英语人>词典>汉英 : 生物柴油 的英文翻译,例句
生物柴油 的英文翻译、例句


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Biodiesels were synthesized by the transesterification reaction of cottonseed oil and methyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol, respectively, in order to study the lubricating properties of biodiesel.


The effects of operation parameters on separation of fatty acid methyl ester from rapeseed oil deodorizer distillate by molecular distillation were investigated for further utilization of RODD. The results indicated that the recovery of FAME was 41 g/(100 mL) when pressure was 5.2 Pa, evaporating temperature was 120℃, feed temperature was 70℃, wiper rolling speed was 150 r/min, feed rate was 120 mL/h. The biodiesel was analyzed by GC-TOFMS.

为了实现脱臭馏出物的清洁加工,运用分子蒸馏技术分离菜籽油脱臭馏出物中合成的生物柴油,考察了分子蒸馏的操作参数对生物柴油回收率的影响,研究结果表明:当系统压力为5.3 Pa,蒸发面温度120℃,进料温度70℃,刮膜转速150 r/min,进料速率120 mL/h时,生物柴油回收率达到41 g/100 mL。

The effects of operation parameters on separation of fatty acid methyl ester from rapeseed oil deodorizer distillate by molecular distillation were investigated for further utilization of RODD.

为了实现脱臭馏出物的清洁加工,运用分子蒸馏技术分离菜籽油脱臭馏出物中合成的生物柴油,考察了分子蒸馏的操作参数对生物柴油回收率的影响,研究结果表明:当系统压力为5.3 Pa,蒸发面温度120℃,进料温度70℃,刮膜转速150 r/m in,进料速率120 mL/h时,生物柴油回收率达到41 g/100 mL。

To evaluate the potential of several biodiesels, which had different content of fatty acid methyl ester, as substitute solvent for quizalofop-p-ethyl emulsifiable concentrate, the type and content of fatty acid methyl esters in tested biodiesels were analyzed by gas chromatography, and 5% quizalofop-p-ethyl ECs were prepared with different biodiesels, respectively. The control test against gramineous weeds by the 5% quizalofop-p-ethyl ECs were carried out in greenhouse.


Impact of composition upon the cold flow properties for biodiesel was investigated with gas chromatography-mass and cold filter plugging point tester based on the theories of molecular structure and crystal growth. Biodiesel may be considered a pseudobinary mixture consisting of components, with high-melting-point saturated fatty acid methyl esters and with low-melting-point unsaturated ones.


In Brazil, bioethanol cars (bioethanol is the petrol alternative, whereas biodiesel is the diesel alternative) have been outselling petrol vehicles and the same for Sweden where the Ford flex-fuel model outsells both the diesel and petrol variants.


The influence of saturated FAMEs on LTFPs of BDF was investigated by changing the distribution of saturated FAMEs in the BDF from rapeseed oil. The influence of five cold-flow additives, methanol, water, glyceride, NO.0 diesel fuel(DF0), NO.-20 diesel fuel(DF-20) and ethanol on LTFPs and viscosityof methyl esters from soybean oiland rapeseed oil was researched.

研究了5种降凝剂以及共存物(如脂肪酸甘油酯、甲醇和水)对大豆油和菜籽油生物柴油低温流动性能以及黏度的影响;测定了与我国0号、-20号柴油以及乙醇调和后,生物柴油的低温流动性能和黏度;考察了降凝剂对调和油(20%菜籽油生物柴油与80% 0号或-20号柴油)低温流动性能和黏度的影响。

Thinking of presenting problems, this research mainly studied some solid base catalysts which own higher catalysis ability and longer lifetime. Then, the phase diagram and equilibrium data of oil-alcohol-biodiesel-glycerol multiphase system were measured because the biodiesel producing process lacks of thermodynamic data.Based on a double-membranes theory and the thermodynamic data, a kinetic model was proposed. In addition, a mult-step extraction process was proposed to dispose the jatropha curcas l oil with high acid value in order to decrease the acid value. Then, a new technology of biodiesel producing using solid base as a catalyst was developed. The study objects and results are as follows.


