英语人>词典>汉英 : 现代人 的英文翻译,例句
现代人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
modern  ·  modernist  ·  neoteric

更多网络例句与现代人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The modern consciousness of content abstract literature is writer with code of conduct, ideological idea and the sesthetic perception of modern person, look closely at, think deeply and treat a kind of brand-new idea of realistic life , this is times and it develop the actuality of literature tax morals.


Their waiting in drunken illusions is the means of survival for modern man designated by O'Neill who is deeply influenced by the Nietzschen philosophy and impending World War II. Waiting for Godot exposes the absurd existence of modern man as well as Beckett's uncertainty of the world and concerns about human prospects under the impact of World War II and absurdist theories based on existentialism.


When critics wish to repudiate the world in which we live today, one of their familiar ways of doing it is to castigate modern man because anxiety is his chief problem.


So the evidence discussed under the principle of evidentiary adjudication in this dissertation is the recognition and accepted notation of evidence of modern people.


The extinction of Neanderthal man has been attributed variously to his having lower intelligence than modern humans, to worse language skills, to cruder tools, or even to the lack of a propensity for long-distance trade.


It's a great story, an international crowd pleaser, but there is a difficulty: Native Americans were, and are, Homo sapiens sapiens .Though often equipped with a shovel-shaped incisor tooth, eyes with epicanthic folds, or an extra molar cusp, Native American pea pie have had to.

这是个了不起的故事,简直滑天下之大稽,但是这里也有个困境:土著美洲人是现代古人( homo sapiens 翻译为现代人, sapiens 翻译为类似现代人,这里似乎是个悖论,所以被称为&difficulty&)。

Though illustrious material achievement was reached, the spirits puzzledom of modern people has been more and more obvious day by day.


I reduce Foucault's series of experiential researches to a topic:how to "produce" moderns?


Among tragic novels,at first,by creating Unbalanced People,Hardy proved that at that time people were in division with society,nature,other people and theirselves,therefore,he made a new definition about """"people"""" and depicted the modern's basic outline:lonely,broken and pessimistic.Secondly,by courting persistently to """"Paganism Spirit"""",he not only criticized a great deal of drawbacks of Englightenment Modernityrdecrepit ethics,rigid reason,etc,but also drew the """"aesthetic""""prescription for the modern in predicament and called people to get back to t heir own existence,resume due status of perceptuality,impules and desire,etc.Thirdly,by profoundly conveying of pessimism,he revealed people's miserable situations under the violences of civilization and undependence after losing the God.Thus he refused the deformities of Enlightenment Modernity and enlightened people to look for new way of existence.At last,though dominated by realism,through the unique use of """"coincidence"""" and """"psychological depiction"""",his creation ,hi form,was somewhat similar with the modernism novels in the 20th century.


Liu Yanshui, with his keen technical skill and savvy, places the landscape imagery of the ancients in the contemporary cultural context in order to conduct dialogue in a different space, just like a modern day person narrating for another a story of ancient times. Clouds Go, Clouds Come; Secluded Valley Scene; Picture of Jade Tree on Mountain; Peaceful Mountain Forest Scene; Brook and Mountain are Endless; Play in Forest Spring, Love of Lake and Mountain – these works are all like this.


更多网络解释与现代人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Detoxication is a Must:现代人不得不排毒

一个忘我的解压世界Meditation Looses Your Spirit | 现代人不得不排毒Detoxication is a Must | 谁是不会喝水的人Who can't Drink?

Oleanolic acid:齐墩果酸

(3)齐墩果酸(oleanolic acid)为甙元的人参皂甙-Ro. 截至目前为止,人参皂甙已鉴定者有三十余种了,而其中以人参总皂甙与人参皂甙-Rb,-Rg,较常被研究其药理作用. 紧迫(stress)是一种引起情绪紧张,改变身体机能代谢的因子,是现代人的百病根源.

West Africa:非洲西部

有神者说: 我不知道你的感觉如何,但你曾是(女性)你曾出生在下列现代人居住区附近: 今非洲西部(West Africa)距今大约:725.年你的职业曾是:建造工人, 庙僧, 修士.下面是有关你上一俗世生命的心理摘要:无情人物.

fast-paced modern life:现代人快节奏的生活

182、embrace without hesitation 毫不犹豫的接受; | 183、fast-paced modern life 现代人快节奏的生活; | 184、beyond our imagination 超过我的想象;

healthy food:健康食品

相比较而言,欧美地区把这类产品定义为---健康食品(healthy food)是非常明确和科学的. 对于面对更为复杂的人际关系、更大的工作压力、更多的空气污染和噪音等等恶劣环境状况的现代人,传统的食品和饮食结构已经远远不能满足现代人的生理需求.

Homo sapiens sapiens:现代人

晚期智人(新人)阶段(25万年-3万5千年前):现代人(Homo sapiens sapiens)在非洲南部出现,约5万年前,现代人类分布到中东地区,到3万5千年前,现代人类分布到达欧洲-克罗麦古新世(6千5百万年前):除恐龙外,一些在白垩纪集群灭绝中幸存下来的爬行动物类群仍继续生活下去,


neoteny /幼期性熟/ | neoteric /近代的/崭新的/新颖的/现代人/现代作家/ | neothalamus /新丘脑/


salt-free 无盐的 | sapiens 类似现代人的 | saprobes 腐生生物


steady adj.稳固的, 稳定的, 坚定的, 扎实的, 坚定不移的v.(使)稳定, (使)稳固 | sapiens [拉](类似)现代人的 | enema n.[医]灌肠剂

The ancients tell us what is best; but we must learn of the moderns what is fittest:古人告诉我们什么是最好的,但我们应该知道什么是现代人最合适的

不要出卖道德去买财富,也不要出... | 古人告诉我们什么是最好的,但我们应该知道什么是现代人最合适的. The ancients tell us what is best; but we must learn of the moderns what is fittest. | 你要管理事务,别让事...