英语人>词典>汉英 : 登门拜访 的英文翻译,例句
登门拜访 的英文翻译、例句


call at sb.'s house
更多网络例句与登门拜访相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mo boss clear voice cachinnation way:"The segment young lady is very kind, Mo's being some has been remember to think that ascending a door visit, today on hearing that the young lady appear in the oil press, the Mo some favour rushed through to come over."


Of course you contact their accession he should have a medium, can ask a concern, general these cultural workers are great-hearted, think oneself very marvelous, if you look for him directly, his meeting refus besides your door, you can pass his friend to put his work to your website to reveal first, visit again next, he breathes out to be a teacher continuously after taking the door, you say, I see your work is very good, work shows those who gave pair of native place to have deep love for everywhere and eulogize, you are a good person, you are the person of a devotee countryside.


I kept in touch by phone, but I visited infrequently.


A week later the mayor wrote her himself, offering to call or to send his car for her, and received in reply a note on paper of an archaic shape, in a thin, flowing calligraphy in faded ink, to the effect that she no longer went out at all.


If not, I'll pay a kind visit to you as soon as possible.


He loved to engage in pithy conversations with friends in his home and visit them at home and abroad.


Some of Mr Harper's critics are also affronted by his high-handedness in not bothering to call on the governor-general personally to ask for prorogation, as tradition demands, but instead making his request by telephone.


And after three unreturned phone calls, Charlotte decided to make a house call.


And I want to start today by saying how grateful I am to all of you, to everyone who poured your hearts and your hopes into this campaign, who drove for miles and lined the streets waving homemade signs, who scrimped and saved to raise money, who knocked on doors and made calls, who talked, sometimes argued with your friends and neighbors...


I have happy recollections of my visit to your house.


更多网络解释与登门拜访相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

discuss business:谈生意

是不能随便进入参加的. 中国人重视亲自"登门拜访",认为这是诚意的表现. 而美国人则不然,只要能够以电话代替,绝不会浪费时间亲临拜访. 不管是谈生意(discuss business),邀请对方(give invitation)或请求帮忙(ask favors)都尽量在电话中进行.

Kaiser Chiefs:天王老子合唱团

除了在披头四制作人George Martin创立的AIRSTUDIOS进行录音及母带后期处理外,他还与团员为寻找>MV导演,特地登门拜访执导Coldplay、U2等天团MV的大牌导演,没想到与曾执导"天王老子"合唱团(Kaiser Chiefs)冠军单曲的(H 4 O)拍摄团队一拍即合,

And after three unreturned phone calls, Charlotte decided to make a house call:在打了三通电话 没接获任何回应之后 夏绿蒂决定亲自登门拜访

- All right, okay. When i... | And after three unreturned phone calls, Charlotte decided to make a house call.|在打了三通电话 没接获任何回应之后 夏绿蒂决定亲自登门拜访 | Hello, rabbi. I brought you som...

ensured Bunny never haunted their home again:邦妮永远不再擅自登门拜访

But either way, their sexorcism...|但他们的性事可以保证 | ensured Bunny never haunted their home again...|邦妮永远不再擅自登门拜访 | unless expressly invited.|除非受到明确邀请

Kaiser Chiefs:天王老子合唱团

除了在披头四制作人George Martin创立的AIRSTUDIOS进行录音及母带后期处理外,他还与团员为寻找<<狂热>>MV导演,特地登门拜访执导Coldplay、U2等天团MV的大牌导演,没想到与曾执导"天王老子"合唱团(Kaiser Chiefs)冠军单曲的(H 4 O)拍摄团队一拍即合,