英语人>词典>汉英 : 白垩质 的英文翻译,例句
白垩质 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
chiltern  ·  chalkiness  ·  chilternu

更多网络例句与白垩质相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This inland plain, once a ridge of chalk upland, but now eroded, is largely denuded of the trees---mainly oaks---which covered it so densely during the Middle Ages, and which were a seemingly inexhaustible source of timber until they succumbed in later centuries to the charcoal burner and the builder.


In this area seven microfacies in the Chuangde Fm. red beds can be separated. They are: 1 reddish foraminifera grainstone; 2 reddish microfossils packstone/wackestone; 3 reddish marlstone with microfossils; 4 reddish marlstone; 5 red to variegated floatstone ; 6 reddish shales; 7 reddish radiolarite/ radiolarian chert.In the Yamudok Cuo area, it can be distinguished six microfacies in the redbeds including 1 reddish foraminifera grainstone; 2 reddish microfossils marlstone; 3 reddish shales; 4 yellow-grayish floatstone ; 5 reddish radiolarian chert; 6 reddish chert with radiolaria. The depositional environment of the Chuangde formation can be interpreted from sediments composition, as is deep oceanic basin adjacent to continental slope/rise. The slope/rise setting is indicated by the occurrence of olistoliths and slumped pelagic/hemipelagic limestone, present near the top of the Chuangde Fm.

进一步资料对比研究表明,全球上白垩统海相红层具有以下特征:a上白垩统红层出现在北大西洋、阿尔卑斯、喀尔巴阡、土耳其,向东一直到特提斯喜马拉雅地区和澳大利亚西北角的Exmouth海底高原,横贯整个特提斯和北大西洋;b沉积环境以外陆棚-斜坡和盆地为主,在斜坡环境下多发育有浊流沉积,如Scaglia Rossa和Nietrental组;c有机碳含量普遍很低,0~0.3%之间;d盆地相仅发育红色泥质岩,而斜坡和远洋环境下不仅发育红色页岩,同时还有红色泥灰岩、红色灰岩和红色硅质岩;e北大西洋和地中海地区在Cenomanian-Turonian界线黑色页岩之后不久的Turonian早期就出现红色沉积,而藏南出现在Santonian早期,Exmouth出现在Campanian早期,红层出现似乎有"西早东晚"的趋势。

At this point, the chald cliffs shelve down to the beach.


Flintcomb-Ash being in the middle of the cretaceous tableland over which no railway had climbed as yet, it would be necessary to walk.


From late Jurassic-early Cretaceous to late Cretaceous, the magmatic activities decrease and the compositions of magmas change from shoshonitic and rhyolitic to alkaline basaltic.


The second group are the mixtures of Jurassic coal-formed oils and Cretaceous-derived oils. The carbon isotope, n-alkanes and isoprenoids compositions of these oils are similar to core extracts from Jurassic coal measures. However, sterane and terpane compositions of these oils show affinity to Cretaceous source rocks. It is deduced that coal-formed oils dissolved the biomarker-rich Cretaceous bitumen of relatively low thermal maturity, and overprinting occurs during oil migration.


Here at the base of the chalk formation he neared the brood that oozed from it.


Both ranges have chalk escarpments with some quite large hills, and the Chilterns in particular have some very quiet valleys where the Burrow could be hidden.


The traveller from the coast, who, after plodding northward for a score of miles over calcareous downs and corn-lands, suddenly reaches the verge of one of these escarpments, is surprised and delighted to behold, extended like a map beneath him, a country differing absolutely from that which he has passed through.


The traveller from the coast, who, after plodding northward for a score of miles over calcareous downs and corn-lands, suddenly reaches the verge of one of these escarpments, is surprised and delighted to behold, extended like a map beneath him, a country differing absolutely from that which he has passed through.

从海岸徒步北上的游客,在跋涉了二十多英里路程,越过了白垩质的草原和玉米地之后,突然来到这样一座悬崖边上,发现一种跟他适才走过的地区截然不同的景色像地图一样展现在他面前时,是免不了会惊喜交加的。passed through:经过市镇等此处country指田野fields。

更多网络解释与白垩质相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


是由齿质(dentine)、釉质(珐琅质)(enemel)和齿骨质(白垩质)(cement)所构成(图20-17). 齿质内有髓腔,充有结缔组织、血管和神经,供应牙齿所需营养. 釉质是体内最坚硬的部分,覆盖于齿冠部分. 齿骨质覆于齿根外周,与颌骨的齿槽相联合,

cement; cementum:牙骨质 ; 白垩质,粘质 ; 粘合质

牙垢 ; 牙石 tartar | 牙骨质 ; 白垩质,粘质 ; 粘合质 cement; cementum | 牙菌膜显示剂 ; 牙垢膜指示剂 dental disclosing agent;plaque disclosing agent


chalky porosity 白垩状孔隙 | chalky 白垩质的 | challenge 挑战;提出异议

chalky soil:白垩质土壤

chalk 白垩 | chalky soil 白垩质土壤 | chamaephytes 地上芽植物

chalky clay:白垩质粘土

chalkstone 白垩 | chalky clay 白垩质粘土 | chalky porosity 白垩状孔隙

chiltern:白垩质, 砂质

Chiltern Hundreds | 奇尔特恩英皇直属领地奇尔特恩诸邑 | chiltern | 白垩质, 砂质 | chiltonite | 葡萄石

pteropod chalky ooze:翼足类白垩质软泥

侧羽叶 Pterophyllum | 翼足类白垩质软泥 pteropod chalky ooze | 翼足类软泥 pteropod ooze


cement 水泥 | cemental 白垩质的 | cementation 粘固


chalked 粉化的 | chalkiness 白垩质 | chalkinesswhiting 白垩

chiltern:白垩质, 砂质

Chiltern Hundreds || 奇尔特恩英皇直属领地奇尔特恩诸邑 | chiltern || 白垩质, 砂质 | chiltonite || 葡萄石