英语人>词典>汉英 : 瓦萨 的英文翻译,例句
瓦萨 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Vassar  ·  Wasat

更多网络例句与瓦萨相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mr. Banda campaigned pledging to continue Mr. Mwanawasa's pro-business and corruption fighting policies.


Vasari divides the age into three phases: the first phase contains Cimabue , Giotto , and Arnolfo di Cambio ; the second phase contains Masaccio , Brunelleschi , and Donatello ; the third centers on Leonardo da Vinci and culminates with Michelangelo .


"As she emerged from her drift ing cloud of gun smoke with the water churned to foam beneath her bow, her flags flying, pennants waving, sails filling in the breeze, and the red and gold of her superstructure ablaze with color, she presented a more majestic spectacle than Stockholmers had ever seen before."


One of the Dioscuri.


Sweden Kasa : The most beautiful one has more than 100 statuaries.


The Vasari Corridor passing over the Ponte Vecchio该瓦萨利走廊越过Ponte Vecchio桥离 In Florence, Vasari also built the long passage, now called Vasari Corridor , which connects the Uffizi with the Palazzo Pitti on the other side of the river.


In 1861, Matthew Vassar established Vassar College, the first college for women in the United States.


1Year empress I got married, the bridegroom is the tile of 萨, he also is digamous, I although has no affection to him, I feels that he can look after me with the child.


Prosecutors say Varsha Mehander Sabhnani and her husband, Mahender, seized the women's visas after they arrived in the United States in 2002 to work in the home as domestics.

检方说,瓦萨。萨贝那尼和她的丈夫在这两名印尼妇女 2002 年来美国到他们家中做家务后,扣押了这两名印尼妇女的签证。

We were contacted by the Motorsport Club of Vaasa, who are organizing an Electric off road EFRA Grand Prix in Vaasa between 13th and 15th of June.


更多网络解释与瓦萨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

the Hadith says that the prophet Muhammad Sall-Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam:圣训上说先知默罕默德.瓦.萨拉姆

With all due respect, Brother Fareed... | the Hadith says that the prophet Muhammad Sall-Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam|圣训上说先知默罕默德.瓦.萨拉姆 | told his followers that they could lie about being Musl...

Valsalva manoeuvre:瓦萨尔瓦捏鼻鼓气法

脱险抗浸服 submarine escape immersion suit; SEIS | 瓦萨尔瓦捏鼻鼓气法 Valsalva manoeuvre | 外界压;周围压力 ambient pressure

Lacaton Vassal:拉卡东与瓦萨尔

Lab Architecture Studio实验建筑工作室 | Lacaton Vassal拉卡东与瓦萨尔 | Daniel libeskind丹尼尔.里伯斯金德


哈弗福(Haverford)学院、克莱蒙特 麦肯纳(Claremont McKenna)学院、威斯丽安(Wesleyan)学院、格林内尔(Grinnell)学院、瓦萨(Vassar)学院. 布兰迪斯(Brandeis)大学、里海(Lehigh)大学、波士顿学院、纽约大学、罗切斯特大学、加州大学-圣地亚哥分校、佐治亚理工学院、伊利诺大学-香槟分校、华盛顿大学(in Seattle)、伦斯勒尔(


Yale: 耶鲁大学 | Vassar: 瓦萨大学 | stiff: 僵硬的,不灵活的

Vassar College:瓦萨尔学院

例如,Marcel Breuer于1949-52年在瓦萨尔学院(Vassar College)设计的"渡船之家"---是一个为训练女性独立生活能力而建的实验性集合住宅. Charles Moore于1962-74年为加州大学圣克鲁兹分校(University of California,

Vassar College:瓦萨学院

一般称为"终身"教职. 我的著作曾在中国大陆、美国、英国、香港、意大利和西德发表. 我曾受邀至哥伦比亚、普林斯顿、瓦萨学院(Vassar College)及麻省理工学院演讲. 在我获得终身教职前,曾经由同事及学生评鉴认可. 在纽普兹的终生教职期间,

Vassar College NY:瓦萨尔学院

11 Grinnell College IA 格林内尔学院 | 11 Vassar College NY 瓦萨尔学院 | 15 Harvey Mudd College CA 哈维马地学院

Wasatch Academy:瓦萨琪中学 男女同校 私立寄宿学校 犹他州

RIVERSTONE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 河石中学 男女同校 私立走读学校 爱达荷州 | WASATCH ACADEMY 瓦萨琪中学 男女同校 私立寄宿学校 犹他州 | WASATCH ACADEMY 瓦萨琪中学 男女同校 私立寄宿学校 犹他州


而在更远的北方,瓦萨(Vaasa)附近有世界自然遗产瓦尔肯群岛(Kvarken),有渡轮从瓦萨(Vaasa)出发穿越波的尼亚湾到达瑞典的于默奥(Umea). 在芬兰可以看到许多在欧洲其他地方难得一见的鸟类,海岸附近的海鸟,湖泊和湿地里的鹤和疣鼻天鹅,