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的方法 的英文翻译、例句


approach to
更多网络例句与的方法相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His methods of working include method of coming from the mass and working among the mass, that of stereotypical model, that of political mobilization, that of analysis like that of anatomization of a sparrow, that of combination of political work and administrative work, and combination of ideological-political work and practical work in all fields, etc.


His methods of thinking contain methods for analysis of social classes and groups, and contradictions, practice first and combination of theory and practice; methods of value choice of people's benefits above all else and value judgment. His methods of working include method of coming from the mass and working among the mass, that of stereotypical model, that of political mobilization, that of analysis like that of anatomization of a sparrow, that of combination of political work and administrative work, and combination of ideological-political work and practical work in all fields, etc.


In this article,the synthesis method of Phenanthraquinone is discussed and five main methods are compared,such as the method of using biphenyl and derivative of diphenylethane and the method of Diels-Alder and rearrangement as well as the direct oxidation.


Olio 在 2003/12/02 09:09:50 发表的内容: slipstitch: This stitch is used for holding a folded edge to a flat piece of fabric.


METHOD OF MANUFACTURE 制造方法 Details on the method of manufacture are available from Perlite Institute, Inc.


Plentiful and substantial achievements have been made, which motivate a lot of methods to obtain the exact solutions of solitary wave equations, such as: the homogeneous balance method, the hyperbolic function method, the power series method, besides the traditional methods, such as: the inverse scatting method, the bilinear Hirota method, and the Backlund transformation method etc.


We can see that market segments and niches can be identified by applying successive连续的) variables to subdivide a market.


In which的讲解,Rafting is a good way in which people can experience nature.


The reduced temperature and pressure of the mixture at 60 degrees F and 14.696 psia are computed with Kay's rule and used to determine a density factor, C, from Figure 6A2.21 in the API Technical Data Book.


To make clear the project, the most fundamental methods in legal philo...


更多网络解释与的方法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a rule of thumb:单靠经验或实践的方法;粗略而简便的方法

B: Don't take it too much to heart. You will find them very helpful when you need them. 别太放在心上. 你... | 11. a rule of thumb 单靠经验或实践的方法;粗略而简便的方法 | B: Did the boss agree with you?...

a rule of thumb:单*经验或实践的方法;粗略而简便的方法

B: Don't take it too much to heart. You will find them very helpful when you need them. 别太放在心上. 你... | 11. a rule of thumb 单*经验或实践的方法;粗略而简便的方法 | B: Did the boss agree with you? ...

a rule of thumb:单K经验或实践的方法;粗略而简便的方法

B: Don't take it too much to heart. You will find them very helpful when you need them. 别太放在心上. 你会... | 11. a rule of thumb 单K经验或实践的方法;粗略而简便的方法 | B: Did the boss agree with you?...

axiomatic method:公理式的方法;公设式的方法

并联公理 axiom of union | 公理式的方法;公设式的方法 axiomatic method | 公理化的集合论 axiomatic set theory

Paired comparison method:配对比较法(绩效评价的方法)

behaviorally anchored rating scale 行为锚等级评价法(绩效评价的方法) | paired comparison method 配对比较法(绩效评价的方法) | forced distribution method 强迫分布法(绩效评价的方法)

Chapter Eighteen:议论文阅读的方法

Chapter sixteen 应用文阅读的方法 | Chapter seventeen 说明文阅读的方法 | Chapter eighteen 议论文阅读的方法

empiricist approach:經驗學派的方法;經驗主義的方法

empiricism 經驗主義 | empiricist approach 經驗學派的方法;經驗主義的方法 | empty category 空號範疇

Essay Method:书面方式(绩效评价的方法)

graphic rating scale method 图式评估法(绩效评价的方法) | essay method 书面方式(绩效评价的方法) | critical incident method 关键事件法(绩效评价的方法)

rule of thumb:单凭经验来做的方法,比较简单有效的方法

roller coaster娱乐场的环形滑车道 | rule of thumb单凭经验来做的方法,比较简单有效的方法 | shut off关掉(煤气等);切断,使隔绝,脱离

Chapter seventeen:说明文阅读的方法

Chapter sixteen 应用文阅读的方法 | Chapter seventeen 说明文阅读的方法 | Chapter eighteen 议论文阅读的方法