The progress in waste oil and grease collection and disposal, especially the conversion technol- ogy of grease trap waste, the development of oil-rich plantation, advancement in bio-diesel synthesis technology, results of engine and road test are presented in this article. As a result, It forecasts that, two conversion technological process including bio-diesel made by waste grease especially from grease trap waste and wild oil-rich tree nuts to make bio-diesel will be the two main technologies, and which w...


As a result, It forecasts that, two conversion technological process including bio-diesel made by waste grease especially from grease trap waste and wild oil-rich tree nuts to make bio-diesel will be the two main technologies, and which w.


更多网络解释与生物柴油相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


尽管如此,位于安海姆(Arnheim)附近Kleefse Waard的第一个商业性生物柴油工厂ATEP Nederland B.V.,在2004年开始运作,产能为10万吨/年. 这些生物柴油主要是以出口为目的,直到荷兰制定国内生物燃料的相关法律. 最早的小规模工厂在1992年开始运作,



caustic soda:苛性钠

至于提炼方法,古德曼说,只须滤掉废油中的甘油(glycerol)成分,然后加入甲醇(methanol)和苛性钠(caustic soda)就可以了. 不过,美国乡村歌手纳尔逊(Willie Nelson)仍对生物柴油赞赏有加. 这名73岁的音乐人甚至推出了本身品牌的生物燃油,


据本报了解,天然燃料公司近期内有意在裕廊岛设立生物柴油厂,是北澳达尔文(Darwin)厂的大约四倍. 而根据澳洲集团今年初关于获颁合同的宣布,天然燃料公司的达尔文生物柴油厂投资额达4500万澳元(5400万新元). 澳洲集团当时以自创的预制方式,

diesel engine:柴油发动机

FAME),通称为生质柴油.它是最经济有效的将太阳能经由植物的光合作用,而转换为动态能源,以供为柴油发动机(Diesel Engine)交通车辆应用.同时它又是可再生和具有生物可分解性(Biodegr adable)的植物油脂加工油品(相反地,

Glycine max:大豆

(图片来源:USDA-ARS) 大豆(Glycine max)是重要的食品和饲料,富含油脂和蛋白质. 它可以作为生物柴油的原料,这吸引了美国能源部联合基因组研究所(JGI)的注意. 根据2007年美国调查数据显示,大豆估计可占据80%的生物柴油产量. 12月


美国联邦政府的 EPAct 准则 (guidelines) 要求至少添加 20% 以上的生物油料. 在材物兼容性问题,在 1993 年前生产的引擎,其油封、软管、密封垫、及管线涂层主要由天然或耐酸 (nitrile) 橡胶所制,因此生物柴油对他们会侵蚀及硬化反应,


2006年9月在德国德累斯顿召开的第一届IUPAC绿色早在1983年,就有人提出应用植物油的甲基酯生产生物柴油. 1992年法国石油研究所(IFP)设计建立了第一以各种不同的微生物中的脂肪酶(lipases)作为催化剂进行生物柴油的生产,其转化反应可在较为温和条件下

methyl ester:甲酯

陈华贵周一(11月17日)在合成统一(Hap Seng Consolidated)、合成种植(Hap Seng Plantations)和马磨石(M Mosaics)主办的一项讲座也表示,他希望明年的棕油价格,每公吨能保持在2000令吉以上水平. 他表示,把5%的棕油甲酯(methyl ester)加入柴油成为生物柴油,每年可减少20万至50万公吨棕油库存.


加拿大人少地多,涉农产品价格低(猪肉1块钱1$一斤),生物柴油(bio diesel)发展很快,但还是影响了粮食价格,面粉3个月内价格翻番. 加拿大并不缺油,是油砂出口国,他们搞生物柴油,一是环保,二是长期能源安全战略考虑. 当然,ZF是要贴钱的.