英语人>词典>汉英 : 皇家的 的英文翻译,例句
皇家的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
regius  ·  royal

更多网络例句与皇家的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

S ewww.wangfans.com Hudson got into a little trouble again in the sixth, putting runners at the corners with two outs, but he got Damon to ground out to end the inning.

v R5 G% m, E% d王建民加油站皇家的先发Hudson在第6局也有一些麻烦,跑者分占1,3垒2人出局,但他让大门打出滚地球出局结束这个半局。

We will have a royal wedding and coronation!


The 18th century French Paris, a royal cake division on the king's daughter, princess in the 18th birthday, he made the world for her to eat the cake, after the princess to be frozen feeling, The cake was between the fruit sweet and sour blueberries, to watch him for the princess of acacia process, finally sour with chocolate into a symbol of imperial crown princess ","after eating deeply understood that the implication, and this cake is named as" real ".


From rags to social prominence the life of Gregory Rasputin holds many of the events leading to the eventual overthrow of the Russian imperial system, the dethronement of the House of Romanov and the assassination of the Imperial Family.

从旧布对社会突起Gregory 生活Rasputin 举行许多事件导致俄国皇家系统的最后的推翻, Romanov 议院的dethronement 和皇家的刺杀。

Imperial rights had been referred to as regalia since the Investiture Controversy, but were enumerated for the first time at Roncaglia as well.


In either case there is no appeal from the papal or the royal decision.


The princess glided down the royal , red carpet.


Perhaps the original of this morning glory is a balcony on the Royal Beishou care of tweed, perhaps some years ago has been spent working in the Royal garden of Shinong tweed, maybe she is climbing a wall in the farmhouse Gracilaria Palestinian farmers do not care of that The morning glory is only mediocre, but she has no intention to find her "roots", and she in her dedication to her nature, her curiosity, innocence, and she is in Imperial City to see if she did not know the root of the world!


B n; t y: S/ b% M The rejuvenated Yankees offense couldn't be contained for yet another night, beating up on the Royals pitching staff to post a 9-4 victory at Kauffman Stadium on Tuesday, their 11th win in 14 games since reconvening for the second half.

~- Q' K# Y 新生的洋基打线可是一个晚上也停不下来,星期二他们在皇家主场Kauffman Stadium又痛击皇家的投手群以9:4获胜,也是从下半季以来14场比赛的第11胜。

T3 E r }' X The rejuvenated Yankees offense couldn't be contained for yet another night, beating up on the Royals pitching staff to post a 9-4 victory at Kauffman Stadium on Tuesday, their 11th win in 14 games since reconvening for the second half.

新生的洋基打线可是一个晚上也停不下来,星期二他们在皇家主场Kauffman Stadium又痛击皇家的投手群以9:4获胜,也是从下半季以来14场比赛的第11胜。

更多网络解释与皇家的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

as opposed to curbside-marketplace perverts:而不是什么路边交易市场的变态们

also suggests that he was embalmed by royal mummifiers,|也说明了他是用皇家的... | as opposed to curbside-marketplace perverts...|而不是什么路边交易市场的变态们 | Preservists.|防腐剂 (变态跟防腐剂的单词...

Kirsten:克絲汀 基督的跟隨者

Kimberly 金柏莉 皇家的草地 | Kirsten 克絲汀 基督的跟隨者 | Laura 蘿拉 月桂樹


registry 注册 | regius 皇家的 | reglaze 再上釉

Royal Academy:皇家学会

笋称S.P.R)成立于一八八二年,皇家学会(royal academy)会长、同时也是物理学者的威廉.库鲁克司(William Crux),...皇家学会(RoyalSociety),全称"伦敦皇家自然知识促进学会",是英国资助科学发展的组织,成立于1660年,

Royal Academy of Music:伦敦大学皇家音乐学院

毕业于伦敦大学皇家音乐学院(Royal Academy of Music)作曲系 硕士研究生2006/9月-至今. 本人现在在英国伦敦大学皇家音乐学院学习(Royal Academy of Music)作曲,研究生课程. 师从于世界级大师Paul Patterson. 也是唯一一名在皇家音乐学院学习作曲的中国学生,

Royal Salute:皇家礼炮

威士忌专家Jim Murray在>中这样写道:"皇家礼炮"(Royal salute)是种口味丰富,完美而又沉着似水的威士忌,当年皇家海军为了表示对统治者的最高 敬意,鸣放21响礼炮,它代表的是无可厚非的尊贵和高雅,以及发挥到顶点的精致.


如今威廉正打算在2010年9月结束英国皇家 空军(RAF)的训练之后,就和女友凯特正式宣布订婚. 此前有人推测,威廉王子可能会于2011年举行婚礼,但不巧的是,届时威廉王子正好将结束英国皇家空军(RAF)的飞行训练,


同年 12 月,皇家空军(RAF)接受了它的第一批"闪电"--三架发展批次的 P.1B 进入了飞行单位. 驻扎于科提肖(Coltishall)的皇家空军第 74 中队是第一支实际采用"闪电"的现役单位,该中队的飞行员于 1960 年后期开始熟悉新飞机的操作并于 1961 年开始正式执行战斗值班.

Royal Marines:皇家海军陆战队

帖子主题:[原创]皇家海军陆战队(ROYAL MARINES)宪兵礼服[原创]皇家海军陆战队(ROYAL MARINES)宪兵礼服[原创]皇家海军陆战队(ROYAL MARINES)宪兵礼服相关文章对[原创]皇家海军陆战队(ROYAL MARINES)宪兵礼服的回复

Royal Society:皇家学会

此书于一六六八年出版,宗旨在拥护成立未久的"皇家学会"(Royal Society). 该会在当时颇受攻击,谓为有害于宗教及真实学问的兴趣. 格氏愤古典派对于皇家学会的压迫,乃起而树拥护的旗帜. 他说他对于无名的罗盘针的发明者的感佩,