英语人>词典>汉英 : 登机门 的英文翻译,例句
登机门 的英文翻译、例句


boarding gate
更多网络例句与登机门相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Where is the boarding gate of this airliner?


M: All we have to do is go through security and go to the boarding gate!


She said that I needed to stay in the gate area and wait for my name to be called if they have a seat available.


When we arrive at the gate, we'll start to disembark.


Can you tell me how to get to the boarding gate for this flight?


Will passengers on flight Swissair SR eight, one , two to Geneva please proceed to gate number five


The new aerodromes consists of a 3,400m taxiway plus tar ring pad and peripheral fencing, a passenger terminal with 20 gates putting through 20 million passengers a year by the turn of the century.


The new aerodromes consists of a 3,400m taxiway plus tarring pad and peripheral fencing, a passenger terminal with 20 gates putting through 20 million passengers a year by the turn of the century.


The new aerodromes consists of a 3,400m taxiway plus tarring pad and peripheral fencing, a passenger terminal with 20 gates putt ing through 20 million passengers a year by the turn of the century.


2Z5op,SzN6zJJgH0 The video starts with the screaming woman running towards the departure gate and bouncing off a female security guard, after she learned that her flight has been closed.


更多网络解释与登机门相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Window seat or aisle seat:窗边的座位还是过道的座位

Where is the boarding gate for this flight 这班飞机的登机门在哪儿? | Where is the ticket office 售票处在哪儿? | Window seat or aisle seat 窗边的座位还是过道的座位?

boarding card:登机证

登机门号码 Gate Number | 登机证 Boarding Card | 机场税 Airport Tax

Boarding Card,Boarding Pass:登机证

登机门号码:Gate Number | 登机证:Boarding Card,Boarding Pass | 机场税:Airport Tax

boarding pass:登机卡

就在这个时候,机场人员会发给你登机卡(boarding pass),并给你安排一个座位,他(或她)会告诉你从几号门登机,你乘坐的飞机将从那个地方起飞. 你必须保证,自己比飞机起飞时间早半个钟点到达登机处. 在你离境之前,或者在你中途转机的机场,

loading bridge:装载桥

机场的工作人员又特别清除了一条关闭的跑道专门让这架飞机能重返登机门,但很不幸的是,它在离装载桥(loading bridge)之前的几英尺地方又陷入雪中. 于是除雪的工作继续进行,最终于下午3点钟回到了登机门.

Kelly Lin:林熙蕾

台湾女演员林熙蕾 (Kelly LIN) 曾经在>中啥米拢不惊,巧合地参演了法国片> ... bisou;因为,本部落格(应该)是全台湾第一个刊登了林熙蕾在>中的剧照的部落格, ... Jelly Bean - 登机门 Jelly Bean - 登机门 ... ...

Departure Lobby:旅客登机报到处

出境大厅 Arrival Lobby | 旅客登机报到处 Departure Lobby | 登机门号码 Gate Number

passport control:护照检查处

事实表明,当恐怖主义者进攻时,原告已经出示了机票,通过了护照检查处(PASSPORT CONTROL),进入了事先早已预留给乘坐国际航班的旅客使用的地点. 乘客被集合在登机门(DEPARTURE GATE),实际上准备登机了. 他们在TWA的代理人的指导下,被排成横队,

Kelly Lin:林熙蕾

台湾女演员林熙蕾 (Kelly LIN) 曾经在<<父子>>中啥米拢不惊,巧合地参演了法国片<<登机门>> ... bisou;因为,本部落格(应该)是全台湾第一个刊登了林熙蕾在<<登机门>>中的剧照的部落格, ... Jelly Bean - 登机门 Jelly Bean - 登机门 ...<详全文> ...

balance spring:平衡弹簧

所以叫平衡弹簧(balance spring). 在飞行模拟机使用的过程中,与登机桥有关的故障经常是不能正常升降,原因大多数都是因为电子部件或电路问题造成的,如登机门(ACCESS GATE)的微动电门不能闭合、液压支柱的微动电门不能闭合或者MC内部电路板/线路故障造成的.