英语人>词典>汉英 : 珍珠般的 的英文翻译,例句
珍珠般的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
margaric  ·  margaritic  ·  pearlescent

更多网络例句与珍珠般的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"His lustred glass, produced by metallic pigment s applied to opaque glass, produced a pearly sheen, whereas that produced in Europe in the 1870s used transparent glass, which resulted in a mirrorlike surface."


"His lustred glass, produced by metallic pigments applied to opaque glass, produced a pearly sheen, whereas that produced in Europe in the 1870s used transparent glass, which resulted in a mirrorlike surface."


She first one is crooked, can see betweentwo piece of lips the pearl white tooth.


He was so pale that he seemed to emit a pearly glow .


O for a beaker full of the warm South, Full of the true, the blushful Hippocrene, With beaded bubbles winking at the brim And purple-stained mouth; That I might drink, and leave the world unseen, And with thee fade away into the forest dim.


Real vanilla beans infused genty in fresh milk and cream, to fully feel the delicate flavour of real vanilla ice cream.


El Mio Cid,"My Cid," as he is called, with his matchless horse Bavieca and his trenchant sword Tisona, towers in Spanish tale far above Christian king and Moslem caliph, as the pink of chivalry, the pearl of knighthood, the noblest and worthiest figure in all that stirring age.

El Mio Cid,&我的席德&,正如他被如此称呼,与他的无敌的马Bavieca和他锋利的剑Tisona参照同楼资料3)一起,如经典的骑士精神,珍珠般的骑士道一般,在那所有激动人心的岁月里,他最高贵的身影远远超越了西班牙的克里斯丁王和穆斯林caliph的传说。

The resin oozes out onto the outside of the bark in pearl-like blisters where it coagulates.


When he saw she was a grown-up, he gnashed the little pearls at her.


Black pearl of the cohesion of the natural active essence, combined with a variety of natural marine and plant essence, make the skin white Gentle, open the skin of natural moisture and whitening system, giving the skin satin-smooth texture, glow like a bright pearl honor !


更多网络解释与珍珠般的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bloody Mary:血红玛丽

为女士们准备的是血红玛丽之梦,血红玛丽(Bloody Mary)鸡尾酒配上顶级澳洲珍珠蚝. 幽红的液体在透明的玻璃杯子中游荡,包裹着白玉似的珍珠蚝,其"美色"之惊艳宛如一团雪域上火红的狐狸,细品红宝石般的液体中蚝体,入口的感觉真的是很难形容出来的,

You small hank delicately:你稚嫩的小手

珍珠般的脸盘 Your pearly face | 你稚嫩的小手 You small hank delicately | 你是樱桃,是蜜桔 You are a cherry an orange

Fiji:斐济 斐濟

斐济 斐济(Fiji)是南太平洋上珍珠般的岛屿,英属领地,被誉为"全球十大蜜月度假地之一". 斐济位于南太平洋中心、介于赤道与南回归线之间,是纽澳前往北美的必经之地. 斐济为太平洋上的最大岛国,为热带气候

foie gras:肥鹅肝

有「白珍珠」之称的肥鹅肝 (Foie Gras) ,即一般通称的鹅肝酱,因吃起来有如泥般的柔软,因此被称为「酱」. 制肥鹅肝的鹅需以特别的方式养殖,取得新鲜鹅肝后,又要花七天的时间将血管完全剃除后处理,完全手工制作,其珍贵可见一般.

Virgin Islands:维京群岛

北面以古巴、牙买加及波多黎各为界, 南到南美洲的背部海岸线,西边是墨西哥,东边则是一串珍珠项链般的小岛屿:维京群岛(Virgin Islands)、圣露琪亚(St. Lucia)和格林纳(Grinada)等. 加勒比海向来是北美人度假的天堂,众多群岛中的维京群岛更是航海爱好者的天堂,


pearl-white 像珍珠一般 | pearler 采真珠船 | pearlescentpearlized 珠母般的


pearlescent 珠母般的 | pearly 珍珠似的 | pearmain 红苹果

Could keep you unharmed:让你免受了伤害

是的,贝壳里珍珠般的姑娘 -Yes, the girl on the half shel... | 让你免受了伤害 -Could keep you unharmed | 如今,我看见你站在那儿 一身落满棕黄的叶子 -Now I see you standing with brown leaves falling all aro...

The hillside's dew-pearled:山坡上装点着珍珠般的露水珠露

Morning's at seven; 一晨之计在于七时; | The hillside's dew-pearled; 山坡上装点着珍珠般的露水珠露; | the lark's on the wing; 云雀在风中飞跃;


pearlitic /珠光体的/ | pearlized /珠母般的/ | pearlsides /珍珠斑鱼/