英语人>词典>汉英 : 畸形足 的英文翻译,例句
畸形足 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
clubfoot  ·  talipes  ·  cyllosis  ·  poltfoot  ·  stumpfoot

club foot · reel foot · stump foot
更多网络例句与畸形足相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Whether brought on by improperly fitting shoes or another cause (such as certain foot deformities called hammer toe or claw toe), the pain from these calluses can sometimes be reduced at home, by soaking your feet regularly and wearing drug store-bought pads, carefully positioned on the toe to relieve the pressure.


Background: Nonoperative treatment of idiopathic clubfoot has become increasingly accepted worldwide as the initial standard of care.


The purpose of the current study was to examine the early rate of clubfoot recurrence following the use of the Ponseti treatment method in a New Zealand population and to analyze patient characteristics to identify factors predictie of recurrence.


With the numbers studied, no significant relationships were found between recurrence and the severity at presentation, the time of presentation, the number of casts needed to obtain correction, ethnicity, or a family history of clubfoot.


With the numbers studied, no significant relationships were found between recurrence and the seerity at presentation, the time of presentation, the number of casts needed to obtain correction, ethnicity, or a family history of clubfoot.


Unless tonicity appears in a balanced, centrally regulated sequence, malformations of the outer and inner form of bones and limbs will result (as is indeed encountered in a number of well-known clinical conditions, for example, clubfoot deformities).


Plantarflexion, inversion, adduction and shortening deformities were corrected by the adjustment of the distance between each part of the external bone fixing set through extension, compression, and rotation, etc., and navicular and cuboid osteotomy.


Medication during early pregnancy can cause fetal spina bifida, cleft palate, clubfoot, small limbs, Phocomelia, umbilical prominent cheek transverse fissure, cerebral meningocele, cerebral spinal cord dysfunction, osteogenesis imperfecta and fetal death. 2, prednisone: big neat administration during early pregnancy can cause stillbirth, streaming, no brains infants, small ectopic kidney, one-eyed, cleft palate, bone deformities, such as. 3, 6-8 weeks pregnant villus chromosome examination; pregnant 16-20 weeks to do the amniotic fluid puncture in amniotic fluid cell chromosome examination; At the same time, dynamic observation of maternal alpha-fetoprotein content; attention fetal B-track general shape and structural abnormalities offal.


Limb abnormalities including phocomelia, amelia, clubfeet, polydactyly, microtia, facial palsy, orofacial cleft, microphthalmia, cardiac defect, IUGR, urogenital, gastrointestinal, and spinal defects


In accordance with pathological changes and requirements for correctioning talipes equinus,cavus,calcaneus and forefoot varus or valgus,four standard external fixators were designed on the basis of Ilizarov apparatus assembly and tested biomechanically to correct the above.


更多网络解释与畸形足相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


畸形手 clubhand | 畸形足 clubfoot | 桡骨缺如 absence of radius

clubfooted:畸形足的 (形)

clubfoot 弯脚; 畸形足 (名) | clubfooted 畸形足的 (形) | clubhand 畸形手 (名)


虾爪状畸形 lobster-claw deformity | 畸形手 clubhand | 畸形足 clubfoot


Coxa Plana : 扁平髋 | Talipes : 畸形足 | Talipes Planus : 扁平足

talipes equinovarus:马蹄内翻足

马蹄内翻足(talipes equinovarus)是一种最常见的先天性畸形足,约占先天性足部畸形的77%.马蹄内翻足畸形由足下垂,内翻,内收三种因素组成.患者可以伴有其他畸形,如先天性髋关节脱位,并指,肌性斜颈等.本病因患儿一出生就能发现,多数治疗及时,疗效较好

susceptibility to teratogenesis:畸形易发性

畸形学|teratology | 畸形易发性|susceptibility to teratogenesis | 畸形足|clubfoot


shallow diffused junction 浅扩散结 | poltfoot <古>畸形足 poltfooted | stratification 层化, 成层, 阶层的形成

reel foot:畸形足

reeducation 再教育 | reel foot 畸形足 | reeling gait 蹒跚步态

congenital reel foot:先天性畸形足

congenital redundant colon ==> 先天性结肠过长 | congenital reel foot ==> 先天性畸形足 | congenital retinal vascular veil ==> 先天性视网膜血管纱膜

club foot:畸形足

病例: 裂唇或裂颚 (Cleft Lip or Palate) 和畸形足 (Club Foot). 染色体是存在于细胞核内,而遗传基因则排列在染色体内. 遗传因子决定每人的外型,身体的演变和功能,当细胞分裂时,我们用现代技术可以见到个别的染色体,例如当细胞分裂时,