英语人>词典>汉英 : 番茄红素 的英文翻译,例句
番茄红素 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
lycopene  ·  lycoypene

更多网络例句与番茄红素相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Comparing 20 strains of the PSB in the study, R. azotoformans Y6 was chosen for producing the most lycopene output, which is 8.02×10~(-3) mg/L. Then the effects of pyridine, Triton-x100 Span-20,β-ionone, Isonicotinic acid hydrazide was studied.

利用上述获得的光合细菌类胡萝卜素提取方法和检测方法,对实验室保存的光合细菌菌株产生番茄红素能力进行了比较,得到了番茄红素产生量较高的菌株R.azotoformans Y6,其番茄红素产量为8.02×10~(-3)mg/L。

The effects of added α-ionone,β-ionone and abscisic acid on the growth and lycopene biosynthesis of Blakeslea trispora have been investigated.

考察了三孢酸结构类似物α-紫罗酮、β-紫罗酮和脱落酸对番茄红素生产菌Blakeslea trispora的生长和番茄红素合成的影响。

Triton-X100 has little effect on fermentation, but span-20 and β-ionone could enhance the productivity of lycopene significantly.


It was known that pyridine and Triton-x100 had a bad effect on the cell growth and lycopene production were studied. The results indicated that pyridine and triton-x100 inhibited cell growth and lycopene synthesis;β-ionone increased cell growth and lycopene synthesis when the concentration was 0.05 ml/L, but when the concentration became higher, there would be a decrease on the lycopene output; span-20 increased cell growth and lycopene synthesis effectively when the concentration reached 2.0ml/L, and the lycopene yield became 2.4×10~(-2) mg/L which was 3-fold than control.


The model groups were fed with different-dose lycopene [10, 15, 20 mg/] for 12weeks. Then related indexes including length bone mineral density, bone mineral, serum estradiol, sertum ALP and uterus index were analyzed.

结果 番茄红素高[20mg/]、中[15mg/]、低剂量组[10mg/]、尼尔雌醇组[1.05mg/kgbw]能对抗骨密度、骨矿含量、血清雌二醇的下降、血清碱性磷酸酶的升高,与模型组比较,P.05;番茄红素各剂量组、尼尔雌醇组能对抗子宫指数的减轻,与模型组比较,P.05。

Methods seventy-two 15-week-old sd rats were divided into six groups,included control group and five ovariectomized model groups.the model groups were fed with different-dose lycopene[10,15,20 mg/] for 12weeks.then related indexes including length bone mineral density,bone mineral,serum estradiol,sertum alp and uterus index were analyzed.results compared with model group,three different dose groups and nilestriol[1.05mg/] group showed increased bone mineral density,bone mineral,serum estradiol and uterus index,but decreased serum alp (p.05).conclusion as a female sex hormone-like component,lycopene may ameliorate the bone quality and inhibit osteoporosis in ovariectomized rat.


My company's main products: Rhynchophylline Gouteng silymarin (ethanol extract And no residual acetone) silymarin (water-soluble) silybin resveratrol daidzein emodin Suanzaoren extract of soy isoflavones curcumin, artesunate - Song Shupi extract, Hypericum perforatum extract, wild chrysanthemum extract, camptothecin, hawthorn extract, ursolic acid, corn required to extract, Maidong extract, garlic extract, ginsenosides, Chinese wolfberry extract - And asked Jing extract, green tea extract, the extract of small BAI Ju, Kushen extract, valerian extract, Salicylaldehyde glycosides, podophyllotoxin, Monascus Abulimiti of admission, puerarin extract, extract of astragalus, bitter melon extract Of, the thorn Tribulus terrestris extract, the extract of Ginkgo biloba leaves, Zhishi extract, Icariin, grape seed extract, Salvia extract yam extract, blueberry extract, the extract of Andrographolide, white Liu admission of Piti , Filed on Schisandra, Gynostemma extract, the extract of Angelica, Trifolium pratense extract, the extract of Rhodiola, soil Fritillaria saponins, Huang Chunju extract, and Cimicifuga extract, Hypericum perforatum Extract, Polygonum cuspidatum glycosides, genistein, reserpine, synephrine, sinomenine, Ciwujia glycosides, yam saponin, puerarin, peeling hormones, Kawa Ti of admission, lutein, lycopene, pumpkin seeds extract, licorice extract, nettle extract, the extract baicalin, Osthol, Asarum, saw Mr Brown extract, water Zaojiao extract, rutin extract, purple cabbage extract , Motherwort extract, Yanhusuo extract, hops extract, the extract of Magnolia officinalis, Cyclovirobuxine wood extract, Ban Langen extract, ginger extract, dandelion extract, senna extract, aloe extract , Dangshen extract, the extract of honeysuckle, quercetin, etc.

我公司主营产品:钩藤 Gouteng ·水飞蓟素·水飞蓟素·水飞蓟宾·白藜芦醇·大豆甙元·大黄素·大豆异黄酮·酸枣仁提取物·姜黄素,青蒿素松树皮提取物,连翘提取物,野菊花提取物,喜树碱,山楂提取物,熊果酸,玉米须提取物,麦冬提取物,大蒜提取物,人参总皂甙,枸杞提取物,问荆提取物,绿茶提取物,小白菊提取物,苦参提取物,缬草提取物,水杨甙,鬼臼毒素,红曲米提取物,葛根提取物,黄芪提取物,苦瓜提取物,刺蒺藜提取物,银杏叶提取物,枳实提取物,淫羊藿甙,葡萄籽提取物,丹参提取物,山药提取物,越橘提取物,穿心莲提取物,白柳皮提取物,五味子提起物,绞股蓝提取物,当归提取物,红车轴草提取物,红景天提取物,土贝母总皂甙,黄春菊提取物,黑升麻提取物,贯叶连翘提取物,虎杖甙,染料木素,利血平,辛弗林,青藤碱,刺五加甙,薯蓣皂素,葛根素,脱皮激素,卡瓦提取物,叶黄素,番茄红素,南瓜籽提取物,甘草提取物,荨麻提取物,黄芩提取物,蛇床子,细辛,锯叶棕提取物,水皂角提取物,芦丁提取物,紫甘蓝提取物,益母草提取物,延胡索提取物,啤酒花提取物,厚朴提取物,黄杨木提取物,板兰根提取物,生姜提取物,蒲公英提取物,番泻叶提取物,芦荟提取物,党参提取物,金银花提取物,槲皮素,等等

