英语人>词典>汉英 : 的缩写 的英文翻译,例句
的缩写 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Capcom  ·  mayn't  ·  oughtn't

更多网络例句与的缩写相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cause you have to make up for the letters you abbreviate somehow!


An index of commonly used abbreviations of authors names has also been included. This index is intended to assist in the interpretation of abbreviations, which may be encountered in entomological literature.


In an article, avoid unfamiliar abbreviations and define any that you use in a footnote or in the text.


However, in recent years, some stations in this country have employed English-language abbreviations rather than the national spoken and written language standard or the Pinyin Romanization, and a mix of Chinese and English can be found in certain programs.


Zh is the initials of my First Name. hz is the initials of the city I come from..

zh 是我的名字的缩写。hz 是我老家所在的地方的缩写

Cig cigarette的缩写 You got a cig?What he said is crap. Dont believe a word of it


Lab 是 laboratory的缩写.6 For my math requirements, I'll be taking algebra, calculus, and trig.


Avoid distracting statements containing excessive abbreviations or acronyms, name-dropping, or controversial words and phrases, colloquialisms, slang, and jargon.


They say that instead of government issue or general issue, GI came from the words galvanized iron.

他们认为GI 不是政府问题或者一般问题的缩写,而是镀锌铁的缩写

Other abbreviations, such as O.F.M.

他还指出,其他一些缩写,如our first men的缩写O.F.M。

更多网络解释与的缩写相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

AAM acrylamide:丙烯酰胺的缩写

AACC American Association for Contamination Control美国污染控制协会的缩写 | AAM acrylamide丙烯酰胺的缩写 | AAN amino acetonitrile氨基乙腈的缩写

abr. abridged; abridgement:删节的缩写

ABR acryl butadiene rubber丙烯醛基丁二烯橡胶的缩写 | abr. abridged; abridgement删节的缩写 | abs. absolute绝对的缩写

abs.alc. absolute alcohol:无水酒精的缩写

abs. absolute绝对的缩写 | abs.alc. absolute alcohol无水酒精的缩写 | abstr. abstract摘要,文摘的缩写

ABT about:约的缩写

abstr. abstract摘要,文摘的缩写 | abt. about约的缩写 | A.C.,a.c. alternating current交流电的缩写

BP Boiling Point:沸点的缩写

BOD biochemical oxygen demand生化耗氧量的缩写 | BP boiling point沸点的缩写 | BPK bleached papergrade kraft and soda(生产)白纸用硫酸盐和荷性纳法浆的缩写

BTU British thermal unit:英热单位的缩写

BPT best practicable control technology最佳实用控制技术的缩写 | BTU british thermal unit英热单位的缩写 | BW basis weight定量的缩写

CATV cable television:的缩写,即有线电视

CARM Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine的缩写,即中国康复医学会. | CATV Cable Television的缩写,即有线电视. | CBD Central Business District的缩写,又称中央商务区.

CI Colour Index:比色指数的缩写

CFD computational fluid dynamics计算流体动力学的缩写 | CI colour index比色指数的缩写 | CI cofidence interval置信区间的缩写

DELS Doppler electrophoretic light scattering:多普勒电泳光扫描的缩写

DCS distributed control system集散控制系统的缩写 | DELS Doppler electrophoretic light scattering多普勒电泳光扫描的缩写 | DIP deinked pulp脱墨纸浆的缩写

alink: Actives Links:的缩写,主动的链接

vlink: Visited Links 的缩写,访问过的链接 | alink: Actives Links 的缩写,主动的链接 | bgcolor: backgroudcolor的缩写,背景颜色