英语人>词典>汉英 : 生病的 的英文翻译,例句
生病的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与生病的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective To observe and evaluate the exact effect and relative mechanism about external treatment of catgut implantation at acupuncture point on cyclomastopathy and to discuss the possible functional mechanism of it.


He who never was sick dies the first fit.


Zhou Kai, you'll get ill, you know you will.


The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick.


Everyone may get ill, and they will feel so afflictive when they get ill.


On Wednesday tell your husband that you are sick and lie down in bed moaning and groaning. Carry on like that until Sunday, when in my sermon I will preach that if anyone has a sick child at home, a sick husband, a sick wife, a sick father, a sick mother, a sick sister, brother, or anyone else, then that person should make a pilgrimage to Mount Cuckoo in Italy. There, for a kreuzer, one can get a peck of laurel leaves, and this person's sick child, sick husband, sick wife, sick father, sick mother, sick sister, brother, or anyone else, will be healed on the spot.


So the peasant went to church, and the priest began to preach, saying that if anyone had a sick child at home, a sick husband, a sick wife, a sick father, a sick mother, a sick sister, brother, or anyone else, then that person should make a pilgrimage to Mount Cuckoo in Italy, where a peck of laurel leaves costs one kreuzer, and this person's sick child, sick husband, sick wife, sick father, sick mother, sick sister, brother, or anyone else, will be healed on the spot, and that anyone who might want to undertake this trip should come to him after the mass, and he would give him a sack for the laurel leaves and a kreuzer.


The priest preached today that whoever has a sick child at home, a sick husband, a sick wife, a sick father, a sick mother, a sick sister, brother, or anyone else, then that person should make a pilgrimage to Mount Cuckoo in Italy, where a peck of laurel leaves costs one kreuzer, and this person's sick child, sick husband, sick wife, sick father, sick mother, sick sister, brother, or anyone else, will be healed on the spot, and I got the laurel sack and the kreuzer from the priest, and am going to take off immediately, so you can get better as soon as possible.


So the peasant went to church, and the priest began to preach, saying that if anyone had a sick child at home, a sick husband, a sick wife, a sick father, a sick mother, a sick sister, brother, or anyone else, then that person should make a pilgrimage to Mount Cuckoo in Italy, where a peck of laurel leaves costs one kreuzer, and this person's sick child, sick husband, sick wife, sick father, sick mother, sick sister, brother, or anyone else, will be healed on the spot, and that anyone who might want to undertake this trip should come to him after the mass, and he would give him a sack for the laurel leaves and a kreuzer.


AFTER days of leaks and rumours that destabilised不稳定的 stockmarkets, Gordon Brown's Labour government unveiled a comprehensive广泛的,综合的 rescue package for Britain's ailing不舒服的,生病的 banks before markets opened on Wednesday ctober 8th.

证券交易情况不稳定的传言泄露了几天后,在10月8日星期三开市前,Gordon Brown的工党政府公布了一个为英国陷入危机的银行制定的救市法案。

更多网络解释与生病的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


aids 艾滋病 | ailing 生病的 | ailment 小病

ailing:生病的 ,境况不佳的

ailing economy | 病态经济 | ailing | 生病的, 境况不佳的 | ailment | 疾病(尤指微恙), 不宁, 不安

The sick child was confined to bed:这个生病的小孩不能离床

12.confine to:限制;使局限于 | The sick child was confined to bed.这个生病的小孩不能离床. | He was confined to the wooden box for over 18 hours.他在那木箱里闷了18个小时.

Diseased Flayer:生病的剝皮者 生病的撕掠者

Gangled Golem 笨拙的傀儡 笨拙的魔像 | Diseased Flayer 生病的剝皮者 生病的撕掠者 | Gibbering Ghoul 喋喋不休的食屍鬼 語無倫次的食屍鬼

Diseased Flayer:生病的剥皮者

Death Flayer : 死亡毒蝎 | Diseased Flayer : 生病的剥皮者 | Faltering Silithid Flayer : 衰老的异种剥夺者

lynching party, necktie party:由群众处的绞刑 * 售货员以英文招呼 你该如何回答?* 生病的症状

bachelor party告别独身晚会 * baby shower 送礼会 | lynching party, necktie party 由群众处的绞刑 * 售货员以英文招呼 你该如何回答?* 生病的症状(Symptom) * | Deadbeat 精疲力尽的 *

and sick people:那些穷人和生病的人

and that he really cares|about helping poor people...|他真的很关心 | and sick people.|那些穷人和生病的人 | And people|that can't help themselves.|还有无法自助的人

Sickly, the:生病的 病弱者 "英格沃"的意思

Sickle of the Valar 维拉的镰刀 梵拉的镰形星群 中土的星座 | Sickly, the 生病的 病弱者 "英格沃"的意思 | Siege of Angband 围困安格班 第一纪中诺多诸王子对安格班形成合围

Soul-sick of it all:灵魂生病的这一切

One sorry hopeful sorry planet对不起,对不起一个充满希望的行星 | Soul-sick of it all灵魂生病的这一切 | So weary of the same old因此,疲惫的老


528. vagabond: 浪荡子,流浪者. adj.流浪的. | 529. valetudinarian: 体弱的人,过分担心生病的人. | 530. vampire: 吸血鬼.