英语人>词典>汉英 : 电荷单位 的英文翻译,例句
电荷单位 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与电荷单位相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alpha particle s have two positive charges and a mass of four atomic mass units; they are identical to helium nuclei.


Alpha particles have two positive charges and a mass of four atomic mass units; they are identical to helium nuclei.


The centimeter-gram-second electromagnetic unit of charge, equal to ten coulombs.


An aerosol spray device which is capable of imparting a unipolar charge by double layer charging and charge separation to liquid droplets of a composition sprayed therefrom has a spraying head in the form of an insert in an actuator, the spraying head having a bore through which liquid is expelled having an outlet, preferably with a tortuous periphery, having an L/a ratio of at least 8 (preferably at least 10) where L is the length of the periphery defining the bore outlet in mm and a is the cross-sectional area of the bore outlet in mm2 and the apparatus being constructed such that the droplets are expelled from the spraying head at a flow ratio of at least 0.4 (preferably at least 0.5) grams per second and have a charge to mass ratio of at least +/-1x10-4 C/kg.


Current Current is the flow of electric charge.

电流 电流是电荷的流动,以安培为单位。

Voltage is represented by the letter V, and sometimes by the letter E, for electromotive force.


Our basic unit of electrical charge is that of electron.


The natural relationship of Gravitational Constant is also concluded:, In which from definition of must basic unit of current intensityor coulomb in classical physics, the measuring principle of unit charge and the gas kinetics are combined, and the formula of relative theory of mass is used, by the use of the methods of logical inference with concludiung synthesis.


The meter-kilogram-second unit of electrical charge equal to the quantity of charge transferred in one second by a steady current of one ampere.


If the electric charges in the two stars are supposed to be equal, it can be calculated according to the Kulun's theorem that 19100 nuclear unity masses must have one electron , such that the electromagnetic force produced can provide enough centrifugal force for the rotation.


更多网络解释与电荷单位相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


电容(电容器),(Capacitor)电路缩写为C,电容单位法拉,用字母"F"表示. 电容是用来储存电荷的容器,简称电容器. 好!先看其漂亮的外表:现在我们得深入了解一下它的内涵. 电容器是由两片相距很近的金属中间用某介质(固、液、气体)隔离而构成的.

Coulomb's law:库伦定律

力衍伸出的库伦定律(Coulomb's Law)所定义的,距离愈远,电场强度愈小. 电荷的带电量愈大,则电基本上,这三者的定义是雷同的,因此,其单位也相同,都是以伏特(volt)为单位,简写为V. 明确的电有时电压可高达几十几万以上时,我们可用仟伏(KiloVolt)表示,

C Coulomb:库仑,电荷量,具有专门名称的SI导出单位

C Contract 收缩,感染 | C Coulomb 库仑,电荷量,具有专门名称的SI导出单位 | c Counts 计数


质子电荷式基本电荷; 这样所得 u 的单位是:尔格/克式量 标准国际单位:J/克式量 1 焦耳(J)=107 尔格(erg)=0.24 卡(cal) 影响离子键强度的因素: 1)离子电荷 2)离子半径(离子晶体平衡时的能量主要是库仑能) 3)A 一般的说,


一个仑琴(Roentgen)是指在0℃和760mm汞柱大气压下,1CC干燥空气中产生一个静电单位电荷的χ射线或γ射线的数量. 907型Palm RAD以每小时毫仑数(mR/hr)显示读数. 一个拉德(Rad)是每克受照物质吸收相当于100尔格(erg)能量的电离辐射的单位.

charge, test:检验电荷

charge, surface density of 电荷表面密度 | charge, test 检验电荷 | charge, unit 电荷单位

unit cell constants:晶格常数

unit cell 单位晶胞;单位格子 | unit cell constants 晶格常数 | unit charge 单位电荷

unit function:单位函数

unit charge 单位电荷 | unit function 单位函数 | unit impulse 单位脉冲


ABC,n.美国广播公司 | abcoulomb,n.C.G.S,公制的电荷单位 | abdicate,v.退位;放弃

unit derating:降低装置的额定值

unit charge 电荷单位 | unit derating 降低装置的额定值 | unit interval 单位区间