英语人>词典>汉英 : 病例 的英文翻译,例句
病例 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

to fall ill
更多网络例句与病例相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The higher mortality rate was relate to the large percentage of the fulminant type cases in the 2002's group. Multiple organ function lesion is a significant characteristic in the 2002's group, suggesting that meningitis diplococcus has the possibility of the extensive infection.


Modified smallpox is assumed to have the same incubation period as ordinary smallpox, but to have a milder course of disease. The infectiousness of people with modified smallpox would be 33% of that for people with ordinary smallpox, with a case fatality rate of 10%. However, it would be harder to recognize modified smallpox and cases would be slower to withdraw to the home or go to the hospital than for ordinary smallpox. Before smallpox is recognized in the hospital (i.e., the first period), 75% of cases would be recognized on the fourth day of rash and the remaining 25% on the seventh day of rash.

Modified Smallpox一般是指比较近代的病例,同样的潜伏期,但疾病表现比较轻微,所以传染力也比较低,大概是典型天花的1/3左右,死亡率大概是10%,一般也比较不容易诊断,病例会比典型天花较晚才待在家里或到医院求诊,在病例发生发烧之后第四天产生小丘疹,到了发生疹子后的第四天,大概有75%的病例会被诊断,剩下的25%病例会在发生丘疹后的第七天被诊断。

METHODS: The label index of Ki-67 was studied by immunohistochemical method in the tissue of superficial lobe parotidectomy which included the primary and secondary operation cases, nonrecurrent group, and group of low-grade malignant parotid gland tumors.


Results during 2003-2006,202 afp cases were reported in linyi city,no wild poliovirus was detected.these afp cases were distributed in 12 countries.the age of afp cases was mainly 0-5 years old,accounting for 83.2%,higher incidence in male than in female,the rate is 1.93:1.all afp cases were discarded poliomyelitis cases by the diagnoses group of shandong province.the rate of guillain-barre syndromein these cases was 19.9% monitored and has appraised 3 cases of vapp.the reported incidence of non-polio afp cases of children under 15 years old has been over 1/100000 since 2003.other indexes have been above 80%.

结果 2003~2006年全市共报告afp病例202例,未发现脊灰野病毒引起的病例病例分布在全市12个县:发病以0到5岁儿童为主,占83.2%;男性发病多于女性,男女比例1.93:1;所有监测病例经山东省专家诊断组均为排除脊灰病例,格林巴利综合征最多,占19.9%,监测并鉴定了3例疫苗相关病例

The glandular component consisted of 1 or more patterns: papillary (46% of cases), glandular (42%), cribriform (33%), and flat (25%).


Results: Of all the semen samples, 8 were HCMV positive, 4 HSV-Ⅱ positive, but none were both HCMV and HSV-Ⅱ positive. HCMV late antigens were positively and HCMV early antigens negatively expressed in the spermatogenic cells of the 8 HCMV positive cases. In the 4 HSV-Ⅱ positive cases, 3 were positively and 1 weakly positively expressed. In the semen of the 12 positive cases were found large numbers of immature spermatogenic cells, with different manifestations of apoptosis, such as chromatin pycnosis, vacuoles, damaged nuclear membrane, and apoptotic bodies, but without virus infection-induced specific morphological alteration.


Methods All cases were divided into two groups:medical obturation glue group, which were used medical glue in hepatolobectomy of APLD from March 2002 to December,2005;Controlled group, which were not used medical glue from January,1995 to February,2002.Abdominal drainage amount, reserved drainage tube time, subphrenic infection were compared between the two groups.


Abstract] Objective To investigate the clinical value of medical obturation glue in hepatolobectomy of APLD.Methods All cases were divided into two groups:medical obturation glue group, which were used medical glue in hepatolobectomy of APLD from March 2002 to December,2005;Controlled group, which were not used medical glue from January,1995 to February,2002.Abdominal drainage amount, reserved drainage tube time, subphrenic infection were compared between the two groups.

