英语人>词典>汉英 : 电子管 的英文翻译,例句
电子管 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
tube  ·  valve  ·  tubed  ·  tubes  ·  valves

electron tube · vacuum tube · radio tube
更多网络例句与电子管相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dr. Lee de Forest reads a paper before an AIEE meeting on the Audion, first of the vacuum tubes that would make long distance radiotelephony possible.


The principle is using thefast breakover of avalanche transistor drive the electron tube. The full time of 4200Vvoltage is about 20ns. The circuit can normally work under 100kHz frequencies.Design an extra fast Q-switch circuit by series arrangement of avalanche transistor.


An electron tube is generally used for amplification, and vacuum tube is another +name for this device.


In the high-frequency full-power, long tube output should pay special attention to the cooling system is normal, because the full power output of the tube heating than half-power when the high heat four times, when the cooling system abnormalities and easily damaged when the tube


The use of a phase-splitting stage harks back to valve amplifiers, where it was inescapable as a complementary valve technology has so far eluded us.


In the vacuum tube radio, a lot of space is taken up by these vacuum tubes and a large quantity of beat is produced so that part of the electric ''.


In the vacuum tube radio, a lot of space is taken up by these vacuum tubes and a large quantity of beat is produced so that part of the electric power is wasted.


A three tube radio didn't generate all that much heat, but group 18,000 into a computer and the air conditioning system becomes a significant problem.


Out of the electronic tube has come one particularly tough little war baby.


Fill lumen – Feed continues to enter the shell side via lower feed manifold, however, top backwash discharge valve is closed and filtrate exhaust valve is opene


更多网络解释与电子管相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

electron tube voltmeter:电子管伏特计

electron tube power amplifier 电子管功率放大器 | electron tube voltmeter 电子管伏特计 | electron tube 电子管

electron tube instrument:电子管式测试仪表,电子管式测试仪器

electron tube amplifier 电子管放大器 | electron tube instrument 电子管式测试仪表,电子管式测试仪器 | electron tube power amplifier 电子管功率放大器

vacuum tube microammeter:电子管微安计

vacuum tube Gm-meter 电子管互导测量仪 | vacuum tube microammeter 电子管微安计 | vacuum tube millivoltmeter 电子管毫伏表

thermionic valve:热阴极电子管

thermionic tube 热阴极电子管 | thermionic valve 热阴极电子管 | thermionic valve detector 热电子管检波器

vacuum tube rectifier:电子管整流

vacuum tube oscillator 电子管振荡器 | vacuum tube rectifier 电子管整流 | vacuum tube voltmeter 电子管电压表

vacuum tube rectifier:电子管整流器,真空管整流器

vacuum-tube receiving set 电子管接收机 | vacuum-tube rectifier 电子管整流器,真空管整流器 | vacuum-tube relay 真空管继电器,电子管继电器

vacuum tube voltammeter:电子管伏安计

vacuum tube voltage regulator 电子管式稳压器 | vacuum tube voltammeter 电子管伏安计 | vacuum tube wavemeter 电子管波长计

valve radio set:电子管收音机

valve generator 电子管振荡器 | valve radio set 电子管收音机 | valve receiver 电子管收音机

vacuum tube rectifier:电子管整流器,真空管整流器

vacuum-tube receiving set ==> 电子管接收机 | vacuum-tube rectifier ==> 电子管整流器,真空管整流器 | vacuum-tube relay ==> 真空管继电器,电子管继电器

electronic -tube generator:电子管信号发生器

electronic tube amplifier 电子管放大器 | electronic tube generator 电子管信号发生器 | electronic tube oscillator 电子管振荡器