英语人>词典>汉英 : 班克松 的英文翻译,例句
班克松 的英文翻译、例句


jack pine
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"Find how to fix longitude and you're the richest man in the world," his old teacher, Alban Caradoc, had said.


He was thirteen then and had already been apprenticed a year to Alban Caradoc, pilot and shipwright, who had become the father he had lost, who had never beaten him but taught him and the other boys the secrets of shipbuilding and the intimate way of the sea.


There had been a moment during the breakfast meeting, though, after the backslapping and the small talk and when all of us were seated, with Vice President Cheney eating his eggs Benedict impassively and Karl Rove at the far end of the table discreetly checking his BlackBerry, that I witnessed a different side of the man.

那次早餐会期间,在表示过关心和寒暄以后,我们所有人坐了下来,我注意观察了一下,副总统切尼面无表情地吃着班尼迪克蛋(Eggs benedict,源自美国,以英式松饼、火腿、水煮蛋以及荷兰酱组合而成),卡尔。罗夫在餐桌的远端谨慎地经常查看他的黑莓手机,我目睹了他所不为人知的一面。

This study can provide references and make ready for introducing good Jack Pine families from North America scientifically and constructing good seed production area.


"Find how to fix longitude and you're the richest man in the world," his old teacher, Alban Caradoc, had said.


In July 2005, Guo has participated Guangdong International Music Camp, where she had a chance to play under the baton of Maestro Charles Dutoit and take the chamber music master class directed by Gary Graffman and Chantal Juillet. Apart from playing several symphony concerts and chamber music concerts, she has played Mendelssohn's Octet with Akiko Suwanai, Jia Hongguang, the concert master of Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, Brain Manker, the principal cellist of Montreal Symphonique Orchestre.


As one of the established pianist in Russia, Mr. Egorov has performed all over the world in all major music concert halls. He has given master classes in Korea, Taiwan, Italy, Sweden, The Netherlands, and has published over 100 recordings worldwide. His repertoires including solo performance, chamber music, and orchestral concertos, consisting works of Bach, Chopin, Hayden, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Handel, Brahms, Mussorgsky, Rachmaninoff, Skriabin, Prokofiev.

Pavel Egorov 作为俄罗斯当代最优秀的钢琴演奏家,他的演奏会遍及整个欧洲,以及加拿大、美国、中国、日本,其中多数举行在世界上最优秀的音乐厅当中,他应邀到韩国、台湾、意大利、瑞士、荷兰举行过大师班讲座,在全世界范围内出版超过100张 CD ,所演奏曲目囊括了独奏、室内乐以及交响乐协奏,包含了巴赫、海顿、莫扎特、贝多芬、舒伯特、肖邦、舒曼、门得尔松、亨得尔、勃拉姆斯、穆索尔斯基、柴科夫斯基、拉赫玛尼诺夫、斯克里亚宾、普罗科菲耶夫等几乎所有时代最优秀作曲家的作品。

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