英语人>词典>汉英 : 男儿 的英文翻译,例句
男儿 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与男儿相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I do understand that when a child grows up, he has to leave home for studies, work or business. He could not be tied down to his mother's apron string forever. It is not always avoidable for a son to travel far, in order to develop and prosper. Once he leaves home, he can look after himself, even better than the protective arms of his parents.


Content abstract: The Wang Xifeng family background is noble,from slightly impersonates the son to educate.Enable her to have the son disposition ---- to strive to excel.


This novel seized hold of the people primarily because it portrayed the problems of their own family system, the absolute power of women in the home, the too great power of the matriarchy, the grandmother, the mother, and even the bondmaids, so often young and beautiful and fatally dependent, who became too frequently the playthings of the sons of the house and ruined them and were ruined by them.


As part of our resources, each team was provided with three of the top-ten contestants from "My Hero"(for any one in America who is unfamiliar with "My Hero", it is kind of like the Chinese version of American Idol, but all boys). We were also provided the information for the top modeling agency in Shanghai—Paras "上海火石文化经纪公司"—to hire models for the show.


As part of our resources, each team was provided with three of the top-欧莱雅图片 contestants from "my hero"(for any one in america who is unfamiliar with "my hero", it is kind of like the chinese version of american idol, but all boys). we were also provided the information for the top modeling agency in shanghai—paras "上海火石文化经纪公司"—to hire models for the show.


As part of our resources, each team was provided with three of the top-欧莱雅图片 contestants from "my hero"(for any one in america who is unfamiliar with "my hero", it is kind of like the chinese version of american idol, but all boys). we were also provided the information for the top 欧莱雅 agency in shanghai—paras "上海火石文化经纪公司"—to hire models for the show.


As part of our resources, each 雅漾的护肤品好不好 was provided with three of the top-ten contestants from "my hero"(for any one in america who is unfamiliar with "my hero", it is kind of like the 清爽型的护肤品 version of american idol, but all boys). we were also provided the information for the top modeling agency in shanghai—paras "上海火石文化经纪公司"—to hire models for the show.


As part of our resources, each team was provided with three of the top-ten contestants from "my hero"(for any one in america who is unfamiliar with "my hero", it is kind of like the chinese version of american idol, but all boys). we were also provided the information for the top modeling agency in shanghai—paras "上海火石文化经纪公司"—to hire models for the show.


Tang Seng phone ringtone is a "jackfruit as" The alarm is a while when he Sili the Chenzhong sound; Monkey King is the cell phone ring tones,"男儿当自强", the alarm is a period of the year Huaguo Shan Bai Lingniao sounds Pig Zhu Ba-jie relatively popular mobile phone ring tones,"The Moon Represents My Heart", the alarm is screaming out "for dinner!"


Two monkeys flew West, Tathagata identify real and fake, Tathagata also do not tell, suddenly Lingjiyidong, pick up the phone for a number,"男儿当自强" from one of the songs on the monkey came out, Tathagata Danu, In addition, pointing to a monkey, said Niezhang!


更多网络解释与男儿相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After Armistice:停战以后

铁血男儿/Heroic Soldiers | 停战以后/After Armistice | 庭院深深/Spacious Courtyard


Love Dowry 爱情订金 | Love At Last 真心男儿 | 1992 Reaching For The Stars 银海惊涛


"畜生"(beast)一词很关键. 麦克白讲的"男子汉"的意义是男儿血性,基本上仍属于人性范围内的勇敢的意义,而麦克白夫人却要将男子汉血性中的兽性赤裸裸地提出来,她要求的不是一个正常男子汉的属性,

by taxi:打的

感觉你们这批好男儿好象上海滩,个个都独自闯荡,并且都小有名气,要继续加油哦,自己开心就好,不要管别人怎么说.[走自己的路,让别人打的(by taxi)去吧!]感觉你们的生活每天都很精彩,真替你们感到高兴,因为你们的努力得到了汇报,要继续加油哦

Love Dowry:爱情订金

Dr. Justice 法医故事 | Love Dowry 爱情订金 | Love At Last 真心男儿

Foundling Progress:男儿本色

- 1987 A Friend in Need飞越霓裳 | - 1986 Foundling Progress男儿本色 | - 2003 Heroic Duo双雄

As Tears Goby:旺角卡门/热血男儿

Days of Being Wild 阿飞正传[1991] | As Tears Goby 旺角卡门/热血男儿[1988] | Zui hou yi zhan 最后一战[1987]

I am a hunky dude!I'm a badass hunky dude:一个七尺男儿!一个铁汉子

See you guys.|回头见 | I am a hunky dude!I'm a badass hunky dude!|一个七尺男儿!一个铁汉子! | Hey!Hey!What up?|嗨!喂!有事没?

The Anarchists:天地男儿之激进党员

2003.淘气少女求爱记.Oh.Happy.Day-CiMG | 2003.天地男儿之激进党员.The Anarchists | 2003.甜性涩爱.the.sweet.sex.and.love.2003.dvdrip.divx.dts-k2

Cool Runnings:(男儿当冲线)

<<男儿当冲线>>(Cool Runnings)一片就是取材于牙买加有舵雪橇队备战冬季奥运会的故事,搞笑的原因是因为这支队伍到达训练场所在的小岛后,发现岛上从未下过雪.