英语人>词典>汉英 : 生物芽 的英文翻译,例句
生物芽 的英文翻译、例句


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Preliminary bioassay showed that most of title compounds had better herbicidal activity,for example,5a,5b,5c,5e,5f and 5g exhibited more than 80% inhibition to broad-leaved weeds,such as Abutilon theophrasti,Chenopodium album L.,Amaranth...

初步生物活性测定结果表明,该类化合物对阔叶杂草具有较好的芽后除草活性,如5 a、5b、5 c、5 e、5 f、5g等化合物在75 g/hm2剂量下,茎叶处理对苘麻、藜、凹头苋等阔叶杂草的抑制率达80%以上。

The chloroform phase was isolated into 7 phases by column chromatograpathy, and the bioassy showed that the 1 phase has strong inhibitory effect, was 91.01% on Abutilon theophrasti M., root length, 51.35%、63.93%on Echinochloa crusgalli L, seedling length and root length, and the Amaranthus retroflexux L.,germination rate is 0, the secondly was 2 phase and 5 phas, and next we continued iaolated these two phases.


It,s allelchemicals were isolated through extraction, thin-layer chromatography, and column chromatograpathy. After the white clover was infused in ethanol and evaporation, the leavings was dissolved by water. The aqueous extract was extracted by petroleum,chloroform, ethyl acetate and n-Butanol successively, and the bioassay showed that the chloroform phase has obvious inhibitory effect, the inhibitory rate was 44.32%,88.08% on Abutilon theophrasti M., seedling length and root length, 82.08%,92.16% on Echinochloa crusgalli L., seedling length and root length, and the Amaranthus retroflexux L., germination rate is 0, the secondly was ethyl acetate phase.


In this paper, the effects of filter paper on the shoot induction and genetic transformation of Artemisia annua were studied.


If the organism can reproduce asexually through mechanisms such as cuttings or budding the distinction can become blurred.


The applied phytosanitary treatments for pest control were based on the application to the whole study area, without distinction among sectors, of the mating disruption technique to control tortricids, and botanical and biological insecticides such as Ryanhia speciosa, Derris ellíptica, Bacillus thuringiensis and mineral products such as oil, sulfur and lime sulfur.

应用检疫治疗病虫害防治现状的基础上,应用到整个研究区之间的差别,而中断的领域,tortricids技术来控制交配,植物和生物农药,如Ryanhia Derris芽、叶elliptica绿和矿产品如油、硫和石灰硫。

Among them, Anastrepha spp., Ceratitis capitat, and Melalgus confertus are going to be high-risk quarantining pests. Selenaspidus articulatus, Phytophthora cinnamomi, Sphaceloma persae and Glomerella cingulata are classified as middle-risk quarantining pests.


The anti-inflammatory activity of the Mytilus crassitesta lipid extract was comparative with Lyprinol, a lipid extract of New Zealand green-lipped mussel.


The ratio of monthly multiplications was 3-6, the vitrification phenomena of clump shoots was seldom happened, and efficiency seedlings were easily rooted besease of the optimal length between two bud burls. 3. Clump shoots subculture: On the ground of the basic media: amended MS+ BA0.2mg L-1+NAA0.1 mg L-1+saccharose3% 11 experiment was tested:(1)add to AC 0.01%, 0.03%, 0.06%, 0.1% respectively, at the same time, improving the concentration of BA to 0.5mg L-1 and NAA to 0.2 mg L-1 (2) add to VH 1mg L-1, 2 mg L-1 3 mg L-1 respectively;(3) amended MS (organic compoung and Fe2+ 1.5 double), add to saccharose 3%, 4% 5% respectively.


Another year's instalment of flowers, leaves, nightingales, thrushes, finches, and such ephemeral creatures, took up their positions where only a year ago others had stood in their place when these were nothing more than germs and inorganic particles.


更多网络解释与生物芽相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


biobermitebiolitebiolith 生物岩 | bioblast 生物芽 | biobubble 生物泡


啤酒酵母,糙米,小麦胚芽,胡麻,南瓜子等 维他命H(生物素)(Biotin):B群,水溶性 (1)防止白头发并治疗秃头 (2)减少筋肉痛 (3)帮助脂肪及蛋白质之代谢 (4)减轻湿疹及皮肤炎之症状 天然食品:肝脏,

budding yeast:芽殖酵母

科学家们所研究的这两个物种分别是单细胞生物芽殖酵母(budding yeast)和秀丽隐杆线虫(C. elegans),它们都是广泛应用于研究衰老的模式生物. 研究者们解释说,芽殖酵母和秀丽隐杆线虫的进化距离甚至比人类与小小线虫之间的距离还要疏远,

mesophile:中生性 适温生物

mesophanerophyte 中高位芽植物 | mesophile 中生性 适温生物 | mesophilicbacteria 嗜温性细菌 中生性细菌


40微量元素(必需的)trace eIement(essential)微量营养素(micronutrient)一群异养生物,通常形成芽胞,有清晰的细胞核,词有叶绿素光合作用物质.酵母是单细胞真菌,由芽生繁殖.其他真菌是多细胞和丝状的,例如镰刀霉种类(Fusariumspecies)可造成生物滤池积水,


多为多年生草本植物.④隐芽植物(Cryptophytes) 更新芽位於较深土层中或水中,多为鳞茎类,块茎类和根茎类多年生草本植物或水生植物.一年生植物(Therophytes) 以种子越冬.1.浮游动物(plankton);2.水生生物群落 游泳动物(nekton);

Biovar trachoma:沙眼生物亚种

Biotype 生物型 | * Biovar trachoma 沙眼生物亚种 | Blastospore 芽生胞子

cryptogamic community:隐花植物群落 隱花植物群落

cryptobion 隐蔽生物 隱藏性生物 Y | cryptogamic community 隐花植物群落 隱花植物群落 Y | cryptophyte 隐芽植物 隱芽植物; 地下植物 Y


头尾并生物 telobionts | 顶端细胞;末期芽细胞 teloblast | 具末端着丝点的 telocentric

neoblast:新胚芽; 新胚叶

neobiogenesis 新生物发生 | neoblast 新胚芽; 新胚叶 | neoblastic 新组织的