英语人>词典>汉英 : 生活环境调查 的英文翻译,例句
生活环境调查 的英文翻译、例句


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Biestek (1961) in The Casework Relationship argues that while the many possible interpersonal relationships have similarities, each has its special features.

生活环境调查关系的 Biestek(1961)争论,当许多可能的人与人之间的关系有类似的时候,每个有它的特别特征。

Among these, because of the counterview to the high-rise buildings, there have a couple of research data, which proves that the high-rise buildings not only solve the problem of population density, but can create a very good environment for people.


Firstly, based on literature review and qualitative surveys, the modified risk factors that affecting the effect of hypertension management in the underdeveloped rural area were identified, the specific questionnaire and SIPHF were developed, and the first cross-sectional study was conducted. Secondly, the surveyed population were then divided into intervention group and control group, and periodic health education and following up were conducted to the intervention group for six months; Thirdly, the second cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the effect of intervention by qualitative and quantitative survey, the indicators include the knowledge awareness rate and the right belief rate for hypertension control, and the behavior prevalence related to hypertension intervention, the disease burden, the life quality and clinical outcomes resulted from hypertension, the dynamic tendency of blood pressure and the patients\' satisfaction. And the factors related to the effect of hypertension management was evaluated; Finally, SWOT analysis was conducted to evaluate the factors affecting the intervention process and effect, based on the results of qualitative and quantitative surveys on the factors related to effect of the intervention, and to provide evidence-based suggestions for SIPHF improvement and policy-making in the underdeveloped rural area in China.


In order to find more effective measures of noise control and more reasonable city plan from the aspect of economic benefic and environmental impact, and a healthy living environment, we consult theelementary survey and research at the field of soundscape.


Concerning the reconstruction of the old city, the consideration of inheritance and development of traditional style and local features of the city is very important to the design of city planning, In this paper, an investigation and survey of Wuzhou city's network was made, In addition, the basic problems such as how to reserve the original arrangements of blocks and strees, to fully consider the space communication of traffic and how to display the architectural style and local features were discussible d...


In April, 1997, it was investigated that leptospira in water in different ecological environments in Mengzi and Hekou counties, in Yunnan province.


As well as reconfirming that the Angke River is not a suitable place to live, the study helped raise awareness of the resident's living environment.


Methods All workers worked in the sevage farm were regarded as study subjects and the workers worked in the other workshop whose work intensity and living status except the injurants in this study were the same were regarded as control.


Objective To inquire into the influence of family environmental factors on the blood pressure of remarries spouses.

目的 探讨共同生活环境因素对再婚夫妻血压的影响。方法对赵各庄矿区392对再婚夫妻进行高血压现况调查。

Methods: Pedigree survey, chromosome analysis detection of radiation and oncogenic substances were adopted.


更多网络解释与生活环境调查相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


casescasus 案例 | casework 生活环境调查 | caseworker 生活环境调查


casework 生活环境调查 | caseworker 生活环境调查员 | caseworm 在身体周围筑巢的幼虫

field research:田野研究

调查方法: 本项目的定性调查借鉴社会学田野研究(Field research)的方法,通过调查人员深入到人们的日常生活和其所处的社会环境中,进行实地观察、深入访谈和专题讨论,为发展项目计划提供宝贵的、全面的第一手资料.

ciliary muscle:睫状肌

体视物聚集的睫状肌(ciliary muscle)处于痉挛状态从而不能放松到原来位置.曾有人对两个生活在亚马逊河四周的不同种族进行了一个近视发生率的调查发现在没有受到正规教育和处于乡村生活方式的人群中近视的发生率很低[40].处于一个大量学习和阅读的环境中近视的发生率就会相对提高.而且来自世界各地的数据都显示近视在学龄前很


蟹类(Crabs)属甲壳动物(Crustacea)十足目(Decapoda)短尾派(Brachyura),种类极其繁多.汇总多年的野外观察和采集,对闽东海滨潮间带(Tide beach)的蟹类资源作较全面的调查,并初步分析它们的生态环境与生活习性,