英语人>词典>汉英 : 病人情况 的英文翻译,例句
病人情况 的英文翻译、例句


patient's condition
更多网络例句与病人情况相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Patients were analyzed with respect to technique of anterior ring fixation and posterior ring injury pattern and fixation.


Methods:8 patients with vascular complications after liver transplantation were treated with stent endo prosthesis.

回顾性研究了 8例使用血管金属内支架治疗肝移植后血管并发症的病例,并对术后病人情况进行了随访。

The patient's condition was critical and she needed an operation but there was no guarantee that she would survive the anaesthetic; the surgeon was on the horns of a dilemma.


The patient was connected to a television wave monitor.


In the former, the NCF was drawn and implemented by nurses, while in the latter, nurses and patients and/or family members drew the NCP tog...


Despite the treatments of systemic and focal amphotericin-B, periorbital erythematous swelling and decreased vision of the fellow eye developed. Nine days after admission the patient expired due to septic shock and respiratory failure.


We report a 1-year-and-S-month-old male child with pneumonia who was confirmed to have the rare complication, pneumatocele formation, by chest radiography and computed tomography.


According to the conditions of those nevi of the nail matrix patients, decide whether they should have a surgery and pathological diagnosis.


The researchers say eighty-six percent of those who received both treatments had improved.


The researchers say eighty-six percent of those who received both treatments had improved.


更多网络解释与病人情况相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这杂志还加了编者按,过去局麻药没有解药(antidote),病人得了局麻药中毒的话,医生只能用支持疗法,等局麻药的药效过了病人才能慢慢恢复. 碰上bupivacaine这个药效长,并发症恐怖的情况,麻醉师就抓瞎了. 这个成功的病例可能结束这个被动的状况,

speech audiometry:言语测听[法]

4.言语测听法(speech audiometry):有些病人的纯音听力较好,却听不懂语意. 在这种情况时,纯音听力图并不足以反映病人的听功能状态,而需用言语测听法来判定. 言语测听法是用专门编制的测听词表来检查患耳的言语接受阈(speech reception threshold)和言语识别率(speechdiscrimination score).

informed consent:同意书

值得注意的几点是:病人有权知道诊断(diagnosis)、治疗(treatment)和预后(prognosis)情况. 无论病人的家属在此问题上持何态度,医生不能够对病人隐瞒这些事实. 病人的权益还体现在"通知同意书"(Informed Consent)上. (1) 实验是否已通过医院检讨委员会(Review Board)的批准;

do well:(病人等)康复情况良好

do up 维修;使整洁;包扎 | do well (病人等)康复情况良好 | do with 与...相处;忍受;对付

in doing so:这张家界市监听样做时,在这情况下

do well (病人等)康复情况良好 | in doing so 这张家界市监听样做时,在这情况下 | double up 弯曲(手脚等)

Decision Maker:决策者

即指未来医生应具备以下5个方面的能力:1)医疗保健提供者(care provider),即能根据病人预防、治疗和康复的总体需要,提供卫生服务;2)决策者(decision maker),即能从伦理、费用与病人等多方面的情况,



The patient is on the mend:这病人的病情在好转

on the mend(病情或事态)在好转中: | The patient is on the mend. 这病人的病情在好转. | Conditions at present certainly are on the mend. 目前情况肯定是在好转中.


通常末期癌症病患是指患上癌症一段时期而无法治愈者,另一种情形是已经被医生认为治疗成功而病情复发(recurrence)而完全无痛(in remission)的病人,由于每个病人情况都不同,有些病人在发现癌症时已属末期癌症病患.

in a bad way:(病情)严重;(经济等)情况不好,处境不佳

The picture was hung in a bad light. 那幅画挂在一处看不清的地方. | in a bad way(病情)严重;(经济等)情况不好,处境不佳: | The patient eats very little and is in a bad way. 病人吃得很少,情况不妙.