英语人>词典>汉英 : 疼痛眼 的英文翻译,例句
疼痛眼 的英文翻译、例句


hot eye
更多网络例句与疼痛眼相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Immediate postoperative complications within one week include perinasal swelling (60 patients), perinasal pain (32 patients), perinasal ecchymosis (26 patients), periorbital swelling (6 patients) and epiphora (3 patients). Most of the complications disappeared within 3 months except intermittent tingling sensation in one patient and residual deformity in three patients.


It is effect that amniotic membrane combined with keratolimbal epithelium allograft transplantation in chemical or thermal injury with severe limbal ischemia in acute phase. It might facilitate rapid epithelization and pain relief, which could prevent and reduce the complications, and improve the prognosis of the patients.


Eye symptoms including photophobia, tears, blurred vision, eye pain and red eyes.


One week later, there was significant deviation between the two groups, the treaty group is better than the contrasted one in both effect of treating and alleviating symptom such as ache, photophobia and lacrimation.


Intra-operative complications included posterior capsule rupture in 2 eyes,partial suspensory ligament breaking in 1 eye, but without retinal detachment.

结果 46眼无疼痛、2眼有轻微胀痛、2眼感胀痛,术中追加1次表面麻醉,2眼发生后囊膜破裂,1眼发生部分悬韧带离断,无视网膜脱离发生。

One of the most common eye complications in IBD is uveitis, defined as painful inflammation of the uvea—the middle layer of the eye wall.


On admission, he was alert and fully oriented. His temperature was 38°C, pulse was regular (90/min), blood pressure was 150/80mmHg. His speech was severely dysarthric but he could name, repeat, read, and follow instructions. His cranial nerves and fundoscopic examination were normal. His gait was wide based and unsteady. He had four sided mild weakness, which was prominent on the right.

入院时体格检查示:T 38°C,脉搏规律90次/分,血压150/80mmHg;双下肢前方见暗红色疼痛性结节性红斑;眼科检查未见眼葡萄膜炎;患者主诉阴囊发热、疼痛,检查时见双侧附睾肿胀、质硬、明显触痛,呈附睾炎表现。

"Sleep disruptions were similar in the NR and RD conditions, but did not involve REM sleep; the effects on pain threshold observed in the RD condition were therefore due specifically to the loss of REM sleep, not to the disruption of sleep per se," noted Dr. Roehrs."We found that REM loss itself was hyperalgesic."


Unnarcotic analgesic is effective to relieve pain in ophthalmologic operation, and operation can be more comfortable and efficient, especially for operation on extraocular muscle and long time operation.


Utilized for children sight protection, eye beauty for women, Forever eye massage is designed according to theory of traditional Chinese Medical Science, to stimulate visual cell and sight nerve, alleviate muscle fatigue, ease eye dryness and pain due to longtime usage of eyes, mediate vital energy and blood, promote metabolism, protect eyes, meanwhile, to rectify focal point, improve eyesight, strengthen selfhealing capability of eye cell, thus to prevent near sightedness, poor sightedness and to improve eye beauty and brain health.


更多网络解释与疼痛眼相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


如咳嗽、肌肉疼痛或呼吸困难. 在对蓖麻子进行商业加工的地方,蓖麻粉尘导致过敏或中毒的事件时有发生. 在古代,蓖麻子曾被用来制作膏药. 据说,埃及艳后克利欧佩特拉(Cleopatra)为了让她的眼睛更加明亮动人,曾将这种膏药涂在她的眼白之上.

Dildo play, Dildo Training:用假YJ插屁眼. 粗细自己定

Cat, cat-o nine-tails:用带柄的有九条皮绳的鞭子抽打. 极端疼痛. | Dildo play, Dildo Training:用假YJ插屁眼. 粗细自己定. | Fisting:把手伸进肛门和阴道里面. 要当心哦.

Itchiness of the eye:眼部发痒

Inflammation of the lining of the eye, causing pain and redness (conjunctivitis) 眼睛内膜由于发红和疼痛而发炎... | Itchiness of the eye 眼部发痒 | Inflammation of the eyelids (blepharitis) 眼皮发炎(眼睑...

vestibular plus saccade:前庭性阳性眼扫视

14、verbal pain score 口述疼痛打分 | 15、vestibular plus saccade 前庭性阳性眼扫视 | 16、vibrations per second 振动次数/秒

anterior scleritis:前巩膜炎

实验室检查,如全血图、血沉、(1)前巩膜炎(anterior scleritis)病变位於赤道部之前,双眼先后发病. 眼部疼痛剧烈,有刺激症状. 病变位於直肌附著处时,眼球运动使疼痛加剧. 一次发作可持续数周,病程反复、迁延可达数月或数年. 炎症消退后,

Private Investigations:自己的调查

Blinds on the window and a pain behind the eyes 窗口上一些遮挡 望眼后的一种疼痛 | No compensation 不会补偿 | Private investigations 自己的调查


鼻窦炎主要是鼻子及前额下半的静脉窦(sinuses)受感染,而发炎及产生大量黄绿色的鼻涕黏液,可进一步导致头痛、眼及面部疼痛. 除了细菌外,病毒、霉菌及过敏都可导致发炎. 在美国,每年有3,100多万人因为鼻窦炎而就诊,是一般人上医院的主要原因之一.

herpes zoster ophthalmicus:眼带状疱疹

(一)眼带状疱疹(herpes zoster ophthalmicus)多见于老年人,症状严重,疼痛剧烈,可累及角膜,水疱可迅速破溃而形成溃疡性角膜炎,以后可因疤痕形成而失明,严重者可发生于全眼球炎、脑炎、甚至死亡.