英语人>词典>汉英 : 疼 的英文翻译,例句
疼 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
pain  ·  paining

love dearly
更多网络例句与疼相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, if your baby腹疼minor, but a recurring problem, is likely to be inflammatory or gastrointestinal ascariasis, abdominal massage, hot compress raw nerves, self-mitigation, it should be nothing.


It seems preferable, however, to construe these topic-neutral descriptions as contingent reference-fixers for "pain," which tie "pain" to that inner state which is, contingently, caused by the events the topic- neutral descriptions describe.9 It is thus no part of the meaning of "pain" in my idiolect that pains are something I undergo.


The pain would throb and pulsate, waking him out of a sound sleep and making him nauseated.


I have toothache and stomach-ache.


Results: Breast pain: Thirty two women (60.4%) experienced cyclicpremenstrual mastalgia, lasting 4 days. Average serum 〓 level and serum progesteronelevel of women with cyclic breast pain in luteal phase were higher than that of womenwithout breast pain.


Materials Methods: Beast ultrasound was performedduring luteal phase and late follicular phase in 50 women, aged 25~45, with normalmenstrual cycle and no distinct breast disease; Serum estradiol and progesteronelevel were measured by enzyme immunoassay on the day of ultrasound performed. Onehundred of twenty nine menopause transition women and 318 menopause women wereselected. All of them had ultrasound of breast and serum estradiol report. Breast pain wererecorded. Sixty menopausal women aged 56.8 yr. and menopausal aged 8.2 yr. participated1-year double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled and 2mg 17β-estradiol continuouscombined with 1mg norethindrone acetate clinical study. Mastalgia was diaried. Breaststructure changes tested by high-resolution ultrasound at the 0 and 12 M.

资料和方法:征集身体健康,没有明显乳腺疾病的正常月经妇女53名,分别在月经的晚卵泡期和黄体期进行超声检查和测血清雌二醇和孕酮水平;收集有HRT前乳腺超声检查和血清雌二醇水平结果的绝经过渡期妇女129名和绝经后妇女318名,记录既往乳腺胀、过渡期乳腺胀、绝经后乳腺胀和既往乳腺病史。17 β-雌二醇2mg加醋酸炔诺酮1mg连续联合治疗和安慰剂随机双盲平行对照临床研究1年的60名参加者,分别在用药前后各进行一次乳腺超声检查,乳腺症状按同一表格由病人日记及经培训的一名医生定期随诊记录乳腺胀出现、消失的日期及持续的天数;超声检查用同一方法测量乳腺腺体层厚度、导管宽度、乳腺腺体结构及血流。

This kind of is painful, isn't a past that kind of hungry belly of painful, anyway is two kinds of felling, I be the party concerned, this kind of felling only I know, that place be very painful, painful get I keep knit the brows, unexpectedly thoughted of west son, that guy not is also have stomach trouble, can the other people be a beauty and knit the brows good-looking, I be not good-looking, however I be really painful knit the brows, isn't false.


Face was as red as if rouged, whole body ached, and turning over in bed like being needled!


It seems preferable, however, to construe these topic-neutral descriptions as contingent reference-fixers for "pain," which tie "pain" to that inner state which is, contingently, caused by the events the topic- neutral descriptions describe.9 It is thus no part of the meaning of "pain" in my idiolect that pains are something I undergo.


Nervous System Dysautonomia, insomnia, nervousness, headache, shoulder ache, neck ache, waist ache, neuralgia, gout, rheumatoid ache, hyperaesthesia, sciatica, epilepsy.

神经 自律神经失调、失眠、神经质、头、肩、脖子、腰、神经、痛风、风湿、关节炎、神经过敏、坐体神经痛、羊癫疯。

更多网络解释与疼相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Oh dear .Why don't you see a doctor ?Is a stomach painful still the belly in painful:哦,你怎么不去看医生?你是胃疼还是肚子疼

I have a pain in lower abdomen ... | Oh dear .Why don't you see a doctor ?Is a stomach painful still the belly in painful?哦,你怎么不去看医生?你是胃还是肚子? | I have a dull pain in the stomach 我的...

I have a sharp pain:钻心地疼

I have a dull pain.隐隐作. | I have a sharp pain.钻心地. | I have a throbbing pain.一跳一跳地.

A sharp pain,or more of a throbbing:尖锐的疼 还是抽疼

They should make a dirty version.|他们该弄个黄版的 | A sharp pain,or more of a throbbing--|尖锐的 还是抽- | relax, it's not a side effect.|别担心 不是副作用

A backache:一次背疼

an earache 一次耳 | a backache 一次背 | a stomach ache 一次胃

have a backache:背疼

have a stomachache 肚子 | have a backache 背 | have a toothache 牙

crack sb up:笑破肚皮 笑得肚子疼

be in stitches 笑破肚皮 笑得肚子 | crack sb. up 笑破肚皮 笑得肚子 | break sb. up 笑破肚皮 笑得肚子

an earache:一次耳疼

a toothache 一次牙 | an earache 一次耳 | a backache 一次背

I have a sore throat today:我今天嗓子疼

410. My backache is killing me. 我的背痛要把我折磨死了. | 411. I have a sore throat today. 我今天嗓子. | 412. My left leg hurts. It hurts right here. 我的左腿,就在这儿.


遇冷、热、酸、甜等刺激时牙发作或加重,属中医的"牙宣 ...导读:牙(toothache)是指牙齿因各种原因引起的而言,为口腔疾患中常见的症状之一,可见于西医学的龋齿、牙髓炎、根尖四周炎和牙本质过敏等.

Ik heb pijn aan mijn hand,voet,been:我手疼,脚疼,腿疼

Ik heb hoofdpijn,keelpijn,buikpijn,rugpijn,...我头,嗓子,胃,背... | Ik heb pijn aan mijn hand,voet,been,...我手,脚,腿... | Ik voel me goed.我感觉很好.