英语人>词典>汉英 : 盛况 的英文翻译,例句
盛况 的英文翻译、例句


grand occasion · spectacular event
更多网络例句与盛况相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Most everyone left the site without raising a tantrum or complaining to the ubiquitous security guards about the absurdness of not showing the gala outside the Bird's Nest.


The first chapter describes the distribution and prosperity of the Nanjing bawdry industry, and analyzes the reason of such prosperity from the politics, economy, culture and the psychological aspects.


This paper introduces firstly the development course and important contortion of science and technology and then tries to explain the effect and importance of the restoration of ancient machines.


Entered with much eclat in a coach drawn by eight white horses.


Arnold Schwarzen egger was among the guests at the rocket's launch in the Mojave Desert, the US, where it has been under top secret development for 2 years.


White rose is indicative happiness, pure, genuine, the Romanian place of flowers be lovinged is loving, they regard themselves as the nation white rose enthusiastic, pure, true, high, simple with the bumper harvest indicative, what harvest every year is seasonal, metropolis the whole nation celebrates joyously Romanian people, the Romania in those days can appear the grand occasion of put on a false show of peace and prosperity, the Romanian girls of young beauty can wear the garland of white rose in succession, festively singing and dancing, congratulatory bumper harvest.


Completely independent intellectual property rights owned ship flying a large series of arm, has since come out with its unique technology patents, more humane and practical design, excellent value for money, across class, and won: 2007 Radio, Film and Television Industry Ten brand innovation, in 2008, many domestic Olympic torch arrived in the city have to buy a large-scale flying boat rocker, shooting torch relay event, in particular the boat flying 19 meters large arm and at the same time this is also the highest-rocker.


When they started work last year, Jay's grandma even helped his precious grandson to give out red packets to the workers, and everyone of them smiled happily like little children upon receiving them.


They all shrieked when the engagement was announced, harking back to Linda Bird Johnson with undisguised glee.


Each of the "Oscar" of the event can not be denied that the concern is ironclad proof.


更多网络解释与盛况相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


每年的>内衣秀,还要选拔该公司的产品代言人"安琪儿"(Angel),从上万个报名者中选取一个,其选拔盛况不亚于"环球小姐"选美. 被选中者受聘为该公司"安琪儿",立即成为"超级名模",身价倍增,成为全美收入最高的模特儿之一.

Anne Hathaway:安娜海瑟威

小杰推出个人专辑前就一口气被去年三大青春校园电影[麻辣公主]、[灰姑娘的玻璃手机]、[麻雀变公主2:皇家有约]网罗,连续在原声带献唱,还和影坛青春玉女红星安娜海瑟威(Anne Hathaway)合唱歌曲,三大青春校园电影力挺小杰的盛况,


南方大区理论上包括了坎帕尼亚(Campania),巴西利卡塔(Basilicta),卡拉布里亚(Calabria),普利亚(Puglia)这四个大区,以及萨丁和西西里两个岛屿. 字1929年创始以来,意甲历史上从来没有过6支来自南方地区的球队,在同一赛季里参加顶级联赛的盛况,


他开始幻想(conceit)高山上所有的动物都来朝拜新的高山之王的盛况,争相对他欢呼的情景. 小甲虫得意的乱飞舞,好像在接受臣民拥戴一样.


"在另一封罗伯特.卡萨特(Robert Cassatt)写给玛丽.卡萨特的信中,描述了杜兰.鲁埃画廊举办卡萨特作品展的盛况,以及杜兰.鲁埃非凡的手段:"依据杜兰.鲁埃的投资策略,作为非卖品的图录中收录了玛丽.卡萨特的所有作品,而事实上只有埃尔希(Elsie)的作品也能够匹配此


僧佑也这样描述了当时义学的盛况:Ignacio Cabezon也认为,与许多宗教传统一样,佛教的经学从来不是以文字上的解释和理解为目的,经典的作用主要是助发一种可称为"洞见"(insight)或"佛智"的经验形式的完成.


(2)该文提及格里菲斯在当时中国的盛况,当然对于好莱坞经典叙事的"情节剧"(melodrama),格氏也是主要打造者. 在1996年郦苏元、胡菊彬的>一书中,这一盛况得到了更为肯定的反映. (3)特别近数年来,随着早期电影记忆不断出土,

Mother's Day:母亲节 ","母亲节

母亲节 母亲节(Mother's Day) 规定一个专门的日子来表达人们对母亲的尊敬,并不是现代的发明,而是一个非常古老的习俗. 古希腊人曾在树林或山洞中举行仪式,对女神的母亲顶礼膜拜. 到古罗马时,这些活动的规模就变得更大,庆祝盛况往往持续达三天之久.



pump room:帮浦室

★罗马浴场博物馆 (Roman Baths Museum) 的各式浴池,不难令人想像当年的繁华盛况,亦可於▲帮浦室(Pump Room)内自费一饮自然泉水并欣赏特有长形座钟. 早餐后前往被穿越索尔兹伯里平原(Salisbury Plain)的雅芳河(River Avon)环抱的▲艾姆斯伯里(Amesbury),