英语人>词典>汉英 : 痛不欲生 的英文翻译,例句
痛不欲生 的英文翻译、例句


be overwhelmed with sorrow · grieve to the extent of wishing to die
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The idea of Edward ceasing to exist, even if I were dead, was impossibly painful.


Croak ... neither ...The man cried painfully and said,He is the first husband of my wife ...


This several aspect , at his heart fierce conflict, make him be overwhelmed with sorrow nearly frenziedly.


Over the course of next few days, admist the haze of the funeral and hundreds of visitors, Donna was 100%present for her friend,she held her close while she cried endless tears, sat by her side as the waves of grig\fe washed over her friend. and slept on the floor next to her friend's bed to make sure she did not wake up alone in the middle of the night. during that time she hardly feel any pain at all in her knee and none of the depression she had been experiencing


They were inconsolable when their only child died.


She is inconsolable for the loss of her husband.


The two relievers are not related, but Chamberlain and Ramirez share a common trait: They throw nasty pitches -- so deceptive and biting, in fact, that left fielder Johnny Damon took a stab at describing what kind of pitcher the two of them would combine to make.

h# ?- _, d8 o$ y3 A8 T 这两个后援投手并没有亲属关系,但是在乔巴和拉米瑞兹之间却共享著一个特点:他们都会投很刁钻的球--刁钻到骗死人不偿命、让对手痛不欲生的球,事实上,左外野手戴门就尝试形容过如果把他们两个人综合起来,会变成一个什麼样的投手。

Z8 dwww.wangfans.com/ r; _! c# T: N V$ C王建民加油站 The two relievers are not related, but Chamberlain and Ramirez share a common trait: They throw nasty pitches -- so deceptive and biting, in fact, that left fielder Johnny Damon took a stab at describing what kind of pitcher the two of them would combine to make.

Q3 v- k; Vwww.wangfans.com 这两个后援投手并没有亲属关系,但是在乔巴和拉米瑞兹之间却共享著一个特点:他们都会投很刁钻的球--刁钻到骗死人不偿命、让对手痛不欲生的球,事实上,左外野手戴门就尝试形容过如果把他们两个人综合起来,会变成一个什麼样的投手。

There had been a period when Hester was less alive to this consideration; or, perhaps, in the misanthropy of her own trouble, she left the minister to bear what she might picture to herself as a more tolerable doom.


Dennis Milner, 83, and his wife Flora, 81, from Newbury, Berkshire, sent a letter and statement to the BBC saying they had "chosen to peacefully end our lives " to avoid "a living death ".


更多网络解释与痛不欲生相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Been Dumped:被甩

pee n.小便撒尿vi.小便撒尿 | been dumped被甩 | Chances are he's gonna be this, this broken shell of a man现在他可能痛不欲生


女祭司海洛(Hero)在集市上与男青年利安得(Leander)一见倾心. 每天晚上,海洛点燃火把,引导利安得泅渡达达尼尔海峡,与其相会. 有一夜大风骤起,吹灭火把,利安得溺水身亡. 次日清晨,海洛目睹情人尸体,痛不欲生,遂投海自尽.

grieve to the extent of wishing to die:痛不欲生

211. 趁热打铁strike when the iron is hot | 212. 痛不欲生grieve to the extent of wishing to die | 213. 痛改前非thoroughly rectify one's errors


死灵法师防守时可以利用"懦弱"(Faintheartedness)和"委靡不振"(Malaise)分别作用于战士和法系单位来减少战士的伤害和法系的能量. 幻术师防御能力的多样性使得幻术师是很需要考虑的职业. 类似于死灵法师,幻术师可以让敌人痛不欲生.


那是一群瘾君子的疯狂,让他们失去理智变为禽123的,正是一种名叫瓦尔基里(Valkyr)的新型毒品. 妻儿的惨死,让马克斯痛不欲生,他除了自暴自弃,还发誓一定要血债血偿,逮光那些制造毒品的人渣!

No kero la vida:痛不欲生

Adio,adio kerida 别兮良人 | No kero la vida 痛不欲生 | Me l'amargates tu 我心伤悲