆:"你不断地说他的坏话,为什么还请他?"这两个人都可以在这一天估计,活动分子与希拉克的依附关系有多大. 菲利浦.塞根想改变保卫共和国联盟(RPR)的名称,把它叫做RPF(保卫法兰西联盟),

stare with astonishment:惊讶地瞪着眼

shock sb. into a stupor 把某人震惊得目瞪口呆 | stare with astonishment 惊讶地瞪着眼 | stare at sb. in mute 目瞪口呆地凝视某人

foolish and crestfallen:傻乎乎地目瞪口呆

labouring wan and weary吃力恹恹怠倦 | foolish and crestfallen傻乎乎地目瞪口呆 | keen and hot一门心思

to dumbfound:使目瞪口呆

consumption ability 消费能力 | to dumbfound 使目瞪口呆 | by a long way 非常地


50. kangaroo 袋鼠 | 51. flabbergasted 目瞪口呆地 | 52. hippopotamus 河马


这必将帮助(helped)我去迎接未来生活的挑战. 1. 刚刚放学回家,我被眼前的一幕震惊(shocked)得目瞪口呆. 9. 我伸出手抱住了母亲,她那时完全崩溃(broke)了. 她把脸俯在我的肩上,抽泣起来. 10. 我紧紧地(tightly)抱着她. 14-15.

stare in perplexity:茫然不解地瞪着眼

stare at sb. in mute 目瞪口呆地凝视某人 | stare in perplexity 茫然不解地瞪着眼 | make sb. stare 使某人惊愕

knock oneself out:精疲力尽

knock one flat 把某人打倒在地 | knock oneself out 精疲力尽 | knock their eyes out 漂亮得使他们目瞪口呆