摘要] 目的探讨医用创面封闭胶在多囊肝肝叶切除肝断面处理的临床应用价值方法将所有病例分成两组,2002年3月~2005年12月应用医用创面封闭胶在APLD肝叶切除中病例设 A组,1995年1月~2002年2月未用医用创面封闭胶于肝叶切除APLD病例进行对比研究,比较应用创面封闭胶处理肝断面和不用创面封闭胶的两组病例腹腔引流量、带管时间以及膈下感染发生情况。

The associated factors, clinical signs, treatment and prognosis were discussed. Result: Nine patients (6 female and 3 male) were included in this study. All of the patients were associated with myopia, ranging from -0.5 diopters to -5.0D. Gonioscopy revealed a dense homogeneous pigmented band seen over the entire circumference of the trabecular meshwork in all patients; however, no patients with iris transillumination defects were detected. Two of the patients developed pigmentary glaucoma and were treated with β-blocker, miotics and argon laser trabeculoplasty.


Reveal the characteristics and regular pattern of its epidemic.①Investigated the epidemiological history of 448 clinical confirmed SARS cases, drawing the map of coming places of primary cases and whereabouts of the secondary cases, clarify the reasons of SARS inputting and spreading.②Exploring transmission relationship between cases by drawing the chain-map and learning the main transmission process.③Selecting the chain-cases with the exact onset and contact time to calculating the average incubation of same generation cases on different transmission chains and the average incubation of different generation cases on same transmission chain, Calculating the incubation median, the fifth percentile and the ninety-fifth percentile of the incubation of the observed cases.④Analyzing the timeliness of admission and the treating condition through the statistical calculation of the onset time, the admission time, the hospitalization time as well as the diagnostic time of the suspect and clinical confirmed cases.


更多网络解释与病例相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

borderline case:疑似病例

boot-shaped heart 靴形心 | borderline case 疑似病例 | borderline hypertension 临界高血压


本文正是从统计学(statistics)角度(viewpoint)提出一个SARS病例(case)发展趋势的数学模型. 病例数随时间的变化函数p (t)是由两部分组成的. 为了使读者懂得该模型的推导(derivation)思路(guideline of thought),让我们考虑以下一些因素.


case work 个案工作 | casebook 病例本 | casebook 个案资料

You're half an hour late. Busy caseload:你迟到了半个小时 - 病例太多了

Yeah, well, that's the way it works. First we find out what it is, then we get you better.|是的... | You're half an hour late. Busy caseload.|- 你迟到了半个小时 - 病例太多了 | One case is not a load.|一...

confirmed cases:确诊病例

而改为公布确诊病例(Confirmed Cases)和可能病例(Probable Cases)的合计数可能病例(Probable Case)定义:有流感样病例症状中国卫生部部长陈竺应约与世界卫生组织(WHO)总干事陈冯富珍通电话陈竺代表中国政府感谢陈冯富珍领导世界卫生组织

Case-control study:病例对照研究

病例对照研究(case control study)是主要用于探索病因的一种流行病学方法. 它是以某人群内一组患有某种病的人(称为病例)和同一人群内未患这种病但在与患病有关的某些已知因素方面和病例组相似的人(称为对照)作为研究对象;


Omphalopagus:腹部連胎,佔總病例的18% | Cephalopagus:頭部連胎,佔總病例的11% | Ischiopagus:坐骨連胎,佔總病例的11%


Thoracopagus:胸部連胎,佔總病例的19% | Omphalopagus:腹部連胎,佔總病例的18% | Cephalopagus:頭部連胎,佔總病例的11%


Ischiopagus:坐骨連胎,佔總病例的11% | Pygopagus :臀部連胎,佔總病例的6% | Craniopagus:頭顱連胎,佔總病例的5%


Parapagus:寄生式連胎,腰部與軀幹其他部位,佔總病例的28% | Thoracopagus:胸部連胎,佔總病例的19% | Omphalopagus:腹部連胎,佔總病例的18%