英语人>词典>汉英 : 畅销作品的 的英文翻译,例句
畅销作品的 的英文翻译、例句


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The common characteristics are : firstly, these works reflect selective,consumption-oriented and commercialized nostalgia,and secondly,the popularity of these works is closely related to the establishment and expansion of the middle class discourse.


Since then, he has created a string of hits, including Evita, Starlight Express, and Sunset Boulevard.


Beauty then of woman protagonist whom American writer Margaret Mitchel moulded in its master-piece Gone with the Wind is a distinct , vivid , abundant , complicated personage image, the glamour of this im-age is prolonged, which the writer succeeded in moulding the personage's personality.


While the first Regius Professors of history at Oxford and Cambridge, Thomas Arnold in 1841 and Charles Kingsley in 1859 respectively, were "men of letters" who wrote popular histories, subsequent professional historians were obliged to make their developing discipline seem as scientific, objective, and empirical as possible in order for it to be considered a legitimate area of inquiry.

Thomas Arnold、Charles Kinsley二位分别在1841年、1859年担任牛津和剑桥的钦定历史学讲座教授的时候,都是当时畅销史学作品的作者,曾被认为是"文字巨匠",但以此为业的继任者们却不得不将历史学装扮成科学的、客观的并且经验主义的模样,以使这门发展中的学科得以合理存在。

These two novels are popular and in great demand at all times since then. Their popularity and salability are concerned with their introductory art.


The third part starts from the social influence of the works, analyzes the cultural and social background for the works salability, probes into the function post colonialism and feminism have had during the spread, and then explores the applicability and significance of these two theories under the circumstance of globalization.


With a hit song and work in commercials, she's making a name for herself.


All of these four novels became bestsellers and were highly praised by many scholars.


But he marketed his work shrewdly, selling the oils at high prices—never less than 250 guineas ($40,000 in today's money)—and popularised it by selling engravings.


Bookstores will feature his new, as-told-to autobiography,"Journey of a Thousand Miles," and record stores will display his recordings of Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, and Chopin, along with his best-selling album,"Dragon Songs," a compilation of new and traditional Chinese music. Theatres will soon screen "Lang Lang's Song for 2008," an adoring documentary about his life.


更多网络解释与畅销作品的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Roger Bart:罗杰.巴特

鲁德尼克为基德曼、贝特.米德勒和罗杰.巴特(roger bart)编写了当年最犀利的喜剧台词. 影片翻拍自30年前的一部科幻恐怖片>,故事改编自惊悚小说大师埃拉.雷文(ira levin)的经典畅销作品,该片的新颖观念和恐怖气氛曾给观众留下深刻印象.

The Beginning:开始

有获纽伯瑞奖的作品洛伊丝.洛利>,也有畅销一时的"布莱恩.威尔史密斯(Brian Wildsmith)的图画书>讲述小男孩不意间得到一个鹈鹕蛋,鹈鹕成长的故事,最后的画面是鹈鹕的小宝宝,配字不是"完"(the end),而是"开始"(the beginning).

best seller:畅销

根据当时日本国铁的特定地方交通线指定等的改制,运载量比较少的线路几乎被废止. 车站站长,他在经历了事故变迁之后才得来幸福的探访. 本作品是第117回直木赏受奖之作,销售量达140万部以上,是1997年[[日本]]最佳畅销(Best seller)的代表书籍.



The Evening Star:亲密关系

为二十余本畅销小说的作者,并曾以>(The Lonesome Dove)、>(The Last Picture Show)荣获普立兹奖;他的多部作品曾被改编为电影,如>(The Evening Star)等.

The Cat in the Hat:魔法灵猫

世界上最大的遗传和太空工程公司A.X.宣称发明了一种可以使...魔法灵猫(The Cat In The Hat) 内容简介: >(The Cat In The Hat),改编自著名童书作家苏斯博士的畅销作品,游戏将由电影演员亲自配音,


罗伯特.哈里斯是BBC的新闻记者、>的政治版编辑、>和>的专栏作家. 他的畅销作品包括>(Fatherland)、>(Enigma)、>(Archangel)和>(Pompeii)等.

Anne of Green Gables:清秀佳人

许多人在提到爱德华王子岛时,第一个想到的可能就是着名作家露西.蒙哥马利(Lucy Maud Montgomery)的畅销作品"清秀佳人"(Anne of Green Gables). 的确,自一九零八年,该书面市后即出乎意料之外地广受欢迎,并且直到现在每年仍然能够销售数万本,

Lemony Snickets A Series of Unfortunate Events:波特萊爾的冒險

最近的电影<<波特萊尔的冒险>>(Lemony Snickets A Series of Unfortunate Events)是改编自畅销作家雷蒙尼史尼奇(Lemony Snicket)的同名作品. 这个小说系列的来头可不小,它在美国纽约时报畅销榜上,史无前例地打败了哈利波特(Harry Potter)小说系列. 尽管作者呼吁读者"请读别的书籍吧.

Of Human Bondage:人性枷鎖

在他众多的畅销作品中,毛姆认为他的长篇小说"人性枷锁"(Of Human Bondage)是他最有价值之作. 他自己说,人性枷锁一书的内容在他的脑子里已经酝酿发酵多年,他非要把事情写出来才能得到心灵上的平静. 等到他在经济上有能力的时候,