英语人>词典>汉英 : 百依百顺 的英文翻译,例句
百依百顺 的英文翻译、例句


obey in every way · agree with sb. about everything · all obedience · assent to every proposal
更多网络例句与百依百顺相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He's just a nose of wax with her, and does just what she tells him.


To become aristocracy, not have to with a lot of money or an always obedient prince to u.


She had truly a great complacence for her brother.


He is complaisant to her.


She was an old-fashioned wife, entirely complaisant to her husband's will.


She is entirely complaisant to me.


M She is entirely complaisant to me.

她对我百依百顺。6 V K。

It is the way of being docile and obedient to him.


His wife is a very meek woman, like clay in the hands of the potter .


Sierra also meets Nettie's grandson, Tyler, head of the local community theater. Sierra invents a name, tells Nettie a wild story, and reads for a part in Tyler's production of "Taming of the Shrew."


更多网络解释与百依百顺相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

agree with sb. in everything:百依百顺

百年不遇:not seen in a hundred years | 百依百顺:agree with sb. in everything | 班门弄斧:show off one's skill with the axe before LU BAN


docent 讲解者 | docile 温顺的 | docileandobedientallobedience 百依百顺

obey in every way:百依百顺

87. 按图索骥:look for sth by a chart | 88. 百依百顺:obey in every way | 89. 口蜜腹剑,笑里藏刀:He is an evil man who has a mouth that praises and a hand that kills.

Since she was an only child, her parents pandered to her every whim:由于她是独女,父母对她总是百依百顺

15. pander v.... | Since she was an only child, her parents pandered to her every whim. 由于她是独女,父母对她总是百依百顺 | The newspapers there pander to people's interest in crime and violence. 那儿的...

dependent personality disorder:依赖性人格障碍

8.依赖性人格障碍(Dependent Personality disorder)以极度依赖他人为特征. 表现为过分被动、无主见,自卑和远离人群,对别人的评价过度脆弱,自以为愚笨,对别人的意见从不反驳,对长辈和上级是驯服的工具,对配偶也百依百顺. 生活中的大事,