英语人>词典>汉英 : 疾病传播 的英文翻译,例句
疾病传播 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

propagation of disease
更多网络例句与疾病传播相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's an effective way to prevent the disease from spreading out in washing hands with a bar of soap.


They are trying to allay public fears about the spread of the disease.


So it can improve the aquaculture benefit. And at the same time, it can prevent many worm diseases like aquaculture animal blood fluke and stop the spread channels of diseases.


Ever since Louis Pasteur in France and Robert Koch in Germany developed the germ theory of disease in the 1860s and 1870s, basic hygiene has helped to curb the spread of disease.

自从法国的Louis Pasteur和德国的Robert Koch在十九世纪60到70年代期间发展了疾病的细菌理论起,基本的卫生在阻止疾病传播上已经帮助良多。

An epidemiologist is concerned with the types and frequencies of illnesses, injuries, and other health-related conditions or problems in groups of people and with the factors that influence their distribution.


The journal covers abstracts of the world's literature on insects and other arthropods which transmit diseases or are otherwise injurious to man and to animals of significance to man, with subject on arthopods which are disease vendors, haematophagous, ectoparasitic, agents of myiasis, allergenic, associated with carrion or dung, venomous or toxic, or otherwise of public health importance, including physiology, taxonomy, ecology, genetics, molecular biology, immunology, disease transmission pest management, pesticides, entomopathogens, parasites and predators.


Subject areas include analytical and theoretical plant pathology, bacteriology, biological control, disease control and pest management, ecology, epidemiology, etiology, genetics, mycology, nematology and virology etc.


"Evidence supporting transplantation as the route of transmission ranges from circumstantial (ie, development of TB in the transplanted organ within a few months of transplantation) to well-established (ie, 2 recipients of a single donor's organs both developing disease through genotypically identical M tuberculosis , of which there have been 2 previous reports [4 prior recipients from 2 donors])," said Gregory Rose, MD, from the Division of Infectious Diseases, Ottawa Hospital, Ontario.

安大略渥太华医院感染疾病部门的Gregory Rose医师表示,证据支持器官移植作为疾病传播的路径从依情况而定的(例如在移植后数月后才发生TB)到根深蒂固的,例如两位受赠者同样接受一位捐赠者的器官,且都得到以基因型确认的分支结核杆菌,过去已经有两个报告(从两位捐赠者得到器官的四位受赠者)。

By that time, demand for animal products could double, led by growing economies like China and India. Francois Le Gall of the World Bank says climate change and the globalization of trade raise the risk of spreading animal diseases. Experts say most countries are not ready for a health crisis caused by a disease jumping to humans.

由于如中国和印度经济的持续增长,到那时对肉产品需求将会加倍,世界银行的Francois Le Gall称气候变化和全球性贸易将增加动物疾病传播的危险性,专家们称大部份国家目前还没有准备好应对疾病从动物传染给人类而引起的健康危机。

In the breeding process of poultry and livestock, diseases are spread mainly in two ways: 1. Disease enters the alimentary tract from drinking water; 2. Air flow causes disease spreading in respiratory tract.


更多网络解释与疾病传播相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gilts tend to have higher rates of disease transmission:新母猪疾病传播率较高

Parity Segregation按胎次隔离 | Gilts tend to have higher rates of disease transmission新母猪疾病传播率较高 | Rate of new disease introduction is reduced to the sow population母猪群传入新疾病的机会较...

homosexually transmitted disease:由同性恋传播的疾病

Imperil 威胁 | homosexually transmitted disease 由同性恋传播的疾病 | put in place 推出(法令,政策等)


pesticide 杀虫剂 | pestiferous 传播疾病的 | pestilence 瘟疫


125. arrant 彻头彻尾的, 声名狼藉的, 极恶的 | 126. pestiferous 传播疾病的, 邪恶的 | 127. slough 泥沼, 蜕的皮, 腐肉


1975年世界卫生组织把凡是由各种性行为传播的疾病统称为"性传播疾病"(STD) 代替在此之前沿用已久的"性病"(VD)一词. 这一概念的特点是带有更大的外延,扩大了性病的范围.


pathonomy 病律论 | pathophobia 疾病恐怖 | pathophoresis 疾病传播


pathophobia 疾病恐怖 | pathophoresis 疾病传播 | pathopsychology 病理心理学


pathophobia 疾病恐怖 | pathophoric 传播疾病的 | pathophorous 传播疾病的


pathophoric 传播疾病的 | pathophorous 传播疾病的 | pathophysiologic 病理生理的


弹出如下的窗口:感染方式:疾病传播的方法--摄入(ingested)、吸入(inhaled)、伤口(injury)或接触(contact). 要注意有些伤口性的疾病可以通过一个很小的伤口传播,甚至是一个跳蚤咬的伤口,而大部分的吸入性疾病也可通过摄入而被感染(反之亦然).