英语人>词典>汉英 : 病弱的 的英文翻译,例句
病弱的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
delicate  ·  sickly  ·  sicklied  ·  sicklier  ·  sicklies  ·  sicklying

更多网络例句与病弱的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She insane general, surmised the steamed dumpling along the road pursues, the person threw down, the steamed dumpling was rotten, the tobacco mosaic bowl has also broken to pieces the highly skilled curium bowl artisan curium good tobacco mosaic bowl, actually could not close girl's broken mind, incurred the younger sister to be determined towed the feeble body to take a long journey seeks the first love sweetheart, the blind mother's tears could not prevent the move of younger sister's determination.


This helpless, inarticulately murmuring, wandering old man pointed out.


She divorced in 1929 and lived the rest of her life as a semi-invalid.


There was nothing sickly about what sat before him.


Valletta, capital of Malta valetudinarian

n。 病弱的人,过份担心健康的人

The key is not wealth or physical wellbeing, since we find beggars, invalids and so-called failures who are extremely happy.


The key is not wealth or physical well-being, since we find beggars, invalids and so-called failures, who are extremely happy.


T he key is not wealth or physical well-being, since we find beggars, invalids and so-called failures who are extremely happy.


Now who's the sickest person here?


It seemed incredible that this suave, handsome, almost delicate-looking man of 73 had been one of the leaders of the torturous Long March that saved the hardpressed Red Army to fight again another day.


更多网络解释与病弱的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Eagle Owl:雕枭

1 实验室诊断 北京猛禽救助中心送检的血片,为一病弱幼年雕枭(Eagle owl)翅中血制成的血片,甲醇固定,Diffe quick染色. 在普通光学显微镜400倍下观察可清晰见到红细胞间多个异样细胞(见图1).

Sleeper's Guile:密探的巧计

66Sick and Tired病弱与疲累UL | 67Sleeper's Guile密探的巧计UL | 68Subversion颠覆UL


invalidity 无效,无价值,病弱 | invalidism 病弱,病身 | valiant 英勇的


sicklemia 镰状细胞血症 | sickliness 多病 | sickly 病弱的

sickliness:多病 (名)

sicklemia 镰状细胞血症 (名) | sickliness 多病 (名) | sickly 病弱的, 无精打采的, 阴沉的 (形)


sickliness 多病 | sickly 病弱的 | sickness 疾病


valetudinarian 病弱的人,过分担心健康的人 | solitudinarian 隐士,遁世者 | latitudinarian 自由主义者


valetudinarian 病弱的人 | valetudinarian 过分担心健康的 | valetudinarian 过分担心健康的人


valerolactam 戊内酰胺 | valeryl 戊酰 | valetudinarian 病弱的

Sick and tired:病弱与疲累

65Rank and File僵尸行列UL | 66Sick and Tired病弱与疲累UL | 67Sleeper's Guile密探的巧计UL