英语人>词典>汉英 : 病态的 的英文翻译,例句
病态的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
clammy  ·  diseased  ·  morbid  ·  pathologic  ·  pathological  ·  sick  ·  wan  ·  peccant  ·  wanner  ·  clammier  ·  wanned  ·  wanning  ·  wans

ill conditioned
更多网络例句与病态的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Why do you like going to cemeteries so much is it some kind of morbid curiosity ?


So, once appear clammy sexual life, how should people do?


Time and again,the ill parentage will lead to the morbid family structure;on the other hand,the main expressiveness of the morbid family structure——enmeshment,disengagement,coalition,triangulation,peverse tri...


He left the street , and, entering the fosse, began a circuit, scanning the walls with morbid


The equation is a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind which is extremely unstable. The solution of this equation is the brightness temperature of target.


Humbert questions whether Annabel provoked his condition, or whether it was simply early evidence of his condition.


I thought these ill-bred people's gillslits showed.


At present, the main method to ill-conditioned problem is normalization, namely constrained conditions are added to it.


In Rishi he suggests that by purveying short-term cures but ignoring long-term prevention, the typical Western physician "was fostering a diseased system and beyond that, a diseased world …."


F 促进,ˋf st In Rishi he suggests that by purveying short-term cures but ignoring long-term prevention, the typical Western physician was fostering a diseased system and beyond that, a diseased world….

& 在《哲人归来》一书中,他认为一般的西方医生大量提供短期的治疗,却忽略长期的预防,等于是&助长一个病态的系统,甚至于病态的世界。

更多网络解释与病态的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

black humor:黑色幽默(文学中特别是小说、戏剧中的一种荒唐、怪诞或病态的幽默)

black comedy 黑色喜剧(以荒诞、病态和夸张的幽默手法表现对现实世界的一种戏剧... | black humor 黑色幽默(文学中特别是小说、戏剧中的一种荒唐、怪诞或病态的幽默) | black Friday 黑色的星期五(指有任何灾难发生的星期...

Pathological gambling:病态的赌博

pathological gambler 病态赌徒 | pathological gambling 病态的赌博 | paycheck n .付薪水的支票,薪水

ill conditioned:病态的

if and only if 当且仅当 | ill conditioned 病态的 | ill conditioned matrix 病态阵

What a sick, masochistic lion:那我就是一只病态的自讨苦吃的狮子

So the lion fell in love with a lamb 所以当狮子爱上羊的时候 | What a stupid lamb多么愚蠢的养 | what a sick masochistic lion那我就是一只病态的自讨苦吃的狮子


为什么鲁迅会写成这种"不正常的"(abnormal)和"不健全的"或"病态的"(morbid)人物呢?成仿吾明确地说:"这许是他所学过的医学害了他的地方,是自然主义害了他的地方". 成仿吾意识到鲁迅小说较为普遍的疾病描写,

She's morbidly obese. The "morbid" part of that raises alarms:她是病态性肥胖 "病态"的那一部分响起警钟了

The E.K.G. Shows classic signs of S. T. Elevati... | She's morbidly obese. The "morbid" part of that raises alarms.|她是病态性肥胖 "病态"的那一部分响起警钟了 | Come on. It takes decades to eat your way...

pallid:中文解释;病态的 谐音谐意注解:病脸的

maid 中文解释:少女,女仆 谐音谐意注解:妹头 | pallid 中文解释;病态的 谐音谐意注解:病脸的 | ogre 中文解释:吃人的魔鬼 谐音谐意注解;恶鬼

pathologic:病理的, 病态的

apotheosis n.尊为神, 神化, 颂扬, 崇拜, 典范 | pathologic 病理的, 病态的 | opposite adj.相对的, 对面的, 对立的, 相反的, 对等的, 对应的

Unwholesome; morbid:不健全的;病态的:a sick joke. 一个不健康的笑话

Unwholesome; morbid: 不健全的;病态的:a sick joke. 一个不健康的笑话 | bootstrap n.(靴子后面的)靴襻,提靴带(pl) 自己的努力 | pull oneself up by one's bootstraps 靠自己的努力改善境遇


peccancy /罪/罪过/病态/ | peccant /有罪的/病态的/堕落的/ | peccary /野猪类/