To investigate Vitamin C and lycopene contents in different parts of watermelons fruit, 7 triploid seedless watermelon cultivars, including 6 red and 1 yellow flesh, were sampled to determine their total ascorbic acid, ascorbic acid, dehydroascorbic acid and lycopene contents. TAA, AA, DHAA and lycopene contents of 3 uncut red flesh seedless watermelon cultivars were measured after storage at room temperature for 2 months.


That red hue comes from a phytochemical called lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, which is most concentrated in tomatoes.


Rresults from those studies can be summariazed as follow:(1) A preliminary study no correlationship between the UV-VIS reflection spectrum of tomato fruit surface and the lycopene amount of tomato fruit was undertaken. Based on observation from this study, a damage-free and in-situ detection technique of lycopene amount from tomato was developed with UV-VIS reflection spectroscopy;(2) The geometrical isomers of lycopene were separated successfully on C30-HPLC-PDA-ELSD. The absorption coefficients of Z-isomers were consequently dedermined. The geometrical isomer composition of lycopene could therefore be assessed. Those efforts formed a solid base to identify the natural product from synthetic compound of lycopene;(3) Lycopene resource from the fruit of Autumn oliver was proved to be available for industrial application. An extraction methos of lycopene from the fruit of Autumn oliver by supercritical carbon dioxide was developed at laboratory scale;(4) A method to extract lycopene by supercritical liquid with improved efficiency was developed; Data from this investigation suggested that a proper raw material pre-extraction process was important for a better extraction efficiency;(5) Variation in the geometrical isomer composition of lycopene during its metabolish in rat was assessed. A large amount of Z-isomers were observed. This variation took place in serum;(6) The absorption rate and accumulation in serum of natural lycopene in rat were assessed;(7) Ability to quench singlet oxygen by different geometrical isomers of lycopene was compared;(8) It was detected that whether natural lycopene had functions to regule blood-lipids and LDL antioxidation;(9) A C31 degradation piece of lycopene was found in the prostate gland of rat.


更多网络解释与番茄红素相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

trimethyl borate:硼酸三甲酯

番茄红素(Lycopene)市场研究报告γ-丁内酯(GBL)市场调研报告硼酸三甲酯(Trimethyl borate)调研报告阿洛西林钠(Azlocillin sodium)调研报告仲钨酸铵(APT)市场调研报告脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚硫酸盐(AES)市场调研报告氮川三乙酸(NTA)调研报告2,

Pink Grapefruit:(粉色葡萄柚)

吸烟者宜多吃粉色葡萄柚(pink grapefruit),因为粉葡萄柚含有西红柿中的番茄红素和 -胡萝卜素. 这些成分可以有效清除因吸烟形成的致癌物质. 葡萄柚和苹果、洋葱都有非常出色的肺癌预防效果,除了柚皮素以外,


一共包括:番茄紅素(Lycopene)工业化生产(皂化法)、蛇毒酶抗癌研究、蟑螂生物活性组份抗肝癌、蛇毒酶抗血管性老年痴呆胶囊項目等五个项目. 我认为:癌症、以及老年痴呆疾病一直都是医学界需要消灭的大难题. 所以,项目一旦推出必定吸引人们的目光.



Lycopene HPLC:番茄红素

叶黄素 Lutein HPLC ≥95% | 番茄红素 Lycopene HPLC ≥95% | 丹皮酚 Paeonol HPLC ≥95%

Lycopene Soft Capsule:番茄红素软胶囊

Anti-oxidant series" 苹果软胶囊Apple Soft Capsule | 70 番茄红素软胶囊Lycopene Soft Capsule | 71 葡萄籽软胶囊Grape Seed Soft Capsule

Lycopene Facial Moisturizing Cream:番茄红素保湿面霜

特效保湿乳=Ultra Facial Moisturizer | 番茄红素保湿面霜=Lycopene Facial Moisturizing Cream | 番茄红素保湿乳液=Lycopene Facial Moisturizing Lotion

Lycopene Facial Moisturizing Cream:番茄红素美容护肤面霜(中偏干)

Lycopene Facial Moisturizing Lotion番茄红素美容护肤乳液(中偏油... | Lycopene Facial Moisturizing Cream番茄红素美容护肤面霜(中偏干)600(1.4oz) | Creme D'Elegance Repairateur全效修护霜(极干、干或脱皮)170(1...


lycophore 十钩幼虫 | lycopin 番茄红素 | lycopods 石松类


研究也发现,只有含氧功能基(如羟基、酰基、酮基等)的类 胡萝卜素(carotenoids)类在畜、禽、水产品内才有着色效果. 这类类胡萝卜素包括:叶黄素、番茄红素和玉米黄素等几大类. 饲料中的类胡萝卜素都是以棕油酸二酯的形式存